Contact information
Email: dtrahman@uwaterloo.ca
Dia is a grad student at the School of Public Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Her interests focus on social determinants of health and the utilization of persuasive design, wearable technology, and data science to understand the change in human behaviour. Currently, she is working on her thesis project on commercialization factors of mhealth and ehealth technology in Canada.
She has interacted with different healthcare systems while living in 4 different countries and 7 different cities in Europe and South Asia (UK Wales, Bangladesh, Austria, Japan) before coming to Canada. Exposure to various healthcare experiences both personally and professionally speaking has started her passion is in the user-centred design for healthcare and technology.
Research interests
- Inclusivity/ Diversity Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness Initiatives
- Impact Investment
- Social Innovation
BEs in Environment and Business Co-op ‘2017
Candidate for MSc in Public Health and Health Systems ‘2019