Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes September 20, 2006


Department Advisor name
Lowell Williamson
Environmental Studies Bernie Rutter (Chair, Acting Secretary)
Nevil Bromley
IST Tim Farrell
Steph Sempson
Computer Science
Steve Nickerson
Math Naji Alamrony
Engineering Computing
Daniel Delattre (Secretary)
  Hon Tam
  Ray White


Departments Advisor name
IST Steve Carr
Engineering Computing Erick Engelke


Windows 2003 Terminal Server

  • MS Office is not licensed
  • Difficult to log license usage, userappsvc will track start/stop of apps.
  • Hon: In order to avoid overload, do not add web interface to mywaterloo
  • Steph: Will add sciterm on Mywaterloo
  • Lowell: AHS will have a similar service up and running by the end of the year
  • Regular reboot of server is required, not stable
  • Steph has a scheduled task that reboots the server every Wednesday morning

Arts Sysctl problems

  • Possible causes: UDP port blocked, incorrect login script, incorrect local startup script, DHCP Media sense

Arts locked screen issue

  • no immediate cause found, temporary fix was put in place

Psychology representation

  • Defeats small working group of WNAG
  • Open invitation to come as a guest with set agenda item(s)
  • Improve communication: email to nexus-sa[AT]engmail

Webview revisions

  • Issue: login box moves over "new user" (scratch on) link
  • Especially at beginning of term students use the "new user" and "password" link
  • Useful to change the layout permanently

Nexus password change

  • Issue: new password change screen is difficult for some students
  • Redesign the password change screen?
  • NOTE: "hidden" student accounts in UWDir could not scratch on, has been fixed

Relocation of WNAG Web Pages

  • Moved to a new server in IST

New Windows Update Server

  • Hon asked for test users for the new engsus2