Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes November 21, 2007


Department Advisor name
Applied Health Science (AHS) Lowell Williamson
Arts Nevil Bromley
Computer Science Steve Nickerson
Engineering Computing Erick Engelke
  Hon Tam
  Ray White (Secretary)
Environmental Studies (ES) Bernie Rutter
Information System and Technology (IST) Tim Farrell
Math Naji Alamrony
Science Steph Sempson (Chair)


Department Advisor name
Engineering Computing Daniel Delattre
IST Steve Carr

Agenda items this month


There will be no meeting next month, many members will be busy at that time.

Meeting discussions

MyWaterloo, over quota problems

AHSmail users who are over quota and past their grace period do not see their email in the newest version of horde (although unsupported the old version is still available since it has not been deleted, email me if you need the URL). This is hard to debug so we are going to try and get feedback from other administrators. Is this a horde problem, a problem on all solaris OS computers (and which version of Solaris), a problem with a particular version of IMAP, etc? There is a delay in starting to test this since we are unaware of a way to force an expiry of the grace period. I wrote a little program to reset the time for grace but the quotactl C routine appears not to have the ability to change the grace.

MyWaterloo, nexusmail user confusion

Is it mywaterloo.ca or www.nexusmail.uwaterloo.ca? When reporting problems or just discussing the horde software users are using the reported URL as the name. Ray will look into changing the URL (virtual name) on the server to help reduce confusion.

Desktop search, installed via WSUS update

The desktop search recently came down via WSUS has caused more problems for students than it has for staff and faculty in Nexus and ADS. The indexing of Engineering lab machines has been turned off via GPO by turning off the service. The impact on performance of the computer initially is quite large.

Nexustest domain

Hon went through rebuilding of engtest and nexustest on new hardware.

UCIST presentation

It is that time of year again so Steph was soliciting feedback, quick listing of topics are:

  • nexustest, engtest gearing up for Vista testing
  • Ongoing Vista testing
  • Office 2007 deploy
  • Password security
  • 4000+ nexus computers

Next meeting scheduled for January 16, 2008.