AGSL (Advanced Glazing System Lab)
Applied Nanomaterials & Clean Energy Lab
Carbon Nanomaterials Lab
CAMJ (Centre for Advanced Materials Joining)
CAPDS (Center for Advanced Photovoltaic Devices and Systems)
CPATT (Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology Laboratory)
Electricity Market Simulation and Optimization Lab
Energy Harvesting Lab
Geomechanics Group
Giga-to-Nanoelectronics (G2N) Centre
HVEL (High Voltage Energy Lab)
Kleinke Research Centre
Lab for Biomanufacturing
LEER (Laboratory for Emerging Energy Research)
Fuel Cell and Green Energy R&D
Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory
Mechatronics Vehicle Lab
Nazar Research Group
Non-destructive Testing Laboratory
Power and Energy Systems Group
Printable Electronic Materials Lab