Watermain Defect Coding, Condition Grading and Renovation

Thursday, February 9, 2017 8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

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The workshop will present a standardized defect coding, condition classification and grading system for water distribution pipelines. The condition coding and classification protocol is developed to identify, characterize, and report various types of anomalies, defects and construction features that can impact water pipelines’ structural and operational (hydraulic and water quality) performance. Furthermore, the workshop will discuss the failure modes and mechanisms for metallic (ductile iron, cast iron, steel), plastic (PE and PVC), and asbestos cement watermains. The workshop will conclude with the presentation on the selection of suitable renovation and replacement techniques that take into account the water main condition as well as other factors (financial, social, etc.).

For more details and to register, visit the official event page.