Request to teach in Arts First - ARTS 160

ARTS 160 is, by definition and design, transdisciplinary. Its learning outcomes pertain to all of our work in the Faculty of Arts. In addition, the success of the program depends on broad participation from across the academic disciplines within Arts. This is a Faculty-driven initiative that foregrounds transdisciplinary competencies and backgrounds discipline-specific forms of knowledge.

Each fall, Faculty are invited to submit requests to teach a section of ARTS 160 in the following academic year. Requests should first be approved by their unit or department chair, then submitted using this webform. Full syllabi are not expected at the proposal stage.

We are currently accepting proposals from tenure-stream and teaching-stream faculty members in Arts. 

Submissions for the 2025-2026 academic year will be accepted until January 13, 2025.

If you have questions about teaching in Arts First, please email


  • If you plan to teach a similar topic to one previously used for an ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 course, both the topic title and description must be revised.
  • Please submit a separate form for each ARTS 160 topic you are requesting to teach.
  • We are not currently accepting proposals from sessional instructors.
My Department Chair or Program Director is aware of and supports this course request.

Please note, we are not currently accepting proposals from sessional instructors.

Have you taught an Arts First course before?
Please ensure the topic title identifies an engaging area of inquiry that will be broadly appealing to and readily understood by first year students. (Maximum 30 characters, including spaces.)
Is this a new topic, or have you taught it previously?

Please note, if you plan to teach a similar topic to one previously used for an ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 course, the topic title and description must be revised.

(Maximum 300 words.)

Please note, if you plan to teach a similar topic to one previously used for an ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 course, the topic title and description must be revised.

This description will be displayed on the Arts First website, where students will review topics before course selection. (Maximum 50 words.)

Please note, if you plan to teach a similar topic to one previously used for an ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 course, the topic title and description must be revised.

Term preference