Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes December 20, 2006


Department Advisor name
Applied Health Science (AHS)
Lowell Williamson
Environmental Studies Bernie Rutter (Chair, Acting Secretary)
Scott Paterson for Nevil Bromley
Information System and Technology (IST) Tim Farrell
Math Naji Alamrony
Steph Sempson
Engineering Computing
Ray White
  Hon Tam
  Erick Engelke
Computer Science
Steve Nickerson


IST Steve Carr


Multiple logins in Math labs

Naji had concerns that students were monopolizing many computers in labs at one time and wondered if there was a technical method of limiting this activity. The consensus of the group was that there was no easy way to do this, although it had been tried in the past without success. For now this would have to be enforced through lab use policy until a better technical solution was available.