Han, J. .-. W., Kwon, H. .-. J., & Jeon, S. . (2023). Hierarchical Topology Map with Explicit Corridor for Global Path Planning of Mobile Robots. Intelligent Service Robotics, 16, 195-212.
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Cenerini, J. ., Mehrez, M. W., Han, J. .-. W., Jeon, S. ., & Melek, W. . (2023). Model Predictive Path Following Control without Terminal Constraints for Holonomic Mobile Robots. Control Engineering Practice, 132.
Han, J. .-. W., Kwon, J. ., & Jeon, S. . (2023). A New Local Planner Based on Pedestrian Model and Its Safety Guarantee with Collision Arc.
Sabry, M. ., Osman, M. ., Hussein, A. ., Mehrez, M. W., Jeon, S. ., & Melek, W. . (2022). A Generic Image Processing Pipeline for Enhancing Accuracy and Robustness of Visual Odometry. Sensors, 22(8967).
Fan, X. ., Jeon, S. ., & Fidan, B. . (2022). Occlusion-Aware Self-Supervised Stereo Matching with Confidence Guided Raw Disparity Fusion. in Conference on Robot and Vision (CRV). Presented at the. Toronto, ON, Canada.
Sadeghi-Goughari, M. ., Jeon, S. ., & Kwon, H. .-. J. (2021). Carbon Nanotube-Mediated Targeted Hyperthermia Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Nano Futures, 5(2).
Ataei, M. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2021). Development of a Novel General Reconfigurable Vehicle Dynamics Model. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156.
Osman, M. ., Mehrez, M. ., Daoud, M. ., Hussein, A. ., Jeon, S. ., & Melek, W. . (2021). A Generic Multi-Sensor Fusing Scheme for Localization of Autonomous Platforms Using Moving Horizon Estimation. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 43(15).
Ataei, M. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2020). Development of a Novel General Reconfigurable Vehicle Dynamics Model. Accepted to Mechanism and Machine Theory.
Sadeghi-Goughari, M. ., Jeon, S. ., & Kwon, H. J. (2020). Analytical and Numerical Model of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Enhanced with Nanoparticles. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(11), 3083-3093.