WCMS 3 is here!
95% of the WCMS 2 sites have migrated and are live on WCMS 3! All new sites sites will be created in WCMS 3. Remaining sites are still in progress and hope to be ready for WCMS 3 by the end of 2024.
Your next steps:
- Complete the WCMS 3 courses via LEARN
- Review our WCMS 3 training and support options
- Bookmark our WCMS Knowledge Base on Confluence for access to WCMS 3 how-to documents
- Visit our own WCMS help portal for support options
- Keep up to date with WCMS 3 development, including what is and isn't available in WCMS 3, known issues, recent and upcoming release information
Friday, December 16, 2022
WCMS 3.2.1 released
All WCMS 3 sites are being updated to WCMS 3.2.1.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
WCMS 12 Days of Christmas | Day 11 - eleven letters in accessibility (a11y)
On the eleventh day of Christmas the WCMS team sent to me... eleven letters in accessibility (a11y)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
WCMS 12 Days of Christmas | Day 10 - ten things Charlotte loves about WCMS 3
On the tenth day of Christmas the WCMS team sent to me... ten things Charlotte loves about WCMS 3