Albertano concentrate

Reference:  Albertano, P., G. Pinto, S. Santisi and R. Taddei.  (1981). Spermatozopsis acidophila Kalina (Chlorophyta, Volvocales), a little known alga from highly acidic environments. Giornale Botánico Italiano, 115, 65-76

Stock Substance Primary stock (g/L) Volume used to prepare 90 mL concentrate Concentrated stock (g/L) Final concentration in medium (mg/L) (adding 90 mL/L)
  Purified H2O –  30 mL –  – 
1. (NH4)2SO4            130 10 mL 14.4 1300
2. MgSO4•7H2 30 10 mL 3.3 300
3. KH2PO4 30 10 mL 3.3 300
4. NaCl 10 10 mL 1.1 100
5. CaCl2•2H2O 2 10 mL 0.2 20
6. H3BO3 0.6 10 mL 0.07 6
7. Albertano metal solutiona See below a a See below

a NOTE: The Albertano Metal Solution (Stock 7) that is normally added to Albertano medium is removed from the concentrate as it precipitates out. Mix this stock well and add separately during preparation of the medium.

Albertano metal solution

Substance Primary stock (g/L) Final concentration in medium (mg/L)
1.  FeCl3•6H2O 0.54 g 5.4
2.  MnCl2•4H2O 0.20 g 2.0
3.  ZnCl2 0.14 g 1.4
4.  CuSO4•5H2O 0.10 g 1.0
5.  Na2MoO4•2H2O 0.05 g 0.5
6.  CoCl2•6H2O 0.05 g 0.5

To prepare concentrate:

To make the concentrate, combine stock solutions 1 - 6, in the order listed above, to make 90 mL total volume. Concentrate may be stored in the fridge in the dark until needed.

To prepare medium:

The final concentrations shown above are to prepare a 100% Albertano medium by adding 90 mL of the concentrate plus 10 mL of Stock 7 (trace metals) to 900 mL of purified water(e.g., distilled, Nanopure, Milli-Q). Stir, pH adjust to 1 if necessary with concentrated H2SO4 (initial pH will likely be ~4.5-5). If sterile medium is needed, then the final medium may be filter-sterilized through a 0.22 um filter and dispensed aseptically into sterile vessels or autoclaved directly in the vessels. Prepared medium may be stored in the fridge in the dark until needed.