Live the high-flying life!
Aviation at the University of Waterloo is the largest university-level aviation program in Canada. The university's strength in science, environment, geomatics, and technology, along with training from one of the top flight schools in the country, prepares our student for outstanding careers in the aviation and aerospace industries.
Aviation research takes off virtually on campus
The University of Waterloo has recently undertaken a significant step forward in promoting aviation research on campus, through the purchase of a new flight simulator.
The new flight simulator will allow researchers to have priority access to a simulator, which although common technology within flight school settings — including the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre — they usually prioritize student flight training instead of research efforts.
Read more about how the new flight simulator will prioritize research questions from across campus.
Watch now: Aviation webinar for new students
In a normal year, information about the medical exam and how to access your flight training can sometimes be confusing for new students. With a pandemic, it adds a layer of complexity that may raise additional questions.
This webinar covers important updates to program requirements, and introduces you to key members of our Aviation community. Please note that this information is specific to students beginning their studies in September 2020 and is subject to change at anytime.
Access the webinar now. The password is Aviation2020.
Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre offers online information sessions
In response to COVID-19, the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre has moved its monthly information sessions for May and June to an online format. Visit their website to register.
These information sessions are designed to provide potential students and their parents with information on the program design – suggestions on how to be successful in the program, the financial challenges and banking information, along with aviation industry information.