Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes September 19, 2007


Department Advisor name
Arts Nevil Bromley
Engineering Computing Ray White (Secretary)
  Hon Tam
Environmental Studies (ES) Bernie Rutter
Information System and Technology (IST) Tim Farrell
Science Steph Sempson (Chair)


Department Advisor name
Applied Health Science (AHS) Lowell Williamson
Computer Science Steve Nickerson
Engineering Computing Daniel Delattre
  Erick Engelke
Math Naji Alamrony
IST Steve Carr

No Agenda items this month

Meeting discussions


Hon has updated WSUS to release 3. Many new features have been added but now the administrator is required to do all management from the console.

Multimedia lab woes

The summer shutdown of the MultiMedia lab (CPH 1346) has caused us problems. The firestop addition to the ceiling has gummed up the fans and cooling fins in all the computers and so periodically services will unexpectedly fail. MMApp[1-4] are being replaced, and we will need to look at replacing the test domain controllers so we can move to Windows Server 2008.

Strangeness in software installs

We have seen software installations sometimes not working consistently. Please be aware that installations do sometimes go wrong and installations need to be followed up for the client's benefit. This came up again because MS Office 2007 would not install via GPO from Artsapp correctly over top of MS Office XP but yet would correctly work from artsapp2.

Science reports...

Sysprep images for their new Core 2 Duo machines are not installing.
Unexplained network problems have shown up causing strange behaviour.


The change password page has been changed to make it easier for the user. Feedback from the users would be nice.

Printer naming scheme issues

People are inconsistently naming printers within Active Directory. Hon will be removing incorrectly named printers.

Applying computer settings

We have had reports of login problems with the dialog box of "Applying Computer Settings" getting stuck. Unfortunately this is not reproducible and also it seems to be restricted to specific computers.

Sciborg/Scimail issues

Sciborg has been having problems with delivering mail. Allan spent most of the Thanksgiving weekend working on it and has likely solved the problems for now.

Software licensing

It appears that Engineering will be leasing MS Office 2007 instead of outright purchasing the product. Leasing makes sense because of a greater than 2 computers per FTE ratio.

Software licensing

Symantec Antivirus was upgraded on Clipper. We still have old versions of SAV installed on some workstations and are not getting automatic updates anymore. Please look into your problem computers and correct them.

Next meeting scheduled for October 17, 2007.