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Vernekar, S. ., Gaurav, A. ., Abdelzad, V. ., Denouden, T. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Out-of-distribution Detection in Classifiers via Generation. Out-of-Distribution Detection in Classifiers via Generation. Presented at the. Retrieved from (Original work published 2019)
Vernekar, S. ., Gaurav, A. ., Denouden, T. ., Phan, B. T., Abdelzad, V. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Analysis of Confident-Classifiers for Out-of-Distribution Detection. Analysis of Confident-Classifiers for Out-of-Distribution Detection. Presented at the. Retrieved from\&id=1AY0zFvQ_u1UmGcn0bHs1XCWX9QncaqvT (Original work published 2019)
Phan, B. T., Khan, S. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification with Synthetic Data. Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification With Synthetic Data. Presented at the. Turku, Finland: SAFECOMP. Retrieved from (Original work published 2019)