Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes August 18, 2010



Applied Health Science (AHS)
Lowell Williamson

Arts Nevil Bromley

Engineering Computing Ray White

Engineering Computing Erick Engelke

Hon Tam

Information System and Technology (IST) Steve Carr

Daniel Delattre

Math Jim Johnston

Faculty of Environment (ENV)
Bernie Rutter  (Chair)

Computer Science 
Steve Nickerson

IST Tim Farrell


Math Naji Alamrony


Science (SCI)
Steph Sempson


Consolidation Project

All 7 DCs are in place

WATIAM testing in the NEXUS test domain to happen next week

Terminal server now remote desktop services

AHS and ENV now investigating

Software updates (Daniel)

Nexus Common Apps to be released August 18

AutoCad license issues


Moving to Office 2010

RDS Project

Lab Rebuilds



Lab rebuilds happening, XP for Fall Term



Migrating SEP consoles to new servers

Old SAV servers being shut down on September 15

Tim to distribute list of workstations still pointing to old server

Engineering (ENG)

Mywaterloo preparations for moving artsmail to mailservices

Ahsapp1 ready