Frequently Asked Questions

ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 are by definition and design transdisciplinary, in that their learning outcomes pertain to all of our work in the Faculty of Arts. In addition, the success of the program depends on broad participation from across the academic disciplines within Arts. Here are the questions we hear the most:

Can I teach either Arts First course in fall or winter?

Yes! An equal number of ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 courses are offered every fall and winter term. Students do not have to take them in sequence — they can start with 140, then take 130 in a following term, or vice versa.

We welcome you to propose either course (ARTS 130 or ARTS 140), for any term (fall or winter).

Can I teach the same Arts First course again? 

Yes! And we encourage it!

How do I need to adapt my teaching to Arts First program?

From experience, the best practice is to reduce the amount of content you teach. Slimming content appeals to students headed toward many different disciplines. For more detailed information, please our Arts First best practices. 

Are Arts First courses more time consuming to teach?

Not necessarily. These are smaller classes, but with larger expectations for feedback from instructors. Expect to lecture less (so you’ll save prep time there) and instead focus on creating hands-on in-class activities that have students practicing communication skills and engaging actively with the material.  Most instructors report that Arts First classes take about the same amount of time as a typical class, but the work is different. Take a look at some sample syllabi and assignments. Those examples hopefully provide a sense of how others are doing it.