Arts First Teaching Contract - Instructor Details

This form is used to collect instructor details required to process Arts First sessional teaching contracts each term.

Please fill out this form only if you:

  • are a sessional lecturer teaching in Arts First for the first time. Or
  • are a returning sessional lecturer in Arts First, whose details have changed (e.g. address, highest degree completed, updated CV).

You do not need to fill out the form if you:

  • Have taught Arts First courses in previous terms 
  • Are an Arts First Definite Term Lecturer
  • Are a tenure-track instructor in a department
Term teaching in Arts First
Which course are you teaching?
E.g. ARTS 130 SEM 024 and 025. If you are unsure of your section number(s), leave this field blank.
Date of birth. YYYY-MM-DD format.
Are you currently tenured at another institution?
Are you formerly tenured or continuing faculty?
Are you a current Uwaterloo graduate student in a Master's or PhD program?
Level of highest degree completed:
Do not include degrees that are currently in progress, only completed credentials.
E.g. 2008
E.g. France. If you completed a degree in Canada, list the province instead.
E.g. University of Waterloo; University of British Columbia.
Have you previously provided proof of highest degree?
Please upload a copy of your diploma or transcript as proof of the highest degree obtained. Format: JPEG, PDF, scanned or mobile device photos.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Please upload a copy of your most recent CV.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.