Solidago chlorolepis

Mt. Albert Goldenrod, verge d’or simple à bractées vertes

Solidago chlorolepis range Semple draft

Solidago chlorolepis Fern. is found only on Mt. Albert and adjacent peaks of the Gaspé Penisula, Québec.  It is the only eastern species that is consistently short (4-22 cm tall) with small involucres (x=4.5 mm; 4-5.6 mm range). The species was treated as Solidago simplex var. chlorolepis (Fern.) Ringius in Semple & Cook (2006 FNA) and was included in ssp. simplex.  Semple & Peirson (2013) supported recognition of the taxon at species level.  It is diploid (2n=18). 

Semple et al. (2019) presented a multivariate analysis of all 13 species of S. subsect. Humiles.  In the analysis of the 6 species native to the midwest and northeastern US and adjacent Canada, all specimens of the S. chlorolepis a priori group were placed a posteriori into S. chlorolepis.

Semple, J.C. , and J.A. Peirson.  2013.  A revised nomenclature for the Solidago simplex complex (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2013-41. 1-5.

Semple, J.C., K. Kornobis, A. Mazzorato, G.S. Ringius, and J.A. Peirson. 2019. A multivariate morphometric analysis of Solidago subsect. Humiles(Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2019-25: 1–61.

Last update 26 April 2019 by J.C. Semple     

© 2019 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated