Li, C. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Rethinking Expected Cumulative Reward Formalism of Reinforcement Learning: A Micro-Objective Perspective. Rethinking Expected Cumulative Reward Formalism of Reinforcement Learning: A Micro-Objective Perspective. Presented at the. Montreal.
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Sarkar, A. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). A behavior driven approach for sampling rare event situations for autonomous vehicles. A Behavior Driven Approach for Sampling Rare Event Situations for Autonomous Vehicles. Presented at the. Retrieved from
Li, C. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Urban Driving with Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning. Urban Driving With Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning. Presented at the. Montreal: IFAAMAS.
Queiroz, R. ., Berger, T. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). GeoScenario: An Open DSL for Autonomous Driving Scenario Representation. GeoScenario: An Open DSL for Autonomous Driving Scenario Representation. Presented at the. Paris: IEEE.
De Iaco, R. ., Smith, S. L., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Learning a Lattice Planner Control Set for Autonomous Vehicles. Learning a Lattice Planner Control Set for Autonomous Vehicles. Presented at the. Paris, France.
Vernekar, S. ., Gaurav, A. ., Abdelzad, V. ., Denouden, T. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Out-of-distribution Detection in Classifiers via Generation. Out-of-Distribution Detection in Classifiers via Generation. Presented at the. Retrieved from (Original work published 2019)
Vernekar, S. ., Gaurav, A. ., Denouden, T. ., Phan, B. T., Abdelzad, V. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Analysis of Confident-Classifiers for Out-of-Distribution Detection. Analysis of Confident-Classifiers for Out-of-Distribution Detection. Presented at the. Retrieved from\&id=1AY0zFvQ_u1UmGcn0bHs1XCWX9QncaqvT (Original work published 2019)
Lee, J. ., Balakrishnan, A. ., Gaurav, A. ., Czarnecki, K. ., & Sedwards, S. . (2019). WiseMove: A Framework to Investigate Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving. Glasgow, Scotland: Springer.
Khan, S. ., Phan, B. T., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). ProcSy: Procedural Synthetic Dataset Generation Towards Influence Factor Studies Of Semantic Segmentation Networks. ProcSy: Procedural Synthetic Dataset Generation Towards Influence Factor Studies Of Semantic Segmentation Networks. Presented at the. Long Beach, California, USA: IEEE. Retrieved from (Original work published 2019)
Phan, B. T., Khan, S. ., Salay, R. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2019). Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification with Synthetic Data. Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification With Synthetic Data. Presented at the. Turku, Finland: SAFECOMP. Retrieved from (Original work published 2019)
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