Professor Thammaiah Viswanatha Memorial Entrance Scholarship in Biochemistry

Award type: 
Entrance scholarships
Award description: 
A scholarship, valued at up to $1,000, is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student entering Year One of the Life Sciences program in the Faculty of Science, with a stated intention of pursuing a major in Biochemistry, and on the basis of academic excellence. This fund is made possible by donations from family and friends of Professor Thammaiah Viswanatha (TV) in honour of his lifelong dedication to teaching and research. TV served as a biochemistry professor from 1964 until his retirement in 1995. As Distinguished Professor Emeritus, he remained very active in research until his death at the age of 82.
Value description: 

up to $1,000

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • academic performance
Science→Honours Science, Life Sciences, Science and Business
Canadian/Permanent resident
Application required?: 