Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group minutes March 26, 2007


Department Advisor name
Environmental Studies Bernie Rutter (Chair, Acting Secretary)
Nevil Bromley
Information System and Technology (IST) Steve Carr
  Tim Farrell
Math Naji Alamrony
Steph Sempson
Engineering Computing
Ray White
  Hon Tam
  Erick Engelke
Computer Science
Steve Nickerson


Department Advisor name
Applied Health Science (AHS)
Lowell Williamson
Engineering Computing
Daniel Delattre


Office 2007 packaging and distribution

Various software being distributed via IST for the students was discussed. Office 2007 is not one of the packages for the students.

Arts Faculty to install on Staff and Faculty computers this summer, as requested for those who obtain a licensed copy. Environmental Studies and Science Faculty will also install package to users who have bought a copy of Office 2007.

Eudora will become open source, and there are several rumors going around what might happen to the open source version. Daniel has finished up packaging Eudora version, which is the last version that Qualcomm is distributing under the current license agreement. With Eudora changing, discussion on changing to Office 2007 with Outlook for clients. It was noted that the number of users are approximately equally split for using Eudora or Outlook. For further information wrt Eudora, please refer to Eudora's frequently asked question page.

GPO / domain controller access issues

Science reports that last week ago, or so, there was issues with GPOs installed not working. SceCli or Security policy in the Group policy objects could not be applied to some stations.

Further Science had been having a problem with a GPO which allows roaming profiles to not be deleted was not working.

Recently, the Domain Controllers were unreachable due to some error. Hon had reboot the machines, mainly because the ADPOP server was problematic. After that, the roaming profiles were staying on the machine.

Science is suggesting that might be prudent to set the machines to automatically reboot once a week or so. The member servers in science using psshutdown every Wed. morning at 6:30 AM.

Hon from Engineering Computing, states that Scipher is the only server with problems. A check of the server logs indicates only Scipher with erratic issues. Engineering Computing further states that the Domain Controllers are reboot once a month to apply Microsoft updates.

Scheduling software installations

IST is requesting information on the ability to delay software installations on certain machines. The Podium machines used for teaching in classrooms sometimes are rebooted or powered up during the day. Current standards install software on bootup into the Domain. Ideally it would be best to have software installed only at night.

Daniel from Engineering Computing has been working on a new way to deploy MSIs to client machines. It is possible for this software to delay software installations in this way. Currently, testing reveils that the software breaks Remote Desktop. Investigation continues.

ADS => Nexus trust



Talk of deploying Service Pack 2 for Windows Server 2003. Some member servers in faculty units have already deployed SP2. Hon from Engineering Computing states that the Nexus WSUS server will be releasing this update in two weeks.

Tim from IST indicated that Microsoft Exchange patches are on the IST WSUS servers.