Welcome to Wetlands Hydrology Research Laboratory

Interested in research?

Students within the Wetlands Hydrology Research Laboratory come from a variety of backgrounds, with previous students from biology, geography, earth sciences, environmental science, civil engineering, ecology and plant sciences. Recent graduates from these research groups are working within wetlands and non-wetlands hydrology, hydrogeology, biological monitoring and work within both civil service, consultancy and management settings or further graduate study.

Further students are not being accepted at this time.

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Meet the professor

Jonathan leads the Wetlands Hydrology Research Laboratory as the primary investigator for several NSERC and industry funded projects. He teaching courses on hydrology supervises graduate and undergraduate level research into wetlands. Jon's academic interests specializes in the hydrology of peat dominated wetlands, with a focus on peatland restoration and most recently on creating peatlands following oil sands extraction.


Congratulations to Emily Prystupa on her M.Sc defence! Emily our favourite dissolved organic carbon researcher successfully defended her M.Sc virtually with her committee on June 30th. Her thesis research is titled Salinity Effects on Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration and Quality in a Constructed Fen Peatland, Fort McMurray, AB. Emily completed her degree a full 2 months ahead of schedule, a credit to her supreme organizational skills!

Jon gave the final day plenary talk at the 2017 Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) and Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (CSAFM) Joint Annual meeting at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, British Colombia in May with his presentation titled 'Breaking Bad: Wetlands in need of a fix'.
