First-of-its-kind project is helping Canadian cities transition to net zero

Amelia Clarke launches project helping Canadian cities transition to net zero.
Launched by the University of Waterloo, The Municipal Net-Zero Action Research Partnership (N-ZAP) is developing resources to support municipalities in their climate action plans.
Amelia Clarke, Waterloo Institute of Sustaibable Energy member and Professor at the University of Waterloo is recognized by Canadian Geographic for her first-of-its-kind project is helping Canadian citiestransition to net zero.
The program is the brainchild of University of Waterloo professor Dr. Amelia Clarke, who envisioned a collaborative approach to tackling climate change. When the federal government announced its Climate Action and Awareness Fund, she asked the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, ICLEI Canada, and other academics across Canada if they’d like to co-design a partnership together. They were successful in their bid and were able to secure $4 million for the project.
Above all, the development of the program centres on the insights and experiences of municipalities themselves: How can they best be supported in their emission reduction projects, policies and programs?
“The design is built on working with the leaders and helping them, and at the same time, learning from their experience and being able to build tools to help others,” says Clarke. “It really is a great opportunity to co-create.”