Guiding principles
Throughout the process of identifying priority areas for the University of Waterloo, the Advisory committee identified the following as vital concepts that apply to all priority areas.
Multi-pronged interventions that can be integrated into everyday operations and job descriptions on campus. Promoting wellness has direct benefits for the insititution's core business and student and employee life.
Interventions must consider impacts at the individual, community and systems-level. In addition to developing skills and awareness, environments must be supportive of wellness. This means intervention at a policy- and organizational-level.
Create a culture of compassion, equity and social justice by grounding our work in health equity and the social determinants of health. Addressing systemic barriers in post-secondary education is crucial.
Balance universal approaches to wellness, that apply to an entire population, with targeted approaches to wellness, that apply purposeful work and resources to disadvantaged groups.
To learn more about these guiding principles, go to the Priority area guiding principles page.
Mental wellness
This priority area highlights the importance of mental health literacy, supporting a culture of resilience, and recognizing the need to shift the social norms for help-seeking behaviours.
Spiritual Wellness
This priority area highlights a holistic vision for wellness, in which individuals can find purpose and meaning in life.
Sense of belonging
This priority area highlights two important roles that UWaterloo can take to help improve belonging for all individuls on campus: responsive environments/caring community and social connections.
Supportive environments for active living and healthy eating
This priority area highlights the importance of creating accessible, sustainable, and equitable programs and policies.
Institutional commitment to wellness at all levels
This priority highlights the need for leadership commitment with wide-ranging, meaningful engagement and participation across the whole university.