Future students

All throughout high school, you have learned countless techniques, rules and tricks for academic writing. In high school, there is predictability, reliability, and structure, which often carries over into the writing process. One of the biggest worries for students entering their first year of university is the transition from high school to university writing. Whether it’s assignments, papers, presentations, reports and the like, writing seems to change in university – or at least the expectations do.

The Writing Centre and the Book Store invite you to attend a book launch and reception for Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication, edited by Dr. Frankie Condon (English Language and Literature) and Dr. Vershawn Young (Drama and Speech Communication).

Please join us for a discussion and refreshments.

Monday, April 4, 2016

You, You, You

In high school, I took visual arts every year, and I loved it. Weirdly enough, I’ve always had one art teacher (hi, Mr. Simpson!). I loved the amount of freedom I had with my projects, and the exercises we did every week; the class was liberating (especially compared to the AP STEM courses I took).

Monday, March 28, 2016

Choosing a Topic

I’m hungry (I’m always hungry), so I think about the options I have. It’s a bit overwhelming: Should I cook or should I buy? Should I eat a lot or should I just snack? Is there even food in the fridge (and by this, I mean is there anything I want in the fridge)?

(My hair is too long, I need a haircut)

Friday, February 19, 2016

What's the Word

Often when I listen to podcasts, I find myself unfamiliar with some of the terminology being used. Even more often, I find myself forgetting them after I’ve looked them up in the dictionary.

(Check out our Instagram for new comics weekly!!!)

I’m probably not the only one with this problem, so how do I retain this information?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Show and Tell

You’re sitting in your little wooden cubicle at the corner of an office. Your laptop is open in front of you; a picture of a black cat stares at you. Its lime-green eyes look into yours.

You maximize your Microsoft Word document. It’s blindingly white.

You lean back on your soft green office chair and sigh. You spin around, facing away from your cubicle. You look at the clock on the white wall to your left: 3:55PM.

You notice that you are bouncing your right leg.