Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2012 resulted in a moratorium being placed upon the NSERC Major Resource Support (MRS) grant. NSERC programs under various names have supplied partial financial support for the CPCC since 1989, with the MRS grant being the most recent program. As a result of this financial support, we were able to provide significant discounts for non-profit users. With the loss of this funding from the Canadian Federal Government, the CPCC is currently relying solely upon user fees for revenue. Although new avenues of support are being explored, we find it necessary to raise our fees for non-profit users at this time. Being mindful of financial constraints in non-profit organizations, the increase in fees will be restricted to ~10% for both cultures and culture medium; other services will not be affected. Please see our new List of Fees. This fee increase will become effective immediately for all new orders. We thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Thursday, August 2, 2012