

AGSL (Advanced Glazing System Lab)


Researchers are creating a library of tools to model window glazing and shading for green building design. Our cutting-edge equipment includes a rooftop test facility, an exceptionally high-resolution spectrophotometer and the unique Broad Area Illuminated Integrating Sphere, which allows researchers to measure directional and spectral transmittance and reflectance of spatially non-uniform samples.

ISS4E (Information Systems and Science for Energy Lab)


We're applying the concepts and techniques pioneered by the Internet to energy problems, from monitoring individual buildings to developing an efficient, decentralized "smart" grid that draws energy from millions of small-scale sources and uses communications technology to match supply and demand.

Sustainable Energy Policy Group


Brings together a number of researchers in the University of Waterloo's Faculty of Environment. More specifically, our members are investigating a range of policy, management and behavioural issues related to advanced energy efficiency, conservation, demand management and increased use of renewable energy in our energy systems. We have numerous links with international, national and local partners (including intergovernmental agencies, governments, utilities, businesses, civil society and other researchers). We have funding from a range of agencies, including national funding bodies (NSERC, SSHRC), provincial associations and the private sector. Our research aims to explain current situations, to explore technology-society interactions and to advance future opportunities for sustainability.