Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes January 18, 2006


Dates Advisor name
Applied Health Science (AHS)
Lowell Williamson
Environmental Studies (ES) Bernie Rutter
Nevil Bromley
Information System and Technology (IST) Tim Farrell (secretary)
Steph Sempson
Computer Science
Steve Nickerson (chair)
Math Jim Johnston
Engineering Computing
Erick Engelke
  Ray White
  Hon Tam
  Daniel Delattre


Department Advisor name
IST Steve Carr
Math Naji Alamrony
ESAG Peter Routledge


Ecfile1 problems

  • Ray gave an update on the problems that occurred on January 3, 2006
  • Ecfile1 got a hardware array error a pinched, shorted out cable
  • restore took hours to complete to the new media
  • cobble together a replacement for now and have started the process of getting a new Ecfile1

Laurier scratch problem

  • In University of Waterloo Directory (UWdir) Laurier students show up in UPA
  • Several people reported that they have to manually create the Nexus accounts based on the Laurier home faculty
  • Ray commented that if we can key on something then we should be able to script this process.

Students as staff

  • If a student is a University of Waterloo staff member they cannot use scratch.
  • Staff members taking a course have to visit their home faculty.

Appfiler cleanup

  • Daniel is looking to clean up the appfiler as it is running out of space.
  • Daniel will send out a list of prospective targets to delete.
  • As part of an ongoing maintenance Daniel will plan to send this out at timely intervals.
  • It was recommended not to use applications marked as "test".

Old accounts

  • In December 2005 Erick sent out a list of possible candidates (old accounts) that are targeted for removal
  • He requested that everyone get rid of the ones that are no longer required.

Remote admin password change