The 2nd EAGE Workshop on Geothermal in Latin America is being organized by the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). Maurice Dusseault from the University of Waterloo (Ontario) and Grant Wach from Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia) are on the organizing committee.
A wide range of topics is being solicited in the Call for Abstracts (below), not just high enthalpy electrical power provision geothermal issues.
Canada and other countries are in the early days of a massive expansion in the use of the subsurface as an energy source, and as a place to store energy as heat. Many innovations are being developed, and technologies such as ground source heat pumps are being implemented in new buildings in order to displace carbon-emitting fuels. Many believe that better use of low-grade heat sources, including geothermal sources and heat storage, will be a major element in the World’s path away from fossil fuels.
Please submit an abstract and share your knowledge with the broader Geothermal Community, make new friends, visit a volcano, and experience the pleasure of a conference in a remarkable corner of the world – Guanacaste, Costa Rica. For Canadians, direct flights to the Liberia International Airport in Costa Rica (Guanacaste) leave from Toronto during the sun-seekers period, and the famous Costa Rica Pacific Coast is close by so you can combine a family holiday with some technical interesting activity. There will be instructional Short Courses to accompany the Workshop, and there will be a field trip visit to an active volcano region where high-enthalpy power generation from steam is taking place, courtesy of one of the hosting entities, ICE - Instituto Costaricense de Electricidad.
Please forward this information to your network and join us for pleasure and professional development.