Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes July 19, 2006


Department Advisor name
Lowell Williamson
Environmental Studies Bernie Rutter (Chair, Acting Secretary)
Nevil Bromley
IST Tim Farrell
Steph Sempson
Computer Science
Steve Nickerson
Math Naji Alamrony
Engineering Computing
Erick Engelke
  Hon Tam
  Ray White


Department Advisor name
IST Steve Carr
Math Jim Johnston
ESAG Peter Routledge
Engineering Computing Daniel Delattre (Secretary)


DVD Burning in Labs

  • Nero is being used in Eng and ES
  • Most DVD burners come with a "lite" version of DVD burning software
  • Steph noted that XP will write files to DVD's same as CD's
  • We will contact Sandra Laughlin regarding a site license for one of the DVD burning programs.

Scratch and incoming students

  • Question was raised by Lowell about external access to the scratch URL
  • Ray noted that this should work
  • Bernie tested from Sympatico and access was OK
  • We will get the new student list early in August
  • Lowell asked if any faculties doing presentations to new students put those presentations in a common area so we could compare notes

UCIST presentation follow-up

  • Stephen and Bernie reported on the WNAG presentation to UCIST
  • There is still an outstanding question from UCIST regarding the role of Nexus
  • Bernie will contact Allen George for further discussion and possible attendance at a future WNAG meeting

Podium computers

  • There have been complaints of slow logins on podium computers
  • IST is reviewing Podium infrastructure
  • Erick will work with Randy on performance testing on the podium computers

Visual studio .NET

  • Naji was looking for a solution to students not being able to debug VS .Net projects on lab machines because they are not members of the local administrators group
  • Unfortunately there was no easy solution to this problem
  • setting up virtual PC's was put forth as a possible solution

Net.exe missing in Math Nexus labs

  • Naji reported that net.exe was missing on many Math Nexus lab PC's
  • Ray noted that this could be due do a failed virus infection as net.exe is a frequent target
  • Could also have been due to a problem with a security update
  • Will re-deploy with a GPO in 3009/3006 lab

64 Bit machines in Arts

  • Nevil enquired about anyone running 64 bit OS's. He is seeing poor performance on the 64 bit machine
  • Hon noted that this could be due to mixing 32bit and 64 bit apps on the machine

Software for fall term

  • Will get list of updated apps from Daniel
  • Hon reported that app servers were running low on space and will need to be cleaned up for the fall term

Vista connections to Samba

  • Steph reported that he was having problems connecting to a samba server from Vista
  • Ray noted that there was an update to Samba 3 to address Vista connections