Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC) web order form

Please read our terms and conditions. Placing an order indicates your understanding and acceptance of the Material Transfer Agreement. If you are ordering a toxic strain, please submit a toxic strain release form.
Pricing, shipping information, and payment options are provided on our website under ordering information and fees. Please also review the culturing information section of our website prior to placing your order.
The following Web Order Form can be used to place your order for culture volumes of up to 100 mL, media volumes of up to 6L, and concentrate volumes (enough to prepare up to 100L of medium). If you are interested in ordering larger volumes, please contact the Curator directly via email.
Thank you for your order. We will follow-up with your order via email as soon as possible. We look forward to serving you.
  1. Customer Information
  2. Cultures
  3. Media
  4. Concentrate
  5. Complete
1 of 5 (0%)
Shipping Information
This information is needed by courier services. Orders cannot be shipped to a post office box or a controlled access apartment building. Please refer to the "List of Fees" for shipping costs. Please follow the formatting guidelines indicated by hovering over the question mark symbols.
Street (courier) address:
Please use this section for any special shipping instructions. If the address provided is residential, you MUST mention that here.
Centralized Billing Information
Please provide the contact information for the centralized invoicing office (e.g., Finance, Accounts Payable, Administrative Services, etc.) for your institution. Whoever receives the invoices for any service provided by the University of Waterloo (not just the CPCC) will be responsible for distribution of the invoices to the appropriate person as indicated by the "Attn:" line on each invoice.
Street (mailing) address:
Please use this section for any special billing instructions as well as any other comments or concerns you may have. Please do NOT provide your credit card information (see payment options in the ordering information and fees section for further instructions regarding payment).
(If applicable)
(For this invoice)
End-User Information
If the end-user is different from the person placing the order, please provide the end-user's contact name, phone number, and email address so that correspondence concerning the shipment date and maintenance of the cultures can be provided to them.
Is the end-user different from the person placing the order?
This information will be used to ensure that the cultures you have ordered will be suitable for your needs and for our own internal knowledge base. If you are a student, please include your supervisor’s name here.