What is the study about?
This study will use thermostats to collect indoor temperature to see if indoor temperatures are higher than outdoor temperatures. The study will take place from May 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee - ORE#43778.
Our Goal
Deploy ecobee smart thermostats and remote sensors to collect indoor temperature data from May to September and compare this to outdoor data issued by Environment Canada.
Why is this study important?
Heatwaves in Canada are becoming more intense and lasting for longer periods. Heat waves can pose a serious risk to the wellbeing of many Canadians. Developing robust localized heat health warning systems are important to prevent heat-related illnesses, provide heat-relief programs, guide policy and municipal planning, and may help to prevent deaths from extreme heat.
Why should we consider using smart thermostat data?
At present, heat health plans are based on thresholds and data from outdoor environmental sensors. With smart technology becoming more common within households, data that would have never before been accessible can be used, with permission from users, to tailor public health policy to better understand indoor heat in Canada.
What will I receive?
In appreciation of the time you have given to this study, you will receive two $25 grocery gift cards at the start and middle of the study, and one grocery gift card of $50 at the end of study. The study is considered complete once the final visit has taken place in which participants will be asked to participate in the final survey and return the study equipment. At this point, participants will have the opportunity to enter a draw for a $200 gift card.

ecobee, Used under licence
Study Sites
Vancouver, BC
Thermostats will be installed at four sites. This project is a collaboration between the University of Waterloo, BC Housing, Vancouver Coastal Health, and Fraser Health.
Contact BC Housing tenant support & information line at 1-833-301-4707
Ottawa, ON
Thermostats will be installed at three sites. This project is a collaboration between the University of Waterloo, Ottawa Community Housing, and Ottawa Public Health.
Community Partners

Funded By

Contact the research team
Please email us at ubilab.heatwave@uwaterloo.ca for more information or with any questions or concerns. All participants will be given a detailed information letter and written consent will be obtained following standard research protocol.