Detailed sustainability features

To meet the 25% energy reduction goal, the building will use several innovative technologies. 

The HVAC system is designed to make best use of existing seasonal temperatures through natural ventilation and passive design, to achieve comfort using the mechanical systems during the summer and winter periods. Ambient and daylight sensors will be installed to take advantage of the light entering the building at different times of the day. The lighting system will be programmed to dim or shut off when sufficient daylight is present in the space, reducing the overall lighting power consumption. The dining area will include natural ventilation, using operable high and low window systems.

Displacement ventilation, which forces naturally warm air to the ceiling during summer and pulls warm air down to the lower levels during winter, will be used in the dining area and student lounges. This will provide a high level of comfort, increase efficiency, and produce low noise levels. Spaces with high ceilings such as the fitness area, student lounge, and dining area will also have specialized fans to improve efficiency and indoor air quality.

A heat recovery system will redistribute waste heat to other areas where it is needed, including preheating the hot water systems.  A fully computerized, low-voltage switching/dimming system will utilize occupancy sensors and building scheduling to reduce energy use in periods of inactivity. All light fixtures will be LED for maximum energy efficiency.

In addition, a small 12 kilowatt hour photovoltaic system will be installed on the roof of the SLC/PAC Expansion, to serve as a demonstration and education tool. It will be linked to an interactive dashboard located near the building’s entrance, where students can monitor the solar panel’s performance.

To increase water efficiency by 40%, the building will feature low-flow sanitary fixtures, dual-flush for water closets, and lavatory water sensors. A rainwater and/or grey water harvesting system will be incorporated into the addition. The rainwater from the roof of the new addition will be collected, filtered, and treated. The reclaimed water will be then used for flushing toilets and urinals. A separate piping “non-potable” distribution system will be provided to serve the toilets and urinals.

Storm water management is also an important building feature to increase resilience in a changing climate and minimize the impact on the surrounding environment.  Low-impact development storm water management strategies will be prioritized where feasible, using sustainable practices to ensure water quality, water balance, and peak flow control.  A green roof over the dining area, visible from the upper level, will help retain rainwater and will provide wildlife habitat opportunities and a naturalized view for building inhabitants.  The green roof will also provide increased thermal performance, and will assist roofing materials with high solar reflectiveness to reduce the heat island effect.

For a healthy indoor environment, the project includes CO2 monitoring, thermal comfort, and low-emitting adhesives, paints, carpet, and composite wood.

To learn about the University’s sustainability practices and objectives, please visit the Sustainability website.