Nov 2003 Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group meeting

1. Reg Q. showing up

Reg has requested to show up regularly at the Nexus meetings. General opinion was that there are enough avenues for him and us to converse. Should he have something specific, he can request to come occationally. The Nexus work group is mainly hands on administrators and the issues with respect to that.

2. Environment Studies (ES) concerns with Nexus

EC met with ES to discuss similarities and differences. Roaming profiles was the main issue. Basically boils down to a different set of problems for each. The question is if there is enough functionality to keep both.

Bruce's perspective, separate profile server needed. This is a Samba farm with he runs, which is not graceful with respect to running out of space.

Some question of Unicode support for Samba needs to be added.

Erick to revamp the quota tool on the desktop to watch both the N: drive, and the use of the Desktop (C: drive) to ensure space for profile copies. The user would be flagged with a pop up.

3. Printing

CAS could be gone by the summer of 2004. Information System and Technology (IST) representative Paul Synder showed up to state that he likes and supports the inter faculty printing. Paul thinks that within a couple of months, IST would be coming on board with XAS followed by Math in the summer of 2004.

Bruce states he is using web services on port 80, so that this is dependant upone Apache and having a webserver up.

Wireless printing is supported. One first does the usual connection in. Then with mapping a Samba drive/printer and authenticating. Indications are this Samba mapping would also work with standalone clients.

Shawn from ES states that they are using the web http via Microsoft for connecting http printers. This may also happen for Bruce's mechanism.

4. Nexus break down last week

Initially, it was thought that the global catologue cannot be replicated. This is the one which is doing the authentication for Nexus. Now it seems that a backup GC can be done. This will easy the authentication problems, should another network outage happen again.

Three is the bare minimum for DCs. The plan is to have a fourth in Math or Applied Health Science (AHS). Possibly by the end of December, four new machines (with Server2003) will be running the Nexus Domain. Erick mentioned that he put a mail out to the Assoc. Deans requestion financial support for this. Some have responed with numbers...