Agenda for Waterloo Polaris Advisory Group Wed. November 17, 1999 9:30-11:00 Math and Computer (MC) -1058

  1. (Bruce) paid account extension system to be discontinued
  2. (Bruce) laserman replacement
  3. (Bruce) printing. every printer on a watstar server, or watstar print server must be migrated to "something else" at some point. This includes accounting printers, and non-accounting printers. Need to document options.
  4. (Bruce) scratch overhaul, and useridless login will not be ready for Jan 1, 2000. Implications?
  5. (Bruce) LDAP. Many of my projects are on hold, until we can build some sort of "directory service" to answer questions about users and machines. LDAP seems like the best choice.
  6. (Bruce) Is anyone using the advanced password strength stuff that "polman" now supports ? Feedback ?
  7. (Bruce) K: disk discontinuation. Progress on moving to the appfiler. We want to get rid of K: as soon as we can.
  8. (Bruce) Are all faculties "NetApp ready" yet ?
  9. (Nevil) Is there a plan for how to remove expired net app accounts, or way to determine when students leave so we can remove them?
  10. (Nevil) Is there a plan for locking out non-registered students with exceptions so only registered students can have access to Polaris labs but the others can still have access to there email space if it is on the netapp?
  11. (Nevil) Arts is ready for guiboot in the labs and I will be the first once the migration instructions are given a go ahead from Erick.