List of cultures

Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC)
(Formerly University of Toronto Culture Collection (UTCC))

As of December 5, 2023

Notes on the List of Cultures

Strains of Algae and Cyanobacteria

Strains of Uncertain Identity

Strains of Aquatic Macrophytes

Notes on the List of Cultures

Explanation of Strain Data

Strains are listed alphabetically by genus and species and the corresponding information available for each is provided as follows:

  • CPCC number;
  • Available information pertaining to its collection, isolation, purification, identification (aka = also known as), and deposition;
  • Relatives:
    • Some of the strains in CPCC are derived from strains also held in other private and public collections. This information is noted after “Relatives” in the description for each strain.
  • Remarks (Rem:):
    • In the remarks, the code "A" indicates an axenic culture, "B" means the culture may contain bacteria, "F" means the culture currently has a fungal contaminant. Please note that the contamination status of any strain may change. Current status is best obtained from the Technical Curator. “L” means the culture is in liquid, “S” means the culture is on solid medium (plate or agar slant). If the cultures are maintained on agar slants and/or plates (“S”), then they may be ordered either on agar slants or in liquid medium. If the cultures are maintained in liquid (“L”), they may only be ordered in liquid medium. The majority of strains are maintained in liquid culture. This information may not be up-to-date, so please contact the Technical Curator for current information. Remarks may also include information on maintenance conditions and special culture requirements, ecology, toxicity, tolerance to heavy metals, toxin production, special characteristics and usages, etc.
  • References and molecular sequence information are available upon request where indicated.

Identity of CPCC Strains

Each strain is assigned a unique accession number, which will never change. When the UTCC became the CPCC, the accession numbers remained the same (only the preceding acronym changed). However, it is possible that a new genus and species name may be assigned as taxonomic studies reveal a new identity for a particular strain. The name given to the culture by the depositor is listed here and alterations are made at the request of the depositor or when publications that are accepted by the scientific community require a change in name, or when edits to the taxonomy are adopted by Please notify us if a naming discrepancy is observed. Please use both the CPCC number and name when requesting cultures to ensure that the material is correctly identified.

As the CPCC does not have the resources to perform taxonomic studies on our strains we welcome investigators in this field to obtain any of the strains at half price for this purpose. Any subsequent information will be acknowledged and the species names modified accordingly.

CPCC Strains cited in Publications

Please inform us of any publications arising from the use of our strains and where possible supply us with a reprint. The CPCC strain number and species name must be used in your publications (e.g., CPCC 11 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) in order to avoid subsequent confusion over the source and identification of the material. Also indicate that it was obtained from the Canadian Phycological Culture Centre at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. Your co-operation in this regard is vital to CPCC as we are creating a data bank of information on the strains in the CPCC. This information may also be used by potential granting agencies to evaluate proposals for funding. Providing us with molecular sequencing (e.g., NCBI-GenBank, EMBL-EBI, etc.) and special characteristics (e.g., biofilm, high lipid, toxin production, etc.) information would also be greatly appreciated, as it will broaden our knowledge of our strains.

CPCC Determination of Axenicity

The CPCC defines “axenic” as being without demonstrable bacterial and/or fungal contamination as demonstrated by inoculation onto sterility test plates. These sterility test plates consist of nutrient medium, yeast extract, peptone (or tryptone), glucose (or sucrose) plus agar and are monitored over the course of a 2-week period at room temperature.

Glossary of Acronyms

Websites for some of the following can be found on the CPCC Resources webpage.

ACMM = Australian Collection of Marine Microorganisms, Townsville, Queensland, Australia

ANACC = Australian National Algae Culture Collection, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (formerly CSIRO)

ARC = Algal Resources Collection, Wilmington, NC, USA

ATCC = American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD, USA

CALU = Collection of Algae of Leningrad University, St. Petersburg, Russia

CAUP = Culture Collection of Algae, Charles University, Praha, Czechoslovakia

CCALA = Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms, Institute of Botany of the AS CR, Czech Republic

CCAP = Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa, Oban, Scotland, UK

CCCM = Canadian Centre for the Culture of Microorganisms, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (includes Northeast Pacific Culture Collection (NEPCC) and the Freshwater Algal Culture Collection (FWAC) of UBC)

CCMEE = Culture Collection of Microorganisms from Extreme Environments, University of Oregon, USA

CCMP = Provasoli- Guillard Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, ME, USA (now NCMA)

CCCryo = Culture Collection of Cryophilic Algae, Potsdam-Golm, Germany

CGC = Chlamydomonas Genetics Center, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA (now CRC)

CPCC = Canadian Phycological Culture Centre, Waterloo, ON, Canada (formerly UTCC)

CRC = Chlamydomonas Resource Center, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA (formerly CGC)

CRHGY = Centre de Recherche Hydrobiologie de Gif-sur-Yvette, France

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (now ANACC)

DCC = Unknown

DSM = Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen (now DSMZ)

DSMZ = Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (=German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH) (formerly DSM)

FAHCB = Freshwater Algae Culture Collection at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, China

FWAC = Freshwater Algal Culture Collection, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada (maintained by CCCM)

FWI = Freshwater Institute, Manitoba, Canada

IAM = Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (strains transferred to NIES)

IRRI = International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines

MarBEC = Marine Bioproduct Engineering Center, Manoa, HI, USA

MBA = Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, England, UK

MSU = Culture Collection at Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA

NCMA = National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME, USA (formerly CCMP)

NEPCC = Northeast Pacific Culture Collection, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada (maintained by CCCM)

NIBB = National Institute for Basic Biology or Algae-UK Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy

NIES = National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan (includes IAM strains)

NIVA = Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway (includes SCCAP strains)

NORCCA = Norwegian Culture Collection of Algae, Oslo, Norway

NRC = National Research Council, Nova Scotia, Canada

PCC = Pasteur Collection of Cyanobacterial Strains, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

PLY = Plymouth Culture Collection of Marine Microalgae, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, UK (now MBA)

PPMSU = Plant Physiology Moscow State University Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria, Moscow, Russia

RDSC = Rutgers Duckweed Stock Cooperative, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

SAG = Sammlung von Algenkulturen der Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

SCCAP = Scandinavian Culture Collection of Algae & Protozoa, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (strains transferred to NIVA)

SERI = Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Manoa, HI, USA (now MarBEC)

SMBA = Scottish Marine Biological Association, Oban, Scotland, UK (now part of CCAP)

UTCC = University of Toronto Culture Collection, Toronto, ON, Canada (now CPCC)

UTEX = University of Texas Culture Collection, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA

UWO = Culture Collection at University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada

UWOCC = University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Culture Collection, Oshkosh, WI, USA

Ward’s = Ward’s Science, Rochester, NY, USA

WHOI = Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, USA

List of cultures

Algae and Cyanobacteria


Uncertain Identity

Aquatic Macrophytes


Amphiprora paludosa W. Smith

  • 662      See Entomoneis paludosa

Amphora coffeaeformis

  • 58        See Halamphora coffeiformis

Amphora coffeiformis (C.Agardh) Kützing

  • 58        See Halamphora coffeiformis

Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault

  • 543      See Dolichospermum circinale
  • 725      See Dolichospermum circinale
  • 741      See Dolichospermum circinale

Anabaena crassa (Lemmermann) Komárková-Legnová & Cronberg

  • 743      See Dolichospermum crassum

Anabaena flos-aquae (Brébisson ex Bornet & Flauhault)

  • 64        See Trichormus variabilis
  • 67        See Trichormus variabilis
  • 543      See Dolichospermum circinale
  • 736      See Dolichospermum flos-aquae

Anabaena flos-aquae var. treleasei Bornet & Flahault

  • 737      See Aphanizomenon flos-aquae

Anabaena sphaerica Bornet & Flahault

  • 437      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Identified by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc.), Aug-1997. Isolated and deposited as Anabaena sphaerica by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jun-1997. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium at pH 8.0; non-motile.

Anabaena spiroides Klebahn

  • 68        See Dolichospermum spiroides

Anabaena variabilis Kutz.

  • 64        See Trichormus variabilis
  • 67        See Trichormus variabilis (formerly Anabaena flos-aquae)
  • 105      See Trichormus variabilis
  • 387      See Nostoc sp.

Anabaena sp.

  • 387      See Nostoc sp.
  • 419      See Stichococcus sp.
  • 426      Collected from lake water/sediment, Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Anabaena sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jun-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile; possible toxin producer: may produce low levels of anatoxin-a (intracellular = 0.1 μg/L; extracellular = 0.5 μg/L) according to C. Rajendran, 1996; tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request.
  • 427      Collected from lake water/sediment, Akanoi Bay, Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Anabaena sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jun-1996. Identification uncertain: possibly Anabaena cf. torulosa according to H. Kling. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile; possible toxin producer: may produce low levels of anatoxin-a (intracellular = 0.1 μg/L; extracellular = 0.5 μg/L) according to C. Rajendran, 1996.
  • 543      See Dolichospermum circinale
  • 544      Isolated from a tank of Salvinia plants used in BIO 150 labs at University of Toronto, ON, Canada by M. Khayatian (UTCC), Dec-2001. Identified and deposited as Anabaena sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2001. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; toxin producer: produces microcystins according to S. Danielsen (New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)); mcyE gene was not detected by L. Watson (National Water Research Institute (NWRI)), Apr-2018.
  • 631      See Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola
  • 689      Collected from Napanee, Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada by A. Chhun, Oct-2005. Isolated by A. Chhun. Purified and deposited as Anabaena sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2006. Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Anabaenopsis sp.

  • 523      Collected from Pakowki Lake (small coolie lake that dries up in summer), AB, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Anabaenopsis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2000. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Anagnostidinema amphibium (C.Agardh ex Gomont) Strunecký, Bohunická, J.R.Johansen & J.Komárek

  • 591      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in MB, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Deposited as “PP14” Geitlerinema amphibium by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Anagnostidinema amphibium, the name Geitlerinema amphibium is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “PP14”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic.References available upon request.

Anagnostidinema carotinosum (Geitler) Strunecký et al.

  • 586      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Rotorua, New Zealand by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Deposited as “PP9” Geitlerinema carotinosum by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Anagnostidinema carotinosum, the name Geitlerinema carotinosum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “PP9”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; exudates, mixotrophic. References available upon request.

Ankistrodesmus braunii (Nageli) Collins

  • 625      See Chlorolobion braunii
  • 668      See Chlorolobion braunii

Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda

  • 309      See Monoraphidium convolutum

Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs

  • 63        Collected from Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Ewing, Sep-1984. Deposited as Ankistrodesmus falcatus by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), 23-Feb-1987. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to bottom of flask (biofilm) in liquid medium; sediment toxicity; teaching. References available upon request.
  • 287      Collected from Boucher Lake, Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Ankistrodesmus sp. (possibly A. falcatus) by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Aug-1992. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 366      Collected from Point Pelee National Park, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 25-May-1994. Deposited as “#7” Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Jun-1994. Relatives = “7”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; previously maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 669      Collected from a roadside ditch, southeast of Austin, TX, USA by F.P Healey, Mar-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, Mar-1970. Deposited as “FWI #19” Ankistrodesmus falcatus by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #19”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM or WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motile; food source for other organisms.

Ankistrodesmus sp.

  • 287      See Ankistrodesmus falcatus
  • 505      Collected from Lake Wilcox, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1999. Deposited as Ankistrodesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 547      Isolated from a tank of Salvinia plants in BIO 150 lab at University of Toronto, ON, Canada by M. Khayatian (UTCC), Dec-2001. Identified and deposited as Ankistrodesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2001. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault

  • 717      Collected from Brome Lake, QC, Canada by A. Giani, 29-Sep-07. Isolated by A. Giani, 30-Sep-2007. Identified by S. Paquet, 9-Mar-2009. Deposited as “1” Aphanizomenon flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “1”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 737      Collected from William Lake, Quebec, Canada by I. Moukhina, 30-Jul-2009. Isolated by I. Moukhina, 30-Jul-2009. Identified by I. Moukhina, 30-Aug-2009. Deposited as “37W” Aphanizomenon flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Identification uncertain: possibly Anabaena flos-aquae var. treleasei (which is a taxonomic synonym for Dolichospermum mendotae) according to D.F. Bird. Relatives = “37W”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.
  •  745     Collected from William Lake, QC, Canada by I. Moukhina, 30-Jul-2009. Isolated by I. Moukhina, 30-Jul-2009. Identified by I. Moukhina, 30-Aug-2009. Deposited as “29W” Aphanizomenon flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “29W”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Aphanizomenon flexuosum Komárek & Kovácik

  • 728      Collected from Choinière Reservoir, QC, Canada by B. Sabour, 29-Sep-2007. Isolated by B. Sabour, 01-Oct-2007. Identified by S. Paquet, 16-Mar-2009. Deposited as “23” Aphanizomenon flexuosum by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “23”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 742      Collected from Roxton Pond, QC, Canada by B. Sabour, 29-Sep-2007. Identified by S. Paquet, 19-Mar-2009. Isolated by B. Sabour (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 01-Oct-2007. Deposited as “27” Aphanizomenon flexuosum by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “27”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Aphanizomenon schindleri Kling, Findlay & Komárek

  • 631      See Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola

Aphanocapsa conferta (W. et GS West) Komárková-Legnerová & Cronberg

  • 595      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Rotorua, New Zealand by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Identified by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc.), Sep-2000. Isolated by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Deposited as “PP18” Aphanocapsa conferta by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP18”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.

Aphanocapsa holsatica (Lemmermann) G. Cronberg & Komárek

  • 722      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 03-Jul-2007. Deposited as “8” Aphanocapsa holsatica by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “8”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C; not colonial.
  • 729      Collected from Choinière Reservoir, QC, Canada. Isolated 01-Oct-2007. Deposited as “25” Aphanocapsa holsatica by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Identification uncertain: possibly Microcystis aeruginosa according to O.M. Pérez-Carrascal et al.(2019). Relatives = “25”; “Ma_QC_Ch_20071001_S25”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.
  • 730      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 23-Aug-2008. Deposited as “50” Aphanocapsa holsatica by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)) 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “50”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Aphanocapsa planctonica (G.M.Smith) Komárek & Anagnostidis

  • 721      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 03-Jul-2007. Deposited as “6” Aphanocapsa planctonica by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “6”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C; not colonial.

Aphanocapsa rivularis (Carmichael) Rabenhorst

  • 596      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Rotorua, New Zealand by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Isolated by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Identified by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc.), Sep-2000. Deposited as “PP19” Aphanocapsa rivularis by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP19”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request.

Aphanothece bachmannii Komárková-Legnerová & G.Cronberg

  • 727      See Anathece bachmannii

Aphanothece clathrata var. brevis Bachmann

  • 727      See Anathece bachmannii

Aphanothece floccosa (Zalessky) G.Cronberg & J.Komárek

  • 597      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in MB, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Isolated by A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Identified by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc.), Sep-2000. Deposited as “PP20” Aphanothece floccosa by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Formerly designated as Aphanothece flocculosa (misspelled) in the CPCC. Relatives = “PP20”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request.

Aphanothece flocculosa

  • 597      SeeAphanothece floccosa

Anathece bachmannii  (Komárek & Cronberg) Komárek, Kastovsky & Jezberová

  • 727      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada, 23-Aug-2007. Isolated 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “21” Aphanothece clathrata var. brevis by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Anathece bachmannii, the name Aphanothece bachmannii is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym(note: Aphanothece clathrata var. brevis is a synonym of Aphanothece bachmannii). Relatives = “21”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Arthrodesmus sp.

  • 348      See Staurodesmus sp.
  • 349      See  Staurodesmus sp.

Arthronema gygaxiana Casamatta et Johansen

  • 393      Collected as epiphyte on floating leaves of Nuphar variegatum in Tasso Lake, Lake of Bays Township, ON, Canada (45° 29’ N, 78° 55’ 30” W). Isolated and identified as “T1” Oscillatoria sp. by D. Kelly (Queen’s University), Jul-1991. Deposited as “T1” Oscillatoria sp. by D. Kelly, 25-Jul-1995. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Arthronema gygaxianaby Casamatta et al. (2005).Relatives = “T1”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mercury biotransformation: 100 ppb lags growth, 200 ppb lethal at OD665 = 0.300, generates Hgo and HgS. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Asterionella formosa Hassall

  • 692      Collected from Lake Erie or Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada by R.E.H. Smith, Mar-2009. Isolated by S. Kerr (CPCC), Mar-2009. Deposited as Asterionella formosa. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14ºC; very pale pigmentation. References available upon request.

Asterococcus superbus (Cienkowski) Scherffel

  • 363      Collected from Amiens, France. Isolated by E.A. Georg, 1949. Deposited as UTEX 88 Asterococcus superbus by UTEX, 1994. Relatives = CPCC 43 Asterococcus superbus, CCAP 3/3A Asterococcus superbus; IAM C-299 Asterococcus superbus; NIES 2198 Asterococcus superbus; UTEX 88 Asterococcus superbus. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.

Attheya septentrionalis (Østrup) R.M. Crawford

  • 48        Collected from Lancaster Sound, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko. Identified as Chaetoceros septentrionalis by J. Johnson, Mar-1987. Deposited as “M-1” Chaetoceros septentrionalis by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Attheya septentrionalis, the name Chaetoceros septentrionalis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “M-1”. Rem: LBF; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; marine.
  • 50        Collected from Grand Banks, NL, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko. Identified as Chaetoceros septentrionalis by J. Johnson, Mar-1987. Deposited as “M-12 Chaetoceros sp. 3” Chaetoceros septentrionalis by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Attheya septentrionalis, the name Chaetoceros septentrionalis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “M-12 Chaetoceros sp. 3”.  Rem: LBF; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; non-motile; marine. References available upon request.

Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata (Hustedt) Simonsen

  • 397      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Deposited as Melosira granulata f. curvatum (misspelled) by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Formerly designated as Melosira granulata f. curvatulum (misspelled) in the CPCC. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata, the name Melosira granulata f. curvata is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in WC medium; non-motile; very pale pigmentation.References available upon request.

Auxenochlorella protothecoides (Krüger) Kalina & Puncochárová

  • 707      Collected from sap of wounded Populus alba in Germany. Isolated by W. Kruger, 1892. Deposited as UTEX 25 Chlorella protothecoides by UTEX, 24-Nov-2010. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Auxenochlorella protothecoides, the name Chlorella protothecoides is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = ATCC 30407 Chlorella protothecoides; CAUP H 6301 Auxenochlorella protothedcoides; CCAP 211/7a Auxenochlorella protothecoides; IAM C-202 Chlorella protothecoides; IAM C-624 Chlorella protothecoides; NIES 2164 Auxenochlorella protothecoides; SAG 211-7a Auxenochlorella protothecoides; UTEX 25 Chlorella protothecoides. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; light yellow-green pigmentation. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Bangia atropurpurea (Mertens ex Roth) C. Agardh

  •  400      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Jordan Station exit off Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), small harbour of Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 28-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LO01-5C” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LO01-5C”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 401      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Selkirk State Park between Texas hamlet and Port Ontario, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, USA, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 28-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “ LO05-1A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LO05-1A”. Rem: LBF?; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 402      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, yacht club in Whitby, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 30-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LO11-3C” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LO11-3C”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 403      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Oakville at Coronation Park, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 30-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LO12-5A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LO12-5A”. Rem: LBF?; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 404      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Prescott city park and marina, St. Lawrence River, east of Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 29-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “SL03-4A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “SL03-4A”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 405      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Tawas City at town hall park, Lake Huron, Great Lakes, ON, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 28-Sep-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LH04-2A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LH04-2A”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 406      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Grand Bend at south side of channel from AuSable River, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B, 25-Oct-1995. Chiasson. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LH15-4A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LH15-4A”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 407      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Goderich at north side of harbour, Lake Huron, Great Lakes, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 25-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LH16-3B” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LH16-3B”. Rem: LBF?; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 408      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Park at Bay Village, suburb of Cleveland, Lake Erie, Great Lakes, OH, USA, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 06-Nov-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LE07-1C” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LE07-1C”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 409      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Ashtabula at Walnut Beach, Lake Erie, Great Lakes, OH, USA, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 07-Nov-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LE08-2C” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LE08-2C”. Rem: LBF? Maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 411      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, White Lake channel at south side, Lake Michigan, Great Lakes, MI, USA, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 29-Sep-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “LM04-2C” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “LM04-2C”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 412      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Alcona waterfront park, Lake Simcoe, ON, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 31-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “SIM02-3A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “SIM02-3A”. Rem: LB; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  •  413      Collected from “rocks in splash zones”, Roch Point public dock, Lake Simcoe, ON, Canada, by M.L. Vis and W.B. Chiasson, 31-Oct-1995. Isolated and identified by M.L. Vis-Chiasson, Nov-1995. Deposited as “SIM03-1A” Bangia atropurpurea by R.G. Sheath and M.L. Vis-Chiasson (University of Guelph), 5-Apr-1996. Relatives = “SIM03-1A”. Rem: LBF?; maintained in Lake Ontario H2O + Alga-Gro (Carolina Biological) at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Boekelovia hooglandii M.F.E. Nicolai & L.G.M.Baas-Becking

  • 484      Collected from ponds surrounding a saline spring near junction of Piceance Creek and White River in NW Colorado, USA by W. Barclay (Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)), Golden, CO, USA), 15-Jul-1984. Deposited as “Boek” Boekelovia hooglandii by J.A. Hellebust, Sep-1998. J.A. Hellebust obtained the strain from the SERI Microalgae Culture Collection, where it was referred to as “BOEKE1”. Relatives = “Boek”; “SERI BOEKE1”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in ESAW medium (needs ammonium); motile; marine; up to 42% lipid under nitrogen limitation. References available upon request.

Botryococcus braunii Kützing

  • 716      Collected from Madingley Brick Pits, Cambridge, United Kingdom (52°13’25.1”N, 0°02’27.1”E). Isolated by M.R. Droop, 1950. Deposited as CCAP 807/1 Botryococcus braunii by D.G. Allen (University of Toronto) & N. Nadarajah under safe-deposit agreement, Jun-2008. Accessioned to the CPCC with permission from CCAP, 21-Sep-2021. Relatives = CCALA 220 Botryococcus braunii; CCAP 807/1 Botryococcus braunii; IAM C-529 Botryococcus braunii; NIES-2199 Botryococcus braunii; SAG 807-1 Botryococcus braunii; UTEX 572 Botryococcus braunii. Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM+V medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; slow-growing strain. Additional note: as a professional courtesy to the CCAP, UK customers are asked to obtain this strain directly from them. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Carteria oliveri G.S. West

  • 183      Collected from soil in Lemoncove, CA, USA. Deposited as Ward’s 86-0080 Carteria olivieri by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Alternate spelling = Carteria olivieri. Relatives = UTEX 1032 Carteria olivieri; Ward's 470179-720 Carteria; Ward’s 86-0080 Carteria. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile.      

Carteria olivieri

  • 183      See Carteria oliveri

Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmermann

  • 485      Collected from a sheep pond near Utah Lake, UT, USA (40°06’43” N, 111°51’06” W) by S. Rushforth, 24-Jul-1985. Deposited as “Ch9” Chaetoceros muelleri by J.A. Hellebust, Sep-1998. J.A. Hellebust obtained the strain from the SERI Microalgae Culture Collection (Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Golden, CO, USA), where it was referred to as “CHAET9”. Relatives = “Ch9”; “SERI CHAET9”; “UT-147”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in ESAW medium; food source for other organisms. References available upon request.

Chaetoceros septentrionalis Oestr.

  • 48        See Attheya septentrionalis
  • 50        See Attheya septentrionalis

Chaetophora sp.

  • 679      Collected from Lake 240 in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by F.P. Healey, 22-Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, 22-Oct-1970. Deposited as “FWI #69” Chaetophora sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #69”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Chlamydomonas acidophila Negoro

  • 120      See Chlamydomonas applanata
  • 121      See Chlamydomonas pitschmannii
  • 123      Collected from soil, Sudbury (Grid reference: 128467, Map 41-I/7), ON, Canada, May-1986. Isolated by M.R. Twiss, Dec-1986. Identified by M.R. Twiss, Feb-1987. Deposited as “Site A” Chlamydomonas acidophila by M.R. Twiss (University of Toronto), 30-Jul-1987. Relatives = “Site A”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile; copper tolerant. References available upon request.
  • 354      See Chlamydomonas pitschmannii
  • 611      Collected from acid bog in Italy. Deposited as#238” Chlamydomonas acidophila by A. Pollio (Dipartmento di Biologia vegetale, Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy), Feb-2003. Relatives = “238”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C.

Chlamydomonas pitschmannii Ettl

  • 121      Collected from soil in Sudbury (Grid reference: 803413, Map 41-I/6), ON, Canada, May-1986. Isolated by M.R. Twiss, Dec-1986. Identified by M.R. Twiss, Feb-1987. Deposited as “SRB1” Chlamydomonas acidophila by M.R. Twiss (University of Toronto), 30-Jul-1987. Re-identified molecularly as Chlamydomonas pitschmannii by A. Pollio et al. (2005) and reconfirmed by M. Tran, Feb-2019. Relatives = “SRB1”. Rem: LA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile; copper tolerant. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 354      Collected from Frantiskovy Lazne, Czechoslovakia. Isolated by Fott, Jan-1954. Deposited as CAUP G 204 Chlamydomonas acidophila by CAUP, Nov-1994.  Re-identified molecularly as Chlamydomonas pitschmannii by A. Pollio et al. (2005). Relatives = CAUP G 204 Chlamydomonas acidophila. Rem: LA; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in HSM medium; motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlamydomonas applanata Pringsheim

  • 120      Collected from a freshwater system, Isle of Ulva, Scotland. Isolated and identified as “DD 1/41” by R.A. Lewin, 1951. Deposited as Chlamydomonas acidophila by M.R. Twiss (University of Toronto), 20-Jul-1987. Re-identified as Chlamydomonas applanata by Dr. Hehl, 1992. Relatives = CCAP 11/96; “DD 1/41”. Rem: LA?; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in M194 medium; depositer found the strain did not grow in 50% BBM without EDTA at pH 3.8 medium; slightly motile; clumps. References available upon request.

Chlamydomonas moewusii Gerloff

  • 31        Collected from freshwater source in New York, USA by Burkholder. Isolated by L. Provasoli, 1948. Deposited as UTEX 96 Chlamydomonas moewusii by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = ATCC 30418 Chlamydomonas eugametos var. moewusii; CCAP 11/16g Chlamydomonas moewusii; SAG 11-16g Chlamydomonas moewusii; UTEX 96 Chlamydomonas moewussii. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile; mt- strain. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlamydomonas nivalis (F.A. Bauer) Wille

  • 528      See Chloromonas typhlos

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P.A. Dangeard

  • 11        Collected from source near Amherst, MA, USA. Isolated by G.M. Smith, 1945. Deposited as CGC CC-125 wild type mt+ strain Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by Y. Tarmohamed (University of Toronto), 13-Jan-1987. Relatives = CPCC 532 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; CCAP 11/32c Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; CGC/CRC CC-125 wild type mt+ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; “137c”. Rem: LA; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; motile; carries the nit1 and nit2 mutations and is unable to grow with nitrate as sole N source; also carries the AGG1 (agg1+) allele for phototactic aggregation; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 12        Deposited as CGC CC-400 cw15 mt+ strain Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by Y. Tarmohamed, 13-Jan-1987. Derived from a cw-15 stock to grow without acetate and not be sensitive to pH and/or CO2 by D. Grant. Relatives = CGC/CRC CC-400 cw15 mt+ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rem: LA; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; motile; wall-deficient mutant. References available upon request.
  • 84        Isolated by G.M. Smith. Deposited as UTEX 89 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Relatives = CCAP 11/32B Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; CGC/CRC CC-1009 wild type mt- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; IAM C-238 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; IAM C-541 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; NIES-2238 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; SAG 11-32a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; UTEX 89 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rem: LBF; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; can grow on nitrate; motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 243      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 010 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mt- strain by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Mar-1990. Relatives = Ward's 470179-730 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (-); Ward’s 86W 0103 (or 86W 010?) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (-); Ward's 86-0103 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (-). Rem: LA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in COMBO medium as per customer correspondence; motile; ecotoxicity test strain; food source for other organisms; class demo for sexuality. References available upon request.
  • 244      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 100 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mt+ strain by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Mar-1990. Relatives = Ward's 470176-736 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (+); Ward's 86W 0102 (or 86W 100?) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (+); Ward's 86-0102 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (+). Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in HSM medium; motile; class demo for sexuality.
  • 258      Deposited as CGC CC-621 wild type mt- NO Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by C. Glass, Feb-1991. Subclone of the Smith 137c wild type strain. Relatives = CGC/CRC CC-621 NO mt- [wild type, high efficiency mating] Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; “CC-621 wild type mt- NO”; “Smith 137C wild type strain”. Rem: LA; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; carries the nit1 and nit2 mutations and is unable to grow with nitrate as sole N source; motile.
  • 532      Collected from source near Amherst, MA, USA. Isolated by G.M. Smith, 1945. Deposited as CGC CC-125 wild type mt+ strain Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by E. Harris, 4-Apr-2001. Relatives = CPCC 11 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; CCAP 11/32c; CGC/CRC CC-125 wild type mt+; “137c”. Rem: LA; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; motile; carries the nit1 and nit2 mutations and is unable to grow with nitrate as sole N source; also carries the AGG1 (agg1+) allele for phototactic aggregation. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.

Chlamydomonas variabilis Dangeard

  • 110      See Chloromonas variabilis

Chlamydomonas sp.

  • 85        May have been isolated by Ogren. Deposited as “Ogren 2137A+Chlamydomonas sp. by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Relatives = “Ogren 2137A+Chlamydomonas reinhardtii”; “Ogren 2137A+Chlamydomonas sp.” Identification uncertain: possibly Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rem: LA; maintained in HSM medium at 18-24°C; mt+ strain; motile. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.
  • 418      Collected from lake near Resolute, NWT, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1995. Deposited as Chlamydomonas sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C.

Chlorella ellipsoidea Gerneck

  • 706      See Pseudochlorella pringsheimii

Chlorella emersonii Shihira & R.W. Krauss

  • 86        See Graesiella emersonii

Chlorella fusca Shihira & R.W.Krauss

  • 394      See Desmodesmus abundans

Chlorella fusca var. fusca Shihira et Krauss

  • 394      See Desmodesmus abundans

Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata Shihira et Krauss

  • 89        See Coelastrella vacuolata

Chlorella kessleri Fott & Novakova

  • 266      See Parachlorella kessleri

Chlorella luteoviridis (Chod.) Oltmans

  • 705      See Jaagichlorella luteoviridis

Chlorella miniata (Kützing) Oltmanns

  • 88        May have been isolated by Miyachi. Deposited as “C-143 Miyachi” Chlorella miniata by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Relatives = “C-143 Miyachi”. Rem: SA, maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Chlorella protothecoides Kruger

  • 707      See Auxenochlorella protothecoides 

Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick

  • 36        See Chlorella vulgaris
  • 89        See Coelastrella vacuolata
  • 90        See Chlorella vulgaris
  • 138      See Chlorella sorokiniana

Chlorella saccharophila (Krug.) Migula

  • 91        See Chloroidium saccharophilum
  • 272      See Watanabea reniformis

Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila (Krug.) Migula

  • 91        See Chloroidium saccharophilum

Chlorella sorokiniana Shihira & R.W. Krauss

  • 138      Collected from “warm local surface waters”, Austin, TX, USA. Isolated by C. Sorokin and deposited in UTEX by J. Meyers as high temperature (39°C) strain Tx 7-11-05. Deposited in CPCC as UTEX 1230Chlorella pyrenoidosa by D. Tam and T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Oct-1987. Re-identified biochemically and physiologically as Chlorella sorokiniana by E. Kessler and V.A.R. Huss (1992). Relatives = ATCC 22521 Chlorella sorokiniana; CAUP H 1957 Chlorella sorokiniana; CCAP 211/8K Chlorella sorokiniana; IAM C-212 Chlorella sorokiniana; NIES 2169 Chlorella sorokiniana; SAG 211-8K Chlorella sorokiniana; UTEX 1230 Chlorella sorokiniana; “Tx 7-11-05”. Rem: LBF; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck [Beijerinck]

  • 36        Collected from former Czechoslovakia. Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim. Deposited as UTEX 26 Chlorella pyrenoidosa by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Re-identified biochemically and physiologically as Chlorella vulgaris by E. Kessler and V.A.R. Huss (1992). Relatives = ATCC 30582 Chlorella sp.; CCAP 211/8A Chlorella sp.;UTEX 26 Chlorella vulgaris. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 90        Deposited asUTEX 395 Chlorella pyrenoidosa by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Re-identified biochemically and physiologically as Chlorella vulgaris by E. Kessler and V.A.R. Huss (1992). Relatives = IAM C-106; UTEX 395 Chlorella vulgaris; “R. Emerson's quantum yield alga”. Rem: LSA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; food source for other organisms. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.
  • 92        May have been isolated by Miyachi. Deposited as “Miyachi #11h” Chlorella vulgaris by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Relatives = “Miyachi #11h”. Rem: LBF, maintained in BBM media at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 111      Collected from Delft, Holland, Netherlands. Isolated by M.W. Beijerink, c. 1890. Deposited as UTEX 259 Chlorella vulgaris by B. Colman (York University), Mar-1987. Relatives = CCAP 211/11c Chlorella vulgaris; IAM C-207; NIES-686 Chlorella vulgaris var. vulgaris; SAG 211-11c Chlorella vulgaris; UTEX 259 Chlorella vulgaris. Rem: LBF?; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 139      Collected from mine tailings runoff, Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 1” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 1”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 140      Collected from mine tailings runoff, Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 2” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 2”. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 141      Collected from mine tailings runoff (pond), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 3” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 3”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 142      Collected from mine tailings runoff (upwelling), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 4” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 4”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 143      Collected from mine tailings runoff, Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 5” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 5”. Rem: SBF?; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 144      Collected from mine tailings runoff (pond/sediment), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 8” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 8”. Rem: SBF?; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 145      Collected from mine tailings runoff (inflow stream into Venus Pond), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 10” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 10”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.. References available upon request.
  • 146      Collected from mine tailings runoff (upwelling), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 11” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 11”. Rem: SBF?; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As.
  • 147      Collected from mine tailings runoff (fermented seep), Venus Pond, Yukon, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Nakatsu, Aug-1978. Deposited as “Venus 12” Chlorella vulgaris by T.C. Hutchinson (University of Toronto), Jan-1988. Relatives = “Venus 12”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM+20 ppm As medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; tolerant to 20 ppm As. References available upon request.
  • 266      See Parachlorella kessleri

Chlorella sp.

  • 23        Collected from Lake St. Nora, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. O’Mahoney and B. Paul., 1984. Deposited as “FW-14” Chlorella sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = “FW-14”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 493      Collected from and artificial pond in Lake of Bays, Dorset, ON, Canada by B. Petri (York University & Dorset Research Center). Isolated and identified by S.V. Pollock (York University), Feb-1996. Deposited as Chlorella sp. by B. Petri (Trojan Technologies), Apr-1999. Accesioned 11-May-1999. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 508      See Coccomyxa sp.
  • 522      Collected from Lake Erie, Great Lakes, Canada, Station 84 (41°55’57” N, 81°39’35” W). Isolated by M.R. Twiss (Ryerson Polytechnic University), 11-Aug-1998. Identified by M.R. Twiss, Feb-1999. Deposited as “2A” Chlorella sp. by M.R. Twiss, Jun-2000. Relatives = “2A”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM liquid medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; epi-pelagic; easily Zn limited, will use Cd to replace Zn. References available upon request.
  • 565      Collected from Mount Erebus, Antarctica by K. Thompson (University of Hamilton). Isolated by C. Rajendran. Deposited as “D0643” Chlorella sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0643”. Rem: LA?; maintained in CHU-10 medium with NH4-N(7) + Al(5) at pH 3 by depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 573      Collected from Site 0097-01, England by B.A. Whitton, 7-Jun-1988. Isolated by M. J. Hutchinson. Deposited as “D0829” Chlorella sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0829”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Cd (0.25) at pH 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; may also grow well at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Chlorococcum amblystomatis (F.D. Lambert ex N.Wille) N.Correia, J.Varela & Leonel Pereira

  • 738      Collected from Sudden Tract, Cambridge, ON, Canada by M. Nema (University of Waterloo), Apr-2015. Isolated by M. Nema, Jun-2015. Identified by M. Nema, Dec-15. Deposited as “Sudden Tract (ST)” Oophila amblystomatis by M. Nema, 06-Sep-2016. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chlorococcum amblystomatis, the name Oophila amblystomatisis still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: possibly part of cryptic species complex. Relatives = “Sudden Tract (ST)”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; originally maintained by depositor in NH4+ modified Bristol’s medium (Centre for Toxicology, University of Guelph); motile; cells may aggregate especially on rotary shaker. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 739      Collected from Lost Ray Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park, ON, Canada by L. Baxter (University of Guelph), 13-May-2014. Isolated and identified as Oophila sp. by L. Baxter. Deposited as “LRL” Oophila sp. or Oophila amblystomatis by M. Nema (University of Waterloo), 06-Sep-2016. “Oophila” is no longer an accepted taxonomic genus. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chlorococcum amblystomatis, the name Oophila amblystomatisis still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: possibly part of cryptic species complex. Relatives = “LRL”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; originally maintained by depositor in NH4+ modified Bristol’s medium (Centre for Toxicology, University of Guelph); motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 740      Collected from Sudden Tract, Cambridge, ON, Canada by L. Baxter (University of Guelph), 22-Apr-2013. Isolated and identified as Oophila sp. by J.L. Rodriguez-Gil (University of Guelph). Deposited as “CTOC 001” Oophila sp. or Oophila amblystomatis by M. Nema (University of Waterloo), 06-Sep-2016. “Oophila” is no longer an accepted taxonomic genus. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chlorococcum amblystomatis, the name Oophila amblystomatisis still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: possibly part of cryptic species complex. Relatives = “CTOC 001”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; originally maintained by depositor in NH4+ modified Bristol’s medium (Centre for Toxicology, University of Guelph); motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlorococcum hypnosporum Starr

  • 178      Collected from soil in Beldsoe Co., TN, USA. Isolated as “F35-1” by H.C. Bold. Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0130 Chlorococcum hypnosporum by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = CCAP 213/6 Chlorococcum hypnosporum; UTEX 119 Chlorococcum hypnosporum; Ward’s 86W 0130 Chloroccum hypnosporum; “F35-1”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile juvenile and non-motile adult life stages. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlorococcum sp.

  • 513      Collected from salt graduation tower in Poland. Isolated by B. Kluczyk, 21-Dec-1999. Deposited as “513” Chorococcum sp. by B. Kluczyk, Sept-1999. Identification uncertain: possibly Haematococcus sp. based on red colouration. Relatives = “513”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C.

Chloroidium saccharophilum (W. Krüger) Darienko & al.

  • 91        Collected from sap of wounded Populus alba, Germany. Isolated by W. Kruger, 1892. Deposited as UTEX 27 Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Note: UTEX 27 is now replaced by UTEX 2469 Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila, which was re-isolated in 1981 by B. Colman from UTEX 27. Formerly designated as Chlorella saccharophila in the CPCC. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chloroidium saccharophilum, the name Chlorella saccharophila is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = ATCC 30408 Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila; CAUP H 1912 Chloroidium saccharophilum; CCAP 211/9a Chlorella saccharophila; SAG 211-9a Chloroidium saccharophilum; UTEX 27 Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila; UTEX 2469 Chlorella saccharophila var. saccharophila. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chlorolobion braunii (Nägeli) Komárek

  • 625      Deposited as SAG 202-7d Monoraphidium braunii by SAG, 8-Jun-2004. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chlorolobion braunii, the names Monoraphidium braunii and Ankistrodesmus braunii are still regarded as valid taxonomic synonyms. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = CCAP 202/8c Ankistrodesmus sp.; SAG 202-7d Monoraphidium braunii. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 668      Collected from a roadside ditch, southeast of Austin, TX, USA by F.P. Healey, Mar-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, Mar-1970. Deposited as “FWI #18” Ankistrodesmus braunii by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006 . Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chlorolobion braunii, the name Ankistrodesmus braunii is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “FWI #18”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Chloromonas typhlos (Gerloff) Matsuzaki, Y.Hara & Nozaki

  • 528      Collected from “dried crusts of red spores and talos rock” below a snowfield at Saddlebag Lake, near Tioga Pass, Sierra Mountains, CA, USA by T. Thomas, 1994. Isolated by W.H. Thomas, 1994. Identified by W.H. Thomas, 1994, and verified by R. Hoham, Oct-1999. Deposited as Chlamydomonas nivalis by W.H. Thomas (University of California San Diego), 8-Feb-2001. Re-identified molecularly as Chloromonas typhlos by Prochazkova et al. (2019). Relatives = CCAP 11/128 Chloromonas typhlos; CCCryo 214-05 Chloromonas typhlos; UTEX 2824 Chlamydomonas nivalis. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM + vit medium at 10-14°C; requires vitamin B12; motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Chloromonas variabilis (P.-A. Dangeard) Wille

  • 110      Collected in France. Deposited as “CRHGY #511/5” Chlamydomonas variabilis by J. Helwig (University of Toronto), Apr-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Chloromonas variabilis, the name Chlamydomonas variabilis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “CRHGY #511/5”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile; acid-tolerant; Hg tolerant.

Chroococcus sp.

  • 623      Collected from Craigleith Park, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Great Lakes, ON, Canada by A. Anton, 2004. Isolated by A. Anton (UTCC), Oct-2004. Deposited as Chroococcus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Aug-2004. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; clumps; low density; very slow growth.

Chroomonas salina (Wislough) Butcher

  • 714      See Rhodomonas salina

Cladophora glomerata (Linnaeus) Kützing

  • 13        Collected from river near London, ON, Canada. Deposited as “University of Western Ontario local strain #238” Cladophora glomerata by L. Brown and D. Rose (University of Western Ontario), Apr-1987. Relatives = “UWO local strain #238”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 @ pH 8.5 + WC(ed) + L. ON H2O medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in 10% BBM + 10% soil extract medium according to depositor; non-motile; may adhere to glass in liquid medium. References available upon request.

Cladophora sp.

  • 635      Collected from Oakville area of Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada by S.Y. Malkin, Sep-2004. Isolated, identified, and deposited as “Oakville #2” Cladophora sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-2004. Relatives = “Oakville #2”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 @ pH 8.5 + WC(ed) + L. ON H2O medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; may adhere to glass in liquid medium.
  • 637      Collected from Oakville area of Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada by S.Y. Malkin, Sep-2004. Isolated, identified, and deposited as “Oakville #5” Cladophora sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-2004. Relatives = “Oakville #5”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 @ pH 8.5 + WC(ed) + L. ON H2O medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; may adhere to glass in liquid medium.
  • 638      Collected from Cooksville Creek area of Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada by S.Y. Malkin, Sep-2004. Isolated, identified, and deposited as “Cooksville #1” Cladophora sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-2004. Relatives = “Cooksville #1”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 @ pH 8.5 + WC(ed) + L. ON H2O medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; may adhere to glass in liquid medium.

Closterium cf. closterioides (Ralfs) A. Louis & Peeters

  • 190      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0160 Closterium sp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Identification uncertain: tentatively identified to species as Closterium cf. closterioides by A. St. Amand (PhycoTech, Inc.), Jul-2013. Relatives = Ward’s 86W 0160 Closterium sp.; Ward’s 86-0160 Closterium ehrenbergii. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Closterium sp.

  • 190      See Closterium cf. closterioides
  • 288      Collected from Boucher Lake, Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1992. Deposited as Closterium sp. by J.C. Acreman, Aug-1992. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; atypical reproduction (may divide to four daughter cells). References available upon request.

Coccochloris peniocystis ( Kutz.) Drouet and Daily

  • 71        See Cyanobium gracile

Coccomyxa simplex Mainx

  • 175      See Pseudococcomyxa simplex

Coccomyxa sp.

  • 508      Collected from Boomerang Lake, near Red Lake, ON, Canada (metal contaminated site). Isolated and deposited by C. Chung (UTCC), Jul-1999. Originally identified as Chlorella sp. Re-identified as Coccomyxa sp. by V.A.R. Huss. Rem: LSA; maintained in both BBM and MAM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; tolerant to low pH and 100-micromole nickel. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Coelastrella vacuolata (I. Shihira & R.W.Krauss) E.Hegewald & N.Hanagata

  • 89        Collected from tap water in O. Warburg’s lab, Berlin, Germany. Isolated by R. Emerson, 1926. Deposited as UTEX 252 Chlorella pyrenoidosa by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Re-identified biochemically and physiologically as Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata by E. Kessler and V.A.R. Huss (1992). Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Coelastrella vacuolata, the name Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = CCAP 211/8C Coelastrella vacuolata; IAM C-105 Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata; NIES 2151 Graesiella emersonii; SAG 211-8c Scenedesmus vacuolatus; UTEX 252 Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain; food source for other organisms.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Coelastrum sp.

  • 16        Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. O’Mahoney and B. Paul, 1984. Deposited as “FW-2” Coelastrum sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = “FW-2”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C. References available upon request.
  • 606      Collected from Station 2195, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada by T. Howell. Isolated and deposited as Coelastrum sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-2002. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 607      Collected from Station 2195, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada by T. Howell. Isolated by A. Anton, Oct-2002. Deposited as Coelastrum sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-2002. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.References available upon request.

Coleochaete scutata Brébisson

  • 305      Collected from an artificial pond, Davis, CA, USA. Isolated by S. Cooke. Deposited as UTEX 2567 Coleochaete scutata by UTEX, Aug-1992. Relatives = UTEX 2567 Coleochaete scutata. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.  References available upon request.

Coleochaete nitellarum Jost

  • 306      Collected from Nitella megacarpa growing in Cuff’s Pond, Falmouth, MA, USA. Isolated by R.C. Starr, 1962. Deposited as UTEX 1261 Coleochaete nitellarum by UTEX, Aug-1992. Relatives = UTEX 1261 Coleochaete nitellarum. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Cosmarium minimum var. subrotundatum West & G.S. West

  • 350      Collected from Alice Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as “Clone 1” Cosmarium minimum var. subrotundatum by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1993. Relatives = “Clone 1”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; resistant to at least 1 ppm Ni. References available upon request.
  • 351      Collected from Alice Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as “Clone 2” Cosmarium minimum var. subrotundatum by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1993. Relatives = “Clone 2”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; resistant to at least 1 ppm Ni. References available upon request.

Cosmarium sp.

  • 683      Collected from Lake 303 in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by F. P. Healy, Apr-1977. Isolated and identified by F. P. Healey, Apr-1977. Deposited as “FWI #103” Cosmarium sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #103”. Relatives = “FWI #103”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; will also grow well in CHU-10; may not grow well in BBM medium; non-motile.

Cryptomonas cf. curvata Ehrenberg

  • 343      Collected from Lake Michigan, Great Lakes, MI, USA. Isolated by R. Stemberger, 1978. Deposited as Cryptomonas erosa var. reflexa by J. Gilbert (Dartmouth College), 28-Oct-1993. Formerly designated as Cryptomonas erosa in the CPCC. Identification uncertain: tentatively re-identified as Cryptomonas cf.rostratiformis by S.B. Watson, 2007. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Cryptomonas cf. curvata, the name Cryptomonas cf. rostratiformis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C and 18-24°C; may also grow well in MWC +Se medium; motile; food source for planktonic rotifers; sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress.  References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Cryptomonas cf. rostratiformis Skuja

  • 343      See Cryptomonas cf. curvata

Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg

  • 343      See Cryptomonas cf. curvata
  • 446      Collected from a roadside pond near MacArthur Falls Generating Station, MB, Canada by F.P. Healey, Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, Jan-1997. Deposited as “FWI #40” Cryptomonas erosa by S.B. Watson (University of Calgary), Oct-1996. S.B. Watson obtained the strain from L. Hendzel. Relatives = “FWI #40”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be able to grow in CHU-10, however pigmentation changes from very brown (with a pink hue) in BBM to a light tan colour in CHU-10; motile; sensitive to shipping stress. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Cryptomonas erosa var. reflexa M. Marsson

  • 343      See Cryptomonas cf. curvata

Cryptomonas sp.

  • 320      Collected from Chub Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1993. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 322      Collected from Chub Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1993. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 335      Collected from St. Nora Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1993. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 336      Collected from St. Nora Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1993. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in WC or COMBO medium as per customer correspondence; may also grow well in BBM, 3N BBM, MWC+Se and AF-6 media; motile; food source for other organisms.  References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 375      Collected from Ruth Roy Lake, Killarney Park, ON, Canada. Isolated by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 17-Oct-1994. Deposited as “#16” Cryptomonas sp., Nov-1994. Relatives = “#16”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 or WC medium at 18-24°C.
  • 377      Collected from Ruth Roy Lake, Killarney Park, ON, Canada. Isolated by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), Oct-1994. Deposited as “#18” Cryptomonas sp., Nov-1994. Relatives = “#18”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 or WC medium at 18-24°C.
  • 379      Collected from Ruth Roy Lake, Killarney Park, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 17-Oct-1994. Deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by J. Pawlikowski, Nov-1994. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 or WC medium at 18-24°C.
  • 389      Collected as an under-ice sample from Alice Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Cryptomonassp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Mar-1995. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; motile.
  • 699      See unicellular cryptomonad”

Cyanobacterium cedrorum (Sauvageau) Komárek, J. Kopecky & Cepák

  • 79        Isolated by W. Arnold. Deposited as UTEX LB 1191 Synechococcus cedrorum by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Cyanobacterium cedrorum, the name Synechococcus cedrorum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = ATCC 27146 Synechococcus sp.; CALU 750; CCMEE 333; PCC 6908 Synechococcus sp.; UTEX 1191 Synechococcus cedrorum. Rem: SBF; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Cyanobium gracile Rippka & Cohen-Bazire

  • 71        Collected from Wisconsin, USA. Isolated 1949. Deposited as UTEX 1548 Coccochloris peniocystis by B. Colman (York University), Mar-1987. Re-identified molecularly as Cyanobium gracile by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018 (100% similarity to PCC 6307 Cyanobium gracile). Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = ATCC 27147 Synechococcus sp.; PCC 6307 Cyanobium; UTEX 1548 Coccochloris peniocystis. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.


  • 598      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Brazil by A.E. Kirkwood, Jan-1997. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jan-1997. Deposited as “PP21” Cyanosarcina sp. by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP21”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.

Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutzing

  • 710      See Stephanocyclus meneghinianus

Cyclotella sp.

  • 432      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated and deposited as Cyclotella sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1996. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; atypical morphology: cells elongated; food source for other organisms. References available upon request.
  • 433      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated and deposited as Cyclotella sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 537      Collected from Lake Erie, Great Lakes, Canada by M.R. Twiss. Isolated by A. Gonzales, Jul-2001. Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-2001. Deposited as Cyclotella sp. by M.R. Twiss (Ryerson Polytechnic University), Jul-2001. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in WC medium; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 710      SeeStephanocyclus meneghinianus

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wołoszyńska) Seenayya & Subba Raju

  • 746        See Raphidiopsis raciborskii

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Dactylococcus dissociatusRandar et Trainor

  • 47        See Tetradesmus dissociatus

Desmidium sp.

  • 674      Collected from Lake 240 in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by F. P. Healey, 22-Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, 22-Oct-1970. Deposited as “FWI #33” Desmidium sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #33”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Desmococcus sp.

  • 548      Isolated from a tank of Salvinia plants in BIO 150 lab at University of Toronto, Canada by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2001. Identified and deposited as “colonial green - peanut” by J.C. Acreman, Dec-2001. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Desmodesmus abundans (Kirchner) E.H. Hegewald

  • 394      Isolated by R. A. Lewin, 1987. Deposited as UTEX 343 Chlorella fusca var. fusca by S.L. Wong (Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy), 6-Sep-1995. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Desmodesmus abundans, the name Chlorella fusca is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CCAP 211/23 Desmodesmus abundans; IAM C-101; NIES-685 Desmodesmus abundans; UTEX 343 Chlorella fusca var. fusca (formerly UTEX 343 Chlorella pyrenoidosa). Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Desmodesmus communis (E.Hegewald) E.Hegewald

  • 158      Collected from Point Pelee, Lake Erie, Great Lakes, ON, Canada, 14-Oct-1988. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Apr-1988. Deposited as Scenedesmus quadricauda by J.C. Acreman, Apr-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Desmodesmus communis, the name Scenedesmus quadricauda is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in COMBO medium as per customer correspondence; non-motile.References available upon request.
  • 666      Collected from a fishpond in Abbotsford, BC, Canada by F. P. Healey, Sep-1969. Isolated and identified by F. P. Healey, Sep-1969. Deposited as “FWI #11” Scenedesmus quadricauda by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Desmodesmus communis, the name Scenedesmus quadricauda is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “FWI #11”. Rem: LF; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Desmodesmus denticulatus (Lagerheim) S.S.An, T.Friedl & E.Hegewald

  • 153      Collected from Terry Lake (brown water lake), Killarney Park, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1987. Identified and deposited as Scenedesmus denticulatus by J.C. Acreman, Dec-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Desmodesmus denticulatus, the name Scenedesmus denticulatus is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Diatoma elongatum (Lyngbye) C. Agardh

  • 62        See Diatoma tenuis

Diatoma tenue

  • 62        See Diatoma tenuis

Diatoma tenuis C. Agardh

  • 62        Collected from Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), Sep-1984. Deposited as Diatoma elongatum by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), 23-Feb-1987. Re-identified molecularly as Diatoma tenue (=Diatoma tenuis) by E.C. Theriot et al., 06-Sep-2012. Alternate spelling = Diatoma tenue. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; atypical morphology: cells small and appearance may be similar to Tabellaria sp. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Diatoma vulgare Bory

  • 61        See Diatoma vulgaris

Diatoma vulgaris Bory

  • 61        Collected from Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), Sep-1984. Deposited as Diatoma vulgare by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), 23-Feb-1987. Alternate spelling = Diatoma vulgare. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Diatoma sp.

  • 417      Collected from North Lake, Resolute, NWT, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1995. Deposited as Diatoma sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Rem: LA?; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C.

Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum Nageli

  • 489      Collected from a garden pond in Cambridge, England by L.E.R. Picken. Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim, 1940. Deposited as UTEX 75 Dictyosphaerium pulchellum by F. Zhou and D.J. Kushner (University of Toronto), Sep-1998. Re-identified as Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum. Relatives = ATCC 30427 Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum; CCAP 222/1A Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum; SAG 222-1a; UTEX 75 Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood

  • 489      See Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum
  • 501      See Mucidosphaerium pulchellum

Dictyosphaerium sp.

  • 684      Collected from Lake 227 in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by F. P. Healey, Apr-1977. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, Apr-1977. Deposited as “FWI #106/107” Dictyosphaerium sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #106/107”. Rem: LF; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; atypical morphology.

Dinobryon sociale (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg

  •  392      Deposited as UTEX 2267 Dinobryon sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Aug-1995. Re-identified molecularly as Dinobryon sociale by R.A. Andersen, 18-Nov-2019. Relatives = UTEX 2267 Dinobryon sp. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in DY III or DY IV medium; may also grow (but more slowly) in CHU-10 medium; motile; loricate colony formation is sporadic as they disassociate easilyReferences available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Dinobryon sp.

  • 392      See Dinobryon sociale

Dolichospermum circinale (Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault) P. Wacklin, L. Hoffmann & J. Komárek

  • 543      Collected from Burton Lake, SK, Canada. Isolated by P.R. Gorham, 1961. Deposited as UTEX 2383 Anabaena flos-aquae by UTEX, Jul-2001. Formerly designated as Anabaena the CPCC.Previously tentatively identified morphologically as Schizothrix sp. by W.W. Carmichael; re-identified molecularly as Dolichospermum circinale by CCAP, 2013. Relatives = CCAP 1403/21 Dolichospermum circinale; UTEX 2383 Anabaena flos-aquae; “NRC-44h”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in WC or CHU-10 (pH 8.5) medium; non-motile; possible toxin producer: may produce anatoxin-a according to Gorham et al. (1964) but Health Canada was unable to confirm the presence of anatoxin-a. References available upon request.Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 725      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada, 23-Aug-2007. Isolated 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “19” Anabaena circinalis by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Dolichospermum circinale, the name Anabaena circinalisis still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “19”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

  • 741      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada, 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “11” Anabaena circinalis by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Dolichospermum circinale, the name Anabaena circinalis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “11”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Dolichospermum crassum (Lemmermann) P. Wacklin, L. Hoffmann & J. Komárek

  • 743       Collected from Waterloo Lake, QC, Canada, 30-Sep-2007. Isolated 30-Sep-2007. Deposited as “31” Anabaena crassa by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Dolichospermum crassum, the name Anabaena crassa is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “31”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Dolichospermum flos-aquae (Bornet & Flahault) P. Wacklin, L. Hoffmann & Komárek

  • 64        See Trichormus variabilis (formerly Anabaena flos-aquae)
  • 67        See Trichormus variabilis (formerly Anabaena flos-aquae)
  • 736      Collected from William Lake, QC, Canada, 04-Sep-2009. Deposited as “6W” Anabaena flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Dolichospermum flos-aquae, the name Anabaena flos-aquae is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “6W”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C; toxin producer: produces anatoxin-a.

Dolichospermum mendotae (W.Trelease) Wacklin, L.Hoffmann & Komárek

  • 737      See Aphanizomenon flos-aquae

Dolichospermum spiroides (Klebhan) Wacklin, L. Hoffmann & Komárek

  • 68        Collected from Northern Galilee, Israel. Isolated by M. Shilo, 1963. Deposited as UTEX 1552 Anabaena spiroides by B. Colman (York University), Mar-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Dolichospermum spiroides, the name Anabaena spiroides is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = ATCC 27896 Nostoc sp.; PCC 6310 Nostoc sp.; UTEX 1552 Anabaena spiroides. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Dunaliella acidophila (Kalina) Masjuk

  • 307      Deposited as NEPCC 721 Dunaliela acidophila by CCCM, Mar-1993. Relatives = CCCM/NEPCC 721 Dunaliela acidophila. Rem: LB; maintained at 18-24°C in Albertano medium at pH 1; motile.              

Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco

  • 197      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0171 Dunaliella salina by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward’s 470179-760 Dunaliella; Ward’s 86-0171 Dunaliella; Ward’s 86W 0171 Dunaliella salina. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; motile; marine. References available upon request.

Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher

  • 420      Deposited as “DUN” Dunaliella tertiolecta by J.A. Hellebust, 30-Apr-1996. Relatives = CCMP 1320 Dunaliella tertiolecta; CSIRO CS-175 Dunaliella tertiolecta; CCCM/NEPCC 1 Dunaliella tertiolecta; “DUN”; “WHOI 1 Dun”. Rem: LA; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; motile; marine; food source for other organisms.References available upon request.

Dunaliella sp.

  • 457      Collected from surface brine storage pond for industrial use (salt content of pond = 24%) Sarnia, ON, Canada by C. Ferguson (Pollutech Enviroquatics Ltd.), Apr-1998. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Dunaliella sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), May-1998. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C and 18-24°C; may also be maintained in ESAW medium; motile. References available upon request

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Ecdysichlamys polymorpha (Groover & Bold) Komárek & Comas

  • 9        Isolated by B. Richardson as contaminant from Chlorella culture. Deposited as UTEX 1645 Oocystis polymorpha by P.M. Stokes (University of Toronto), 18-Dec-1986. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is Ecdysichlamys polymorpha, the name Oocystis polymorpha is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = UTEX 1645 Oocystis polymorpha. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; adheres to the flask slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.

Entomoneis paludosa (W.Smith) Reimer

  • 662      Collected from nearshore brackish water in Bras D’Or Lake, Cape Breton, NS, Canada, May-2005. Isolated by K. Chen (UTCC), Jul-2005. Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), May-2005. Deposited as Amphiprora paludosa by J.C. Acreman, 9-Nov-2006. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Entomoneis paludosa, the name Amphiprora paludosa is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB, maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Eremosphaera viridis De Bary

  • 127      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Eremosphaera sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC) and Y. Wei, Sep-1987. Retrieved from R.R. Lew (York University), 18-May-2011. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM + vit medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; teaching strain; low density; slow growth; very large cell (~140 um diameter). References available upon request.

Eremosphaera sp.

  • 127      See Eremosphaera viridis

Euastrum bidentatum var. speciosum (Boldt) Schmidle

  • 368      Collected from Opeongo Lake, Algonquin Park, ON, Canada. Isolated by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 26-Jul-1994. Deposited as “#9” Euastrum sp., Nov-1994. Relatives = “#9”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C.

Euastrum sp.

  • 368      See Euastrum bidentatum var. speciosum

Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg

  • 381      Collected from a lake in Algonquin Park, ON, Canada. Identified, isolated, and deposited as Eudorina elegans by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1994. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium.

Euglena gracilis G.A.Klebs

  • 95        Isolated by E. G. Pringsheim, 1950. Deposited as UTEX 753 Euglena gracilis by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Relatives = ATCC 12894 Euglena gracilis; CCAP 1224/5Z Euglena gracilis; IAM E-6; NIES-48 Euglena gracilis; NIVA-1/79 Euglena gracilis; SAG 1224-5/25 Euglena gracilis; UTEX 753 Euglena gracilis; “Cambridge Z strain”; “Pringsheim's 25”; “Pringsheim strain Z". Rem: LA; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in BBM medium; slowly motile; widely used in bioassay of vitamin B12. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 469      Collected from a lake with nickel mine tailings, Ph 2.8, near Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by M. Olaveson, Aug-1995. Deposited as “SG-1 (field strain)” Euglena gracilis by M. Olaveson, 20-Jul-1998. Relatives = “SG-1 (field strain)”. Rem: LB; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile. References available upon request.

Euglena mutabilis F. Schmitz

  • 132      Collected from mud close to a nickel mine drainage site in Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Euglena mutabilis by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1987 Rem: LB; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 293      Collectedfrom sulphuric acid plant site on Serpent River, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson, 1980. Deposited as Euglena mutabilis. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  •  382      Collected from Ruth Roy Lake, Killarney Park, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Euglena mutabilis by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1994. Rem: LBF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 451      Collected from a mine site in Elliott Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “EL-3” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson, 8-Dec-1997. Relatives = “EL-3”. Rem: LBF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile; metal tolerant.References available upon request.
  • 452      Collected from Levack nickel mine site Levack, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “LV-L” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson, 8-Dec-1997. Relatives = “LV-L”. Rem: LB; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile; nickel tolerant. References available upon request.
  • 488      Collected from pond sand in Hirschberg, Czechoslovakia. Isolated as Euglena klebsii by F. Mainx, 1924. Deposited as UTEX 2650 Euglena mutabilisby F. Zhou and D.J. Kushner (University of Toronto), Sep-1998. Relatives = CCAP 1224/9B Euglena mutabilis; SAG 1224-9b Euglena mutabilis; UTEX 2650 Euglena mutabilis. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 645      Collectedfrom Czechoslovakia, Grossteich near Hirschberg. Isolated by F. Mainx, 1924. Deposited as “EM-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Orignated from UTEX 364 prior to that strain being lost at UTEX and replaced with Euglena gracilis.Relatives = SAG 1224-9b Euglena mutabilis; “EM-1” Euglena mutabilis. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 646      Collected from acid mine drainage from a copper mine, Avoca, Ireland, Aug-1998. Isolated by M. Olaveson, 1998. Deposited as “AV-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “AV-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 647      Collected from B-Zone Pit, uranium mine, northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “BZ-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “BZ-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 648      Collected from acid mine drainage, Crotch Lake uranium mine tailings, Elliot Lake, ON, Canada, Sep-1988. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “EL-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “EL-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 649      Collected from acid mine drainage, Nordic tailings, uranium mine, Elliot Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “EL-2” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “EL-2”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 650      Collected from acid mine drainage, Fecunis tailings, copper/nickel mine, Onaping, ON, Canada, Aug-1985. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “FB-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “FB-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 651      Collected from acid mine drainage, Fecunis tailings, copper/nickel mine, Onaping, ON, Canada, Aug-1995. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “FB-22” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2-Sep-2003. Relatives = “FB-22”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 652      Collected from coal mine, Lake Lugteich, Brandenburg, Germany (GDR former East Germany), Jun-1997. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “LG-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “LG-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 653      Collected from acid mine drainage, Levack tailings, copper/nickel mine, Levack, ON, Canada, Aug-1985. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “LV-2” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 654      Collected from acid mine drainage, QC, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “SB-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “SB-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 655      Collected from acid mine drainage, NS, Canada. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “SM-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “SM-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 656      Collected from acid mine drainage at tailings pipe discharge, Onaping, ON, Canada. Deposited as “ST-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Relatives = “ST-1”. Rem: LBF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 657      Collected from acid mine drainage, gold mine tailings, Timmins, ON, Canada, Jul-1995. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “TM-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “TM-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 658      Collected from acid mine drainage, gold mine tailings, Timmins, ON, Canada, Jul-1995. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “TM-2” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “TM-2”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.
  • 659      Collected from acid mine drainage at wheelhouse, zinc/copper mine, Ear Falls, ON, Canada, Jun-1999. Isolated by M. Olaveson. Deposited as “WH-1” Euglena mutabilis by M. Olaveson (University of Toronto Scarborough), 22-Sep-2003. Relatives = “WH-1”. Rem: LF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C; slowly motile.

Eunotia sp.

  • 357      Collected from lake water in Point Pelee National Park, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 26-May-1994. Deposited as “#1” Eunotia sp. Relatives = “#1”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

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Fistulifera pelliculosa (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot

  • 552      Collected from hot, dusty arroyo, cliffs and soil, CA, USA. Isolated and identified by R.A. Lewin as “80”, prior to 1975. Deposited as CCAP 1050/3C Navicula pelliculosa axenic culture by CCAP, 26-Apr-2002. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Fistulifera pelliculosa, the name Navicula pelliculosa is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CCAP 1050/3c Navicula pelliculosa; UTEX 2030. Rem: LA; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in COMBO medium as per customer correspondence; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain; sometimes adheres to the flask very slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium; atypical morphology: weakly silicified frustules, however, P. Hamilton (Canadian Museum of Nature) confirmed via preliminary DNA PCR that it is a diatom, Mar-2019. References available upon request.

Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton

  • 269      Collected from Esthwaite Water, Cumbria, England. Isolated by Jaworski, 1984. Deposited as CCAP 1029/8 Fragilaria crotenensis by CCAP, Apr-1991. Alternate spelling = Fragilaria crotenensis. Relatives = CCAP 1029/8 Fragilaria crotenensis; “FBA L403”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 542      Collected from Whitefish Bay, Lake Superior, Great Lakes by R.M.L. McKay (Bowling Green State University, OH, USA), Jul-2001. Isolated by J.C. Acreman and A. Gonzales (UTCC), Dec-2001. Identified by J.C. Acreman, Nov-2001. Deposited as Fragilaria crotenensis by R.M.L. McKay (Bowling Green State University), 17-Jan-2002. Alternate spelling = Fragilaria crotenensis. Rem: LF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Fremyella diplosiphon (Bornet & Flahault) Drouet

  • 545      See Lyngbya sp.

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Geitlerinema amphibium (C. Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis

  • 591      See Anagnostidinema amphibium

Geitlerinema carotinosum (Geitler) Anagnostidis

  • 586      See Anagnostidinema carotinosum

Geitlerinema sp.

  • 99        Identified as Microcoleus vaginatus. Deposited as ATCC 29126 LPP Group (Lyngbya/Plectonema/Phormidium) by J.R. Coleman (University of Toronto), Apr-1987. Re-identified molecularly as Geitlerinema sp., 11-Sep-2019. Relatives = ACMM 489 LPP group; ATCC 29126 Geitlerinema sp.; PCC 7407 Geitlerinema. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 311      Collected from sand dune near a freshwater lake in Presqu’ile, ON, Canada by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), 16-Jul-1992. Isolated by J.C. Acreman, Apr-1993. Identified by R. Rippka, Oct-1993. Deposited as Geitlerinema sp. by C.D. Maxwell (Trent University), 25-Jun-1993. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 liquid medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile; clonal isolate. References available upon request.
  • 439      Collected from effluent pond at a pulp and paper mill in Brazil. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Geilterinema sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 liquid medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Gonium pectorale O.F. Müller

  • 380      Collected from a lake in Algonquin Park, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Gonium pectorale by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1994. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium.

Gonium sp.

  • 195      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0185 Gonium sp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward’s 470176-634 Gonium; Ward’s 86-0185 Gonium; Ward’s 86W 0185 Gonium sp. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10.  References available upon request.

Graesiella emersonii (Shihira & R.W. Krauss) H. Nozaki & al.

  • 86        Deposited as Chlorella emersonii by B. Colman (York University), 2-Mar-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Graesiella emersonii, the name Chlorella emersonii is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym.  Relatives = CCAP 211/8P Graesiella emersonii. Rem: SA?; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; excretes glycolate, contrary to previous reports. References available upon request.Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Haematococcus lacustris (Girod-Chantrans) Rostafinski    

  • 93        Collected in Czechoslovakia by F. Mainx. Isolated and originally identified as Haematococcus pluvialisby E.G. Pringsheim. Deposited as UTEX 16 Haematococcus lacustris by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Haematococcus lacustris, the name Haematococcus pluvialis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = ATCC 30402 Haematococcus lacustris; CCAP 34/1b; IAM C-296 Haematococcus lacustris; IAM C-393 Haematococcus lacustris; IAM C-582 Haematococcus lacustris; NIES-2264 Haematococcus lacustris; SAG 34-1b Haematococcus pluvialis; UTEX 16 Haematococcus lacustris. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile juvenile and non-motile adult life stages; astaxanthin (carotenoid) accumulation; very sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow em. Wille

  • 93        See Haematococcus lacustris

Haematococcus sp.

  • 513      See Chlorococcum sp.

Halamphora coffeaeformis

  • 58        See Halamphora coffeiformis

Halamphora coffeiformis (C. Agardh) Mereschkowsky

  • 58        Collected from Esquimalt Lagoon, Victoria, BC, Canada, 1983. Isolated and identified by D. Voltolina (Royal Roads Military College), Jul-1983. Deposited through C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough) as “M-34” Amphora coffeaeformis by D. Voltolina, Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Halamphora coffeiformis, the name Amphora coffeiformis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Alternate spellings = Amphora coffeaeformis; Halamphora coffeaeformis. Relatives = “M-34”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; non-motile; food source for juvenile abalone; adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium; marine. References available upon request.

Hydrodictyon reticulatum (Linnaeus) Bory

  • 94      Collected from “furrows leading to water farms” in Grahamstown, South Africa. Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0210 Hydrodictyon sp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward’s 470176-638 Hydrodictyon; Ward’s 86-0210 Hydrodictyon; Ward’s 86W 0210 Hydrodictyon sp. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Hydrodictyon sp.

  • 194      See Hydrodictyon reticulatum

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Isochrysis galbana Parke

  • 690      Collected from a marine fishpond, Port Erin Marine Station, Isle of Man, British Isles. Isolated by M. Parke, 1938. Deposited as NEPCC 633 Isochrysis galbana by CCCM, 2007. Relatives = CCAP 927/1 Isochrysis galbana; CCMP 1323 Isochrysis galbana; CCCM/NEPCC 633 Isochrysis galbana; UTEX 987 Isochrysis galbana; “PLY 1”; “SMBA 58”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; motile; marine; used in aquaculture as a food source for other organisms. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Jaagichlorella luteoviridis (Chodat) Darienko & Prӧschold

  • 705      Isolated as“Chlorella vulgaris 2” by E.G. Pringsheim, pre-1929. Deposited as UTEX 24 Chlorella luteoviridis by UTEX, 24-Nov-2010. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is Jaagichlorella luteoviridis, the name Chlorella luteoviridis is still regarded as valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CPCC 87 Chlorella luteoviridis (formerly Chlorella miniata); ATCC 30546 Chlorella miniata; CCAP 211/5a; SAG 211-5a Jaagichlorella luteoviridis; UTEX 24 Chlorella luteoviridis. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Kamptonema animale (C.Agardh ex Gomont) Strunecký, Komárek & J.Smarda

  • 578         Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Woodland, ME, USA by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Deposited as “PP1” Phormidium animaleby A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Kamptonema animale, the name Phormidium animale is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “PP1”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; unique pigmentation, mixotrophic, heterotrophic. References available upon request.

Kirchneriella sp.

  • 609      Collected from Station LV-3, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada. Isolated by A. Anton, Nov-2002. Deposited as Kirchneriella sp. by J.C. Acreman, Nov-2002. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Klebsormidium rivulare (Kützing) M.O. Morison & Sheath

  • 569      Collected from a metal-rich effulent (5 mg L-1 Zn) to River Etherow, Lancashire, England. Deposited as “D0547” Klebsormidium rivulare by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0547”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Zn(5) at Ph 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 575      Collected from Site 0097-01, England by B.A. Whitton, 7-Jun-1988. Isolated by M.J. Hutchinson. Deposited as “D0832” Klebsormidium rivulare by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0832”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Cd(0.25) at Ph 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Klebsormidium subtile (Kützing) Mikhailyuk, Glaser, Holzinger & Karsten

  • 577      Collected from Site 0071-95, England by B.A. Whitton, 7-Jun-1988. Isolated by M.J. Hutchinson. Deposited as “D0834” Klebsormidium subtile by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0834”. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Cd(0.25) at Ph 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Klebsormidium sp.

  • 509      Collected from Boomerang Lake, near Red Lake, ON, Canada (metal contaminated site). Isolated as Ulothrix sp. by C. Chung, Aug-1999. Re-identified morphologically as Klebsormidium sp. by P. Škaloud, Oct-2015. Rem: LBF; maintained in MAM medium at 18-24°C ; tolerant to lOW pH and was tolerant to 100 micromole nickel References available upon request.
  • 554      Collected from Copperhill, Tenessee, USA by B. A. Whitton; site has following specifications: Ph 3.05, metals (concentration in mg/L): Mg (92), Ca(219), MN(22), Fe(389), Zn(8.8), Cd(0.0072), Pb(0.005). Isolated by B.A. Whitton. Deposited as “D0451” Klebsormidium sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0451”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with NH4-N(7) + Al at Ph 3 by the depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; morphology in culture: filaments 7 microns wide, cells short.
  • 555      Collected from Burra Burra Creek, Copperhill, Tennessee, USA by B.A. Whitton, 5-May-1977. Isolated by J.W. Simon. Deposited as “D0452” Klebsormidium sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0452”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with NH4-N(7) + Al at Ph 3 by the depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; morphology in culture: long filaments.
  • 561      Collected from Site 4006-01, Germany by B.A. Whitton. Isolated by B.A. Whitton. Deposited as “D0531” Klebsormidium sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0531”. Rem: LB; not clonal; maintained in CHU-10 medium + Zn (5 mg/L) by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile; failed viability test in liquid nitrogen in Whitton lab.
  • 568      Collected from Site 0093-04, England by B.A. Whitton, 7-June-1998. Isolated by M.J. Hutchinson. Deposited as “D0836” Ulothrix sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Re-identified morphologically as Klebsormidium sp. by P. Škaloud, Oct-2015. Relatives = “D0836”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Cd(0.25) AT pH 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14oC; non-motile. References available upon request.

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Laspinema lumbricale (J.R. Johansen & Casamatta) Heidari & Hauer

  • 476      Collected from substrate of a saline pond on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica (78° S, 166° E). Isolated by W.F. Vincent, Dec-1990. Originally identified as Oscillatoria priestleyi by P. Broady,1991. Deposited as “O-Salt” Oscillatoria priestleyi by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Formerly designated as Oscillatoria priestleyii (misspelled) in the CPCC. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Phormidium lumbricale by Casamatta et al. (2005). Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is Laspinema lumbricale, the name Phormidium lumbricale is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “O-Salt”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14oC; may also be maintained in BG-11 with 5g/L NaCl medium; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Leptolyngbya angustata Casamatta et Johansen

  • 473      Collected from benthic substrate of Kuparuk River (near Toolik Lake), Arctic, Alaska, USA (68o N, 148o W). Isolated by W.F. Vincent, Dec-1990. Originally identified as Phormidium tenue by R.G. Sheath, 13-May-1998. Deposited as “O-120” Phormidium tenue by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Leptolyngbya angustata by Casamatta et al. (2005). Relatives = “O-120”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Leptolyngbya cf. boryana (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 688      Collected from a pond in Puerto Rico by A. Lentini, Jul-2006. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC) and S. Tobin (UTCC), Nov-2006. Deposited as Leptolyngbya cf. boryana by J.C. Acreman. Identification uncertain: tentatively identified as Leptolyngbya cf. boryana by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc). Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Leptolyngbya tenerrima (Hansgirg) Komárek

  • 77        May have been isolated by S.R. Brown (Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada). Deposited as “S.R. Brown (Queen’s)” Phormidium molle by B. Colman (York University), Feb-1987. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Leptolyngbya tenerrima by Casamatta et al. (2005). Relatives = “S.R. Brown (Queen’s)”. Rem: SA; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Leptolyngbya tenuis (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 424      Collected from rice field, Akita City, Japan. Isolated by M. Ishikawa. Identified by H. Fukushima. Deposited as IAM M-40 Phormidium tenue by IAM, 13-May-1996. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Leptolyngbya tenuis, the name Phormidium tenue is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = IAM M-40 Phormidium tenue; NIES 30 Leptolyngbya sp. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Leptolyngbya sp.

  • 696      Collected from Lake Erie, Great Lakes by S.W. Wilhelm. Isolated by G.S. Espie, Mar-2008. Identified by G.S. Espie and S. Short, Aug-2008. Deposited as Leptolyngbya sp. by G.S. Espie (University of Toronto), 13-May-2010. Based on 16S rDNA partial sequence, this strain may be related or identical to Leptolyngbya sp. PCC 73110. Low light adapted cells (15-20 µmol/m2/s) tolerate periodic exposure to extreme PPFD (2000 µmol/m2/s) without obvious photoinhibition. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24ºC; may withstand up to 30°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Lyngbya sp.

  • 313      See Microcoleus acremannii
  • 506      Collected from brackish pond in Puerto Rico, May-1999. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), May-1999. Deposited as Lyngbya J.C. Acreman. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 525      Collected from Pakowki Lake (small coolie lake that dries up in summer), AB, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Lyngbya sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2000. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 545      Isolated from a tank of Salvinia plants at BIO 150 labs at University of Toronto, ON, Canada by M. Khayatian (UTCC), Dec-2001. Deposited tentatively as Lyngbya. Identification uncertain: possiblyTolypothrix sp. or Fremyella diplosiphon (which is a taxonomic synonym for Microchaete diplosiphon) according to molecular identification by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; atypical morphology: similar to Phormidium sp. or Fremyella diplosiphon; dark purple-brown pigmentation; adheres to the flask slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.
  • 592      Collected from activated sludge, AB, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-1999. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-1999. Deposited as “PP15” Lyngbya sp. by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP15”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.

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Mallomonas papillosa K. Harris & D.E. Bradley

  • 449      Collected from a freshwater saltmarsh, England, UK. Isolated by Belcher, 1965. Deposited as CCMP 476 Mallomonas papillosa by S.B. Watson (University of Calgary), Mar-1997. Realtives = CCAP 929/2; CCMP 476 Mallomonas papillosa. SCCAP K-1178 Mallomonas papillosa. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; also grows well at 18-20°C; motile. References available upon request.

Mallomonas sp.

  • 440      Collected from Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, Arrowwood Lake ND, USA as under-ice sample (at 1°C) by M. Fawley, 21-Jan-1995. Deposited as “AN1-14” Mallomonas sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Relatives = “AN1-14”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 10-14°C; may also be maintained in DYIV medium; non-motile.

Melosira granulata f. curvata

  • 397      See Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata

Melosira granulata f. curvatum

  • 397      See Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata

Melosira granulata f. curvatulum

  • 397      See Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata

Melosira moniliformis (Link) C. Agardh

  • 53        Collected from Mason Bay, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Mar-1997. Deposited as “M-29” Melosira sp. by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Relatives = “M-29”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; non-motile; marine.

Melosira sp.

  • 53        See Melosira moniliformis

Merismopedia sp.

  • 428      Collected from lake water/sediment, Akanoi Bay, Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated and deposited as Merismopedia sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jun-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; ability to form colonies has mostly been lost.
  • 526      Collected from Pakowki Lake (small coolie lake that dries up in summer), AB, Canada. Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jan-2001. Isolated by A. Gonzales, Feb-2001. Deposited as Merismopedia sp. by J.C. Acreman, Feb-2001. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium in low light at 18-24ºC; non-motile.
  • 711      Collected from a surface shoreline accumulation (of cyanobacteria), Lakeland Estates (Southern Ottawa area), Greely, ON, Canada by A. Zastepa, 25-Aug-2010. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Merismopedia sp. by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Nov-2010. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Mesotaenium kramstae Lemmermann

  • 188      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0260 Mesotaenium kramstai by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Alternate spelling = Mesotaenium kramstai. Relatives = Ward’s 86W 0260 Mesotaenium kramstai. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C.

Mesotaenium kramstai

  • 188      See Mesotaenium kramstae

Micrasterias furcata C. Agardh ex Ralfs

  • 131      Collected from Bent Shoe Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Micrasterias radiata by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Micrasterias furcata, the name Micrasterias radiata is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM or CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; good teaching strain; produces fibrils acc to ruthemium red stain. References available upon request.

Micrasterias radiata Hassall

  • 131      See Micrasterias furcata

Microchaete diplosiphon Gomont ex Bornet & Flahault

  • 545      See Lyngbya sp.

Microcoleus acremanii

  • 313      See Microcoleus acremannii

Microcoleus acremannii Casamatta & Johansen.

  • 313      Collected from a sand dune near a freshwater lake in Presqu’ile, ON Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Apr-1993. Formerly identified as Lyngbya sp. by J.C. Acreman, Apr-1993. Deposited as Lyngbya sp. by C.D. Maxwell (Trent University), Jun-1993. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Microcoleus acremannii by Casamatta et al. (2005). Formerly designated as Microcoleus acremanii (misspelled) in the CPCC. Rem: SA?; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Microcoleus antarcticus Casamatta et Johansen

  • 474      Collected from benthic substrate of a lake on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica (78° S, 166° E). Isolated by W.F. Vincent, Dec-1990. Originally identified as Phormidium subfuscum by R.G. Sheath, 13-May-1998. Deposited as “O-025” Phormidium subfuscum by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Microcoleus antarcticus by Casamatta et al. (2005). Relatives = “O-025”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Microcoleus autumnalis (Gomont) Strunecky, Komárek & J.R. Johansen

  • 579      Collected from a pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Woodland, ME, USA by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Deposited as “PP2” Phormidium autumnale by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Microcoleus autumnalis, the namePhormidium autumnale is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “PP2”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; exudate production, pigments, mixotrophic. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Microcoleus glaciei Johansen et Casamatta

  • 475      See Wilmottia murrayi

Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing

  • 124      Collected from a lake water surface bloom in Heart Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Microcystis aeruginosa by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1987. Identification supported molecularly by A. Kwok & E. Batista (University of Waterloo), 2018 (100% similarity to PMC 673.10 Microcystis sp.). Relatives = “Ma_OC_H_19870700_S124”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile: gas vesicles; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 299      Collected from Pretzlaff dugout/pond (farmer’s drinking water), SE Edmonton, AB, Canada. Isolated and identified by A. Lam, 7-Aug-1990. Deposited as “45-2A” Microcystis aeruginosa by E. Prepas and A. Lam, Mar-1993. Relatives = CCAP 1450/16 Microcystis aeruginosa;“Ma_AC_P_19900807_S299”; “#45-2A”. Rem: LA?; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in BBM medium according to depositor; non-motile: gas vesicles; may also add soil extract; toxin producer: produces microcystin as 415 μg/g of dry weight algae according to depositor; Health Canada produced 300 μg/L microcystin; tested positive for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request.Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 300      Collected from Pretzlaff dugout/pond (farmer’s drinking water), SE Edmonton, AB, Canada. Isolated and identified by A. Lam, 7-Aug-1990. Deposited as “45-4A” Microcystis aeruginosa by E. Prepas and A. Lam, Mar-1993. Identification supported molecularly by A. Kwok & E. Batista (University of Waterloo), 2018 (99% similarity to FACHB-925 Microcystis aeruginosa). Relatives = “Ma_AC_P_19900807_S300”; “45-4A”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in BBM medium according to depositor; non-motile: gas vesicles; may also add soil extract; toxin producer: produces microcystin as 204 μg/g of dry weight according to depositor; S. Princiotta (Murray State U) also confirmed toxin production, at a rate of 0.06 pg/cell or 347 ng/mL for intracellular MC-LR values during exponential growth in BBM medium (no extracellular/dissolved MC-LR detected), Feb-2019; tested positive for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 436      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Microcystis aeruginosa by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; toxin producer: produces three types of microcystin in low amounts (~4 μg/g dry weight) according to C. Nalewajko and T. Murphy, 2000. References available upon request.

  • 459      Collected from Little Rideau Lake, ON, Canada by A. Zehnder and P.R. Gorham, 27-Sep-1954. Isolated as “NRC-1” Microcystis aeruginosa by P.R. Gorham. Deposited as “UWOCC 001” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. D.L. Parker obtained the strain from J.N. Eloff, 23-Nov-1981. Relatives = CPCC 468 Microcystis aeruginosa; CPCC 633 Microcystis aeruginosa; CCALA 106; CCAP 1450/4 Microcystis aeruginosa; NIVA-CYA 31 Microcystis aeruginosa; PCC 7941 Microcystis sp.; SAG 14.85 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2386 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2667 Microcystis aeruginosa; “NRC-1”; “NRC-1 [SS-17]”; “UWOCC 001”; “UWOCC SS-17”; “UV-001”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile: gas vesicles; coccoid cells; possible toxin producer: reported as toxic for microcystin by J.N. Eloff and toxic when studied by P.R. Gorham, but UTEX indicates UTEX 2386 is non-toxic.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 463      Collected from Trampling Lake, SK, Canada by E.A.D. Allen and P.R. Gorham, Aug-1980. Isolated and identified as “S80-93” Microcystis aeruginosa by P.R. Gorham. Deposited as “UWOCC E3” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. Relatives = “S80-93”; “UWOCC E3”. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; produces agar-like gel; cells are bacillary rather than coccoid.

  • 464      Collected from from Trampling Lake, SK, Canada by E.A.D. Allen and P.R. Gorham, Aug-1980. Isolated and identified as “S80-97” Microcystis aeruginosa by P.R. Gorham. Deposited as “UWOCC E7” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. . Relatives = “Ma_SC_T_19800800_S464”; “S80-97”; “UWOCC E7”. Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM at 18-24°C; may also grow in Juttner or BG-11 medium; non-motile; produces agar-like gel; toxin producer: reported as toxic for microcystin by S. LeBlanc-Renaud; confirmed by M. Racine and C. Hollingdale. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 466      Collected from Lake Michigan, Great Lakes, Green Bay, WI, USA by D.L. Parker, 15-Aug-1982. Isolated and identified as Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker. Deposited as “UWOCC P3” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. Relatives = “UWOCC P3”. Rem: LBF; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also maintained in Juttner or BG-11; non-motile: gas vesicles; coccoid cells. References available upon request.

  • 468      Collected from Little Rideau Lake, ON, Canada by A. Zehnder and P.R. Gorham, 27-Sep-1954. Isolated as “NRC-1” Microcystis aeruginosa by P.R. Gorham. Purified by W.W. Carmichael, 1974. Deposited as “UWOCC SS-17” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. D.L. Parker obtained the strain from W.W. Carmichael, Feb-1984. Identification uncertain: cells are bacillary rather than coccoid so may not be Microcystis. Relatives = CPCC 459 Microcystis aeruginosa; CPCC 633 Microcystis aeruginosa; CCALA 106; CCAP 1450/4 Microcystis aeruginosa; NIVA-CYA 31 Microcystis aeruginosa; PCC 7941 Microcystis sp.; SAG 14.85 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2386 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2667 Microcystis aeruginosa; “NRC-1”; “NRC-1 [SS-17]”; “UWOCC 001”; “UWOCC SS-17”; “UV-001”. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile;  presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 627      See “unicellular chlorophyte”

  • 632      Collected from Lake Mendota, Madison, WI, USA. Isolated by G.C. Gerloff, Sep-1948. Depositedin UTEX asPatterson’s 1036AX (Gerloff et al., 1950). Deposited in CPCC as UTEX 2061 Microcystis aeruginosa by UTEX, Mar-2005. Identification supported molecularly by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018 (99% similarity to PMC 826.12 Microcystis aeruginosa). Relatives = UTCC 73 Microcystis aeruginosa; CCAP 1450/1 Microcystis aeruginosa; PCC 7005 Microcystis sp.; SAG 1450-1 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2061 Microcystis aeruginosa; “Patterson's 1036AX”. Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile: gas vesicles; able to withstand cooler temperatures and darkness quite well; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyD genes according to F.R. Pick (University of Ottawa), Feb-2010; tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012); S. Princiotta (Murray State University) also confirmed lack of MC-LR toxin production, Feb-2019. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 633      Collected from Little Rideau Lake, ON, Canada by A. Zehnder, Sep-1954. Isolated by W.W. Carmichael. Deposited in UTEX as NRC-1(SS-17) by P.R. Gorham, Apr-1984. Deposited in CPCC as UTEX 2386 Microcystis aeruginosa by UTEX, Mar-2005. Identification supported molecularly by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018 (99% similarity to NRERC-200 Microcystis aeruginosa). Relatives = CPCC 459 Microcystis aeruginosa; CPCC 468 Microcystis aeruginosa; CCALA 106; CCAP 1450/4 Microcystis aeruginosa; NIVA-CYA 31 Microcystis aeruginosa; PCC 7941 Microcystis sp.; SAG 14.85 Microcystis aeruginosa; UTEX 2386 Microcystis aeruginosa; “NRC-1”; “NRC-1 [SS-17]”; “UWOCC 001”; “UWOCC SS-17”; “UV-001”. Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also grow well in BG-11 medium; non-motile: gas vesicles; presumedly non-toxic: several published papers using PCC 7941 indicate that it is toxic; however, CPCC 633 tested negative for microcystin production and mcyD genes by F.R. Pick (University of Ottawa), Feb-2010; tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 701      See Microcystis sp.

  • 702      See Microcystis sp.

  • 704      See Microcystis sp.

  • 718      See Microcystis flos-aquae

  • 724      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “13” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “13”; “Ma_QC_C_20070823_S13”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

  • 729      See Aphanocapsa holsatica

  • 734      Collected from Lake Caron, QC, Canada. Isolated 27-Oct-2009. Deposited as “208C” Microcystis aeruginosa by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “208C”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittrock) Kirchner

  • 460      Collected from Fox River, Station 2, Oshkosh, WI, USA by L.C. Dempsey, 30-Aug-1975. Isolated and identified as Microcystis flos-aquae by L.C. Dempsey and D.L. Parker. Deposited as “UWOCC C3(3X)” Microcystis flos-aquae by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. Relatives = UTCC 461 Microcystis flos-aquae; UTEX 2677 Microcystis flos-aquae; “Mf_WU_F_19750830_S460”; “UWOCC #C3(3X)”; “UWOCC C3-40”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; parent unialgal culture of CPCC 461 (= UWOCC C3-40); non-motile: gas vesicles; coccoid cells; large colonies in a copious slime layer with indistinct boundaries and with cells close to the slime boundary; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 461      Collected from Fox River, Station 2, Oshkosh, WI, USA by L.C. Dempsey, 30-Aug-1975. Isolated and identified as Microcystis flos-aquae by L.C. Dempsey and D.L. Parker. Deposited as “UWOCC C3-40” Microcystis flos-aquae by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. Relatives = CPCC 460 Microcystis flos-aquae; UTEX 2677 Microcystis flos-aquae; “UWOCC C3(3X)”; “UWOCC C3-9”; “UWOCC C3-40”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile: gas vesicles; coccoid cells; large colonies in a copious slime layer with indistinct boundaries and with cells close to the slime boundary; slime layer binds several metal ions; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012).References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 465      Collected from Lake Michigan, Great Lakes, Green Bay, WI, USA by D.L. Parker, 15-Aug-1982. Isolated and identified as Microcystis flos-aquae by D.L. Parker. Deposited as "UWOCC N" Microcystis flos-aquae by D.L. Parker (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Jul-1998. Relatives = UTEX 2673 Microcystis flos-aquae; “UWOCC N". Rem: LB; maintained in 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also maintained in Juttner or BG-11; non-motile: gas vesicles; coccoid cells. References available upon request.
  • 718      Collected from Brome Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 30-Sep-2007. Deposited as “2” Microcystis flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Identification uncertain: possibly Microcystis aeruginosa according to O.M. Pérez-Carrascal et al. (2019). Relatives = “2”; “Ma_QC_B_20070730_S2”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 723      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “10” Microcystis flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “10”; “Mf_QC_C_20070823_S10”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 726      Collected from Lake Champlain, QC, Canada. Isolated 23-Aug-2007. Deposited as “20” Microcystis flos-aquae by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “20”; “Mf_QC_C_20070823_S20”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Microcystis wesenbergii (Komárek) Komárek ex Komárek

  • 719      Collected from Brome Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 30-Sep-2007. Deposited as “3” Microcystis wesenbergii by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “3”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Microcystis sp.

  • 516Collected from an industrial effluent pond, ON, Canada by C. Ferguson (Pollutech Inc.). Isolated, identified, and deposited as Microcystis sp. or Synechocystis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1999. Identification uncertain: possibly Synechocystis sp. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 524      Collected from Pakowki Lake (small coolie lake that dries up in summer), AB, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Microcystis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2000. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 664      Collected from Napanee, Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada by A. Chhun, Oct-2005. Isolated by A. Chhun, May-2006. Purified and deposited as Microcystis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), May-2006. Rem: LB; maintained at 3N BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 701      Collected from a surface shoreline accumulation, Lakeland Estates, Greely, ON, Canada by A. Zastepa, 25-Aug-2010. Isolated as “LL3-2” by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Oct-2010. Deposited as Microcystis sp. by F.R. Pick, 31-Jan-2012. Identification uncertain: possibly Microcystis aeruginosa. Relatives = “LL3-2”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin RR, YR, 7dmLR, LR, WR, LY, LW, LF, and LA according to A. Zastepa and F.R. Pick (University of Ottawa), 2011.
  • 702      Collected from a surface shoreline accumulation, Lakeland Estates, Greely, ON, Canada by A. Zastepa, 25-Aug-2010. Isolated as “LL4-1” by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Oct-2010. Deposited as Microcystis sp. by F.R. Pick, 31-Jan-2012. Identification uncertain: possibly Microcystis aeruginosa. Identification supported molecularly by E. Batista (University of Waterloo), 2018 (99% similarity to PMC 826.12 Microcystis aeruginosa). Relatives = “LL4-1”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; toxin producer: tested positive for variable quantities of microcystin RR, YR, 7dmLR, LR, and WR according to A. Zastepa and F.R. Pick (University of Ottawa), 2011; tested positive for mcyE gene according to E. Batista (University of Waterloo), 2018.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 704      Collected from a surface shoreline accumulation, Lakeland Estates, Greely, ON, Canada by A. Zastepa, 25-Aug-2010. Isolated as “LL4-4” by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Oct-2010. Deposited as Microcystis sp. by F.R. Pick, 31-Jan-2012. Identification uncertain: possibly Microcystis aeruginosa. Relatives = “LL4-4”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; toxin producer: tested positive for variable quantities of microcystin RR, YR, 7dmLR, LR, and WR according to A. Zastepa and F.R. Pick (University of Ottawa), 2011. References available upon request.

Microspora sp.

  • 189      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0275 Microspora sp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward’s 470179-776 Microspora; Ward’s 86-0275 Microspora sp.;Ward’s 86W 0275 Microspora sp. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C.           

Microthamnion sp.

  • 512      Collected from salt collected at a salt graduation tower in Poland. Isolated by B. Kluczyk, 21-Dec-1999. Deposited as “512” Microthamnion sp. by B. Kluczyk, Sept-1999. Relatives = “512”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C.

Monactinus simplex (Meyen) Corda

  • 431      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated and deposited as Pediastrum simplex by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1996. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is Monactinus simplex, the name Pediastrum simplex is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile. References available upon request.

Monodus subterraneaJ.B.Petersen

  • 116      See  Monodopsis subterrranea

Monodus subterraneus

  • 116      See  Monodopsis subterrranea

Monodopsis subterrranea (J.B. Petersen) D.J. Hibberd

  • 116      Collected from wet rock in river, Marion, CT, USA. Isolated by R.A. Lewin, 1949. Deposited as “#11” Monodus subterraneus by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), May-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Monodopsis subterrranea, the name Monodus subterranea is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Alternate spelling = Monodus subterraneus. Relatives = ATCC 30593 Monodus subterraneus; CCAP 848/1 Monodopsis subterranea; SAG 848-1 Monodopsissubterranea; UTEX 151 Monodus subterraneus; “#11”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C.Molecular sequences available upon request.

Monoraphidium braunii (Nageli) Komarkova-Legnerova

  • 625      See Chlorolobion braunii

Monoraphidium capricornutum (Printz) Nygaard

  • 667      Collected from lake water. Isolated by J. Stockner, Jun-1971. Deposited as “FWI #14” Selenastrum capricornutum by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Monoraphidium capricornutum, the name Selenastrum capricornutum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “FWI #14”. Rem: LF; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motileReferences available upon request.

Monoraphidium contortum (Thuret) Komárková-Legnerová

  • 626      Deposited as SAG 4780 Monoraphidium contortum by SAG, 8-Jun-2004. Relatives = SAG 47.80 Monoraphidium contortum. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.

Monoraphidium convolutum (Corda) Komárková-Legnerová

  • 309      Collected from freshwater in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Isolated by Weis in 1952. Deposited as CCAP 202/10H Ankistrodesmus convolutus by CCAP, 19-Apr-1993. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Monoraphidium convolutum, the name Ankistrodesmus convolutus is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CCAP 202/10H Monoraphidium convolutum; “Lewin 226”. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain; food source for other organisms. References available upon request.

Monoraphidium sp.

  • 621      Collected from Long Pond, Bonavista, NL, Canada. Isolated by J. Sanchez (UTCC), 2004. Deposited as Monoraphidium sp. by J.C. Acreman, 2004. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Mougeotia sp.

  • 167      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), 9-Jun-1988. Deposited as “PL-2” Mougeotia sp. by J.C. Acreman, Jun-1988. Relatives = “PL-2”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 168      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), 9-Jun-1988. Deposited as “PL-3” Mougeotia sp. by J.C. Acreman, Jun-1988. Relatives = “PL-3”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 172      Collected from Eastern Upper Peninsula of McNearny Lake, MI, USA. Isolated and identified by R.W. Gensemer, 1985. Deposited as Mougeotia sp. by R.W. Gensemer (University of Michigan), Jul-1988. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 174      Collected from Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Mougeotia sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Aug-1988. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 562      Deposited as “D0536” Mougeotia sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0536”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 AT pH 5 medium by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Mucidosphaerium pulchellum (H.C. Wood) C. Bock, Proschold & Krienitz

  • 501      Collectedfrom B-zone pit (site high in nickel and arsenic) in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Isolated and identified by M. Olaveson, 1999. Deposited as Dictyosphaerium pulchellum by M. Olaveson, 27-May-1999. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Mucidosphaerium pulchellum, the name Dictyosphaerium pulchellum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

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Navicula compta

  • 511      See Navicula sp.

Navicula comta

  • 511      See Navicula sp.

Navicula incompta Krasske

  • 511      See Navicula sp.

Navicula pelliculosa (Breb.) Hilse

            552      See Fistulifera pelliculosa

Navicula sp.

  • 55        Collected from Mason Bay, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Feb-1987. Deposited as “M-32A” Navicula sp. by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Relatives = “M-32A”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; non-motile; marine.
  • 511      Collected from salt collected at a salt graduation tower, Poland. Isolated by B. Kluczyk, 21-Dec-1999. Deposited as “511” Navicula compta by B. Kluczyk, Sept-1999. Formerly designated as Navicula comtain the CPCC. Identification uncertain: neither species name (N. comta or N. compta) appears in literature, although Navicula incompta is a valid taxonomic synonym of Cymbella microcephala. Due to this uncertainty, it is now described as Navicula sp. in the CPCC catalogue (Aug-2018). Relatives = “511”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to the flask slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium.

Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W. Smith

  • 160      Collected from freshwater in Cedar Creek, Piscataway, NJ, USA, Jan-1967. Isolated by M.R. Droop, Jan-1970. Purified (rendered axenic) using antibiotics. Deposited as UTEX 1813 Nitzschia palea by B. Colman (York University) and C. Rotatore, 13-May-1988. Relatives = UTEX 1813 Nitzschia palea. Rem: LA; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in S-Diatom medium or BBM+ SiO3 medium as per customer correspondence; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain; food source for other organisms; often adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Nitzschia pusilla Grunow

  • 499      Collected from effluent pond at St. Mary’s River pulp and paper mill, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada. Submitted by J. Reid (ESG International Ltd). Isolated and identified to genus by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Apr-1999. Deposited as Nitzschia sp. by J.C. Acreman, 11-May-1999. Later identified to species as Nitzschia pusilla by K. Thomas (Stillwater Environmental), Aug-2019. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to the flask slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.

Nitzschia sp.

  • 49        Collected from Jones Sound, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), pre-1986. Deposited as “M-7 Synedra?”by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Designated as Nitzschia sp. by J.C. Acreman in the CPCC. Relatives = “M-7 Synedra?”. Rem: LBF; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; marine.
  • 57        Collected from Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean, North America. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Feb-1987. Deposited as “M-33” Nitzschiasp. by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Relatives = “M-33”. Rem: LA, maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; non-motile; marine.
  • 499      See Nitzschia pusilla

Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault

  • 74        See “filamentous cyanobacterium”

Nostoc punctiforme Hariot

  • 41        Deposited as “32” Nostoc punctiforme by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Identification supported molecularly by O. Beltrami (University of Waterloo), 2009 (99% similarity to SAG 71.79 Nostoc punctiforme). Relatives = “32”. Rem: SLB; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to bottom of flask (biofilm) in liquid medium; forms small clumps. References available upon request.

Nostoc sp.

  • 106      Collected from a moderate hot spring in the Amparai District, Maha Oya, Sri Lanka. Isolated in 1973. Deposited as ATCC 29411 Nostoc sp. by J.R. Coleman (University of Toronto), Apr-1987. Identification supported molecularly by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018 (100% similarity to PCC 7524 Nostoc sp.). Relatives = ATCC 29411 Nostoc sp.; PCC 7524 Nostoc sp.; “ACMM 494”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 387      Deposited as PCC 7120 Anabaena variabilis by J.R. Coleman (University of Toronto), 8-Feb-1995. Formerly designated as Anabaena sp. in the CPCC. Re-identified as Nostoc sp. Identification supported molecularly by O. Beltrami (University of Waterloo), 2009 (99% similarity to PCC 7120 Nostoc sp., FACHB-418 Anabaena sp., and Anabaena variabilis). Relatives = ATCC 27347 Nostoc sp. (formerly ATCC 27347 Nostoc muscorum); ATCC 27893 Nostoc sp. (formerly ATCC 27893 Anabaena sp.); PCC 7120 Nostoc sp.; SAG 25.82 Nostoc sp.; “DCC D0672”; “DSM 107007”; “IRRI Ab 47 XX”. Rem: SA; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Oocystis polymorpha Groover and Bold

  • 9        See Ecdysichlamys polymorpha

Oocystis sp.

  • 35        Collected from Switzerland. Isolated by W. Vischer, before 1954. Deposited as UTEX 80 Oocystis sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = ATCC 30417 Oocystis sp.; CCAP 257/2 Oocystis sp.; SAG 257-2 Oocystis sp.; UTEX 80 Oocystis sp.; “V.119”; “Vischer 119”.Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; adheres to the flask slightly (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.

Oophila amblystomatis F.D. Lambert ex N. Wille

  • 738      See Chlorococcum amblystomatis
  • 739      See Chlorococcum amblystomatis
  • 740      See Chlorococcum amblystomatis

Oophila sp.

  • 739      See Chlorococcum amblystomatis
  • 740      See Chlorococcum amblystomatis

Oscillatoria priestleyi West and G.S. West

  • 476      See Laspinema lumbricale

Oscillatoria priestleyii West and G.S. West

  • 476      See Laspinema lumbricale

Oscillatoria tenuis C. Agardh ex Gomont

  • 735      Collected from Lake Bromont, QC, Canada, 29-Jul-2010. Deposited as “304B” Oscillatoria tenuis by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Identification uncertain: possibly Planktothrix sp. according to D.F. Bird. Relatives = “304B”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Oscillatoria sp.

  • 393      See Arthronema gygaxiana

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Pandorina sp.

  • 192      Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0400 Pandorina sp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward’s 470176-698 Pandorina/Pandorina morum; Ward’s 86-0400 Pandorina; Ward’s 86W 0400Pandorina sp. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in DYIV or BBM+Si medium. References available upon request.

Parachlorella kessleri (Fott & Nováková) Krienitz, E.H. Hegewald, Hepperle, V. Huss, T. Rohr & M. Wolf

  • 266      Collected in USA. Isolated by R. Pratt, pre-1946. Deposited as IAM C-531 Chlorella vulgaris by B. Colman (York University), Aug-1991. Re-identified biochemically and physiologically as Chlorella kessleri by E. Kessler and V.A.R. Huss (1992). Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Parachlorella kessleri, the name Chlorella kessleri is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = ATCC 11468 Chlorella kessleri; CCAP 211/11h Parachlorella kessleri; IAM C-531 Chlorella kessleri; NIES-2160 Parachlorella kessleri; SAG 211-11h Parachlorella kessleri; UTEX 263 Chlorella kessleri. Rem: LSA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; used as a food source for Daphnia; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Pediastrum simplex Meyen

  • 431      See Monactinus simplex

Pediastrum sp.

  • 527      Collected from West Lake (an embayment of Lake Ontario), Great Lakes, near Belleville, ON Canada. Isolated by M. Khayatian, Dec-2000. Identified and deposited as Pediastrum sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2000. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Pedinomonas sp.

  • 32        Collected from soil, Vermont, USA. Isolated by R.C. Starr. Deposited as UTEX 1027 Pedinomonas sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = UTEX 1027 Pedinomonas sp. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; motile.

Peridinium willei Huitfeldt-Kaas

  • 712      Collected from a freshwater pond, Tsukiyono, Gunma, Japan, 1-Jun-1984. Isolated and identified by T. Sawaguchi, 14-Jun-1984. Deposited as CCCM/FWAC 815 Peridinium willei by D. Dinh (CCCM), 25-Aug-2011. Relatives = CCCM/FWAC 815 Peridinium willei; NIES 304 Peridinium willei. Rem: LBF; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; motile; very sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stressReferences available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin

  • 162      Collected from seawater in Plymouth, England. Isolated as Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima “T” form by E.G. Pringsheim, 1910. Re-identified as Phaeodactylum tricornutum by J.C. Lewin, 1974. Deposited as UTEX 642 Phaeodactylum tricornutum by B. Colman (York University) and C. Rotatore, May-1988. Relatives = CCAP 1052/1A Phaeodactylum tricornutum; CCAP 1052/1B Phaeodactylum tricornutum;CCMP 2557 Phaeodactylum tricornutum; CCMP 2558 Phaeodactylum tricornutum; CSIRO CS-29 Phaeodactylum tricornutum; SAG 1090-1A Phaeodactylum tricornutum; SAG 1090-1B Phaeodactylum tricornutum; UTEX 640 Phaeodactylum tricornutum; UTEX 642 Phaeodactylum tricornutum; “Plymouth 100”. Rem: LA; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; non-motile; marine; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

 Phormidium animale (Ag. Ex Gom.) Anag

  • 578         See Kamptonema animale

Phormidium autumnale (Ag.) Gom.

  • 471      See Stenomitos tremulus
  • 579      See Microcoleus autumnalis

Phormidium deflexoides (Elenkin & Kossinskaja) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 582      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Lewiston, Idaho, USA by A.E. Kirkwood Jun-1998. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jun-1998. Deposited as “PP5” Phormidium deflexoides by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP5”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.
  • 583      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in MB, Canadaby A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Sep-1997. Deposited as “PP6” Phormidium deflexoides by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP6”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; exudates support bacterial growth. References available upon request.

Phormidium lumbricale Johansen et Casamatta

  • 476      See Laspinema lumbricale

Phormidium molle (Kutz.) Gom.

  • 77        See Leptolyngbya tenerrima

Phormidium murrayii West and West

  • 475      See Wilmottia murrayi

Phormidium rimosum (Komárek) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 580      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Woodland, Maine, USA by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Deposited as “PP3” Phormidium rimosum by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP3”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.
  • 581      Collected from pulp and paper activated sludge in Temiskaming, QC, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-2000. Deposited as “PP4” Phormidium rimosum by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP4”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic. References available upon request.

Phormidium subfuscum Kutz.

  • 474      See Microcoleus antarcticus

Phormidium tenue Gomont

  • 424      See Leptolyngbya tenuis
  • 473      See Leptolyngbya angustata

Phormidium sp.

  • 502      Collected from St. Mary’s Paper Mill effluent pond (secondary treatment basin), St. Mary’s River, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Apr-1999. J.C. Acreman obtained the sample from J. Reid (ESG International, Guelph, ON). Deposited as Phormidium sp. by J.C. Acreman, 29-Jun-1999. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 545      See Lyngbya sp.

Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 720      Collected from Brome Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 30-Sep-2007. Deposited as “5” Planktothrix agardhii by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “5”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Planktothrix prolifica (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 507      See Planktothrix rubescens

Planktothrix rubescens (De Candolle ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek                                

  • 507      Collected from Lake Wilcox, ON, Canada (as an under-ice sample taken from a bloom producing microcystin) by D. Olding (Town of Richmond Hill), 27/28-Jan-1999. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Planktothrix rubescens by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jun-1999. Identification uncertain: possibly Planktothrix prolifica according to H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc). Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in BG-11 or CHU-10 medium at pH 8.5; may also be maintained at 10-14°C; non-motile; toxin producer: produces microcystin along with other novel toxins and bioproducts according to J.D. Isaacs (2011); sensitive to environmental changes. References available upon request.
  • 731      Collected from Vert Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 17-Oct-2008. Deposited as “5LV” Planktothrix rubescens by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “5LV”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 732      Collected from Vert Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 17-Oct-2008. Deposited as “19LV” Planktothrix rubescens by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “19LV”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.
  • 733      Collected from Vert Lake, QC, Canada. Isolated 20-Oct-2008. Deposited as “28LV” Planktothrix rubescens by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “28LV”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Planktothrix sp.

  • 735      See Oscillatoria tenuis

Platymonas sp.

  • 196      See Tetraselmis sp.

Porphyridium cruentum (S.F.Gray) Nägeli

  • 365      See Porphyridium purpureum

Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) K.M. Drew & R. Ross

  • 365      Collected from wet shaded tuff in Basel, Switzerland. Isolated by W. Vischer, 1947. Deposited as UTEX 161 Porphyridium cruentum by UTEX, 1994. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Porphyridium purpureum, the name Porphyridium cruentum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = UTCC 81 Porphyridium cruetum; CCAP 1380/1A Porphyridium purpureum; SAG 1380-1a Porphyridium purpureum; UTEX 161 Porphyridium cruentum. Rem: A; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C; marine; unicellular; adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemmermann) Komárek

  • 744      Collected from Waterloo Lake, QC, Canada. Deposited as “34” Pseudanabaena limnetica by D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)), 15-Dec-2011. Relatives = “34”. Rem: LB; maintained in Z8 medium at 18-24°C.

Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola (Naumann & Huber-Pestalozzi) Schwabe

  • 631      Collected from Lake 227, Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by L.A. Molot, 2004. Isolated by K. Chen (UTCC), Jan-2005. Deposited as Anabaena sp. (possibly Aphanizomenon schindleri). Identification uncertain: tentatively re-identified morphologically as Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc.) in 2007 and confirmed by S.B. Watson (National Water Research Institute (NWRI)), May-2015. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 698      Collected from Low Whylie Point, Lake Winnipeg, MB, Canada by H.J. Kling, 6-Sep-2009. Isolated by H.D. Roshon (CPCC), Nov-2009. Deposited as Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola by H.D. Roshon (CPCC). Identification uncertain: tentatively identified as Pseudanabaena cf. mucicola by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc). Rem: LB; maintained in Juttner or BG-11 medium at 10-14ºC in low light; may be able to adapt to higher temperatures, however, it appears to change pigmentation from dark reddish-brown at lower temperatures to green at higher temperatures; non-motile.

Pseudanabaena rutilus-viridis H.J. Kling, H.D. Laughinghouse & J. Komárek

  • 697      Collected from Low Whylie Point, Lake Winnipeg, MB, Canada by H.J. Kling, 6-Sep-2009. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Nov-2009. Identified as Pseudanabaena rutilus-viridis by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc) who described it as a new species. Deposited as Pseudanabaena rutilus-viridis by J.C. Acreman (CPCC). Rem: LB; maintained in Juttner or BG-11 medium at 10-14ºC in low light; may no longer be able to adapt to higher temperatures; non-motileReferences available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Pseudanabaena tremula Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov.

  • 471      See Stenomitos tremulus

Pseudanabaena sp.

  • 593      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Windsor, Quebec, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Sept-1997. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Sept-1997. Deposited as “PP16” Pseudanabaena sp. by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP16”.Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; mixotrophic, exudates, heterotroph. References available upon request.
  • 678      Collected from the Lee River in eastern Manitoba, Canada by F.P. Healey, 17-Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, 17-Oct-1970. Deposited as “FWI #63” Pseudanabaena sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #63”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Pseudochlorella pringsheimii (Shihar & Krauss) Darienko & al.

  • 706      Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim, pre-1948. Deposited as UTEX 20 Chlorella ellipsoidea by UTEX, 24-Nov-2010. Re-identified molecularly as Pseudochlorella pringsheimii by Darienko et al. (2010). Relatives = ATCC 30404 Chlorella ellipsoidea; CAUP H 1990 Pseudochlorella pringsheimii; CCAP 211/1a Pseudochlorella pringsheimii; IAM C-87 Chlorella ellipsoidea; IAM C-542 Chlorella ellipsoidea; NIES 2150 Pseudochlorella pringsheimii; SAG 211-1a Pseudochlorella pringsheimii; UTEX 20 Chlorella ellipsoidea. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Pseudococcomyxa simplex (Mainx) Fott

  • 175      Collected from water culture, Munster, Germany. Isolated by F. Mainx. Deposited as UTEX 274 Coccomyxa simplex by M.R. Twiss (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Pseudococcomyxa simplex, the name Coccomyxa simplex is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CCAP 216/9B Coccomyxa simplex; UTEX 274 Coccomyxa simplex; “Stamm 2”. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile. References available upon request.

Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korshikov) Hindak

  • 37        See Raphidocelis subcapitata (formerly Selenastrum capricornutum)

Pyrenomonas salina (Wislouch) Santore

  • 714      See Rhodomonas salina

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Radaisia sp.

  • 599      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Grand Prairie, AB, Canada by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-1999. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-1999. Deposited as “PP22” Radaisia sp. by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP22”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; pigmentation, mixotrophic. References available upon request.

Raphidiopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Aguilera & al.

  • 746Collected from Reeuwijkse Lakes, Netherlands (52°01’51.49" N, 4°44’09.18" E) by L.M. Steenhauer and colleagues, Oct-2010. Isolated by L.M. Steenhauer, 01-Oct-2010. Identified by the phycology group at the Department of Botany, University of South Bohemia, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic according to J. Komárek. Deposited as “Cr2010” Raphidiopsis raciborskii by J.I. Nissimov (University of Waterloo) and S.W. Wilhelm (University of Tennessee), 26-May-2022. S.W. Wilhelm obtained the strain from C.P.D. Brussaard, Feb-2016. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Raphidiopsis raciborskii, the name Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “Cr2010”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 or CT medium at 15-30°C; non-motile; host for dsDNA cyanophage CrV-01T (formerly CrV). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Raphidocelis subcapitata (Korshikov) Nygaard, Komárek, J. Kristiansen & O.M. Skulberg

  • 37        Collected from River Nitelva, Akershus, Norway. Isolated by O. M. Skulberg, 1959. Deposited as UTEX 1648 Selenastrum capricornutum by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Re-identified as Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Raphidocelis subcapitata, the name Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym, whereas Selenastrum capricornutum is not. Relatives = ATCC 22662 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; CCAP 278/4 Raphidocelis subcapitata; NIVA-CHL 1 Raphidocelissubcapitata; SAG 61.81 Raphidocelis subcapitata; UTEX 1648 Selenastrum capricornutum. Rem: LSA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain under the names of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Raphidocelis subcapitata, and Selenastrum capricornutum; food source for other organisms. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Rhabdoderma lineare Schmidle & Lauterborn

  • 673      Collected from a road-side pond near MacArthur Falls, MB, Canada by F.P. Healey, 17-Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, 17-Oct-1970. Deposited as “FWI #27” Synechococcus linearis by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Rhabdoderma lineare, the name Synechococcus linearis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: creates filaments and rounded cells so may not be Synechococcus. Relatives = “FWI #27”. Rem: LB?F; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in BG-11 medium; non-motile; brown pigmentation. References available upon request.

Rhizosolenia sp.

  • 388      See Urosolenia sp.

Rhodomonas minuta Skuja

  • 344      See Rhodomonas pusilla 

Rhodomonas pusilla (Bachmann) Javornický

  • 344      Collected from Lake Michigan, Great Lakes, MI, USA. Isolated by R. Stemberger, 1981. Deposited as Rhodomonas minuta by J. Gilbert (Dartmouth College), 28-Oct-1993. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Rhodomonas pusilla, the name Rhodomonas minuta is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C and 18-24C; motile; food source for planktonic rotifers and larval stages of molluscs; pigmentation may vary from pink to tan; very sensitive to shipping stress. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Rhodomonas salina (Wislouch) D.R.A.Hill & R.Wetherbee

  • 714      Collected from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (CCCM), Jun-1982. Originally identified as Chroomonas salina. Deposited as CCCM/NEPCC 427 Pyrenomonas salina by D. Dinh (CCCM), 1-Jun-2016. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Rhodomonas salina, the names Pyrenomonas salina and Chroomonas salina are still regarded as valid taxonomic synonyms. Relatives = CCCM/NEPCC 427 Pyrenomonas salina. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium at 10-14°C and 18-22°C; may also be maintained in HESNW medium; motile; food source for other organisms (specifically, the marine copepod Acartia tonsa); pigmentation may vary from tan (with a light pink hue) to tan (with a green hue); sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress.
  • 715      Collected from Long Island Sound (North Atlantic Ocean), Milford, Connecticut, USA (41.2264° N, 73.0639° W). Isolated by R. Guillard, 1956. Deposited as CCMP 1319 Rhodomonas salina by NCMA, 2-Jun-2016. Previously deposited to CCMP by L. Provasoli, 1-Jun-1982. Relatives = CCMP 1319 Rhodomonas salina, CSIRO CS-174 Rhodomonas salina; CCCM/NEPCC 76 Pyrenomonas salina; UTEX 2423 Cryptomonas sp.; “3C”. Rem: LA; maintained in f/2 medium at 18-22°C; may also be maintained in L1, L1-Si, f/2, f/2-Si, DC-DV, K medium; motile; known temperature range: 15-30°C; food source for other organisms (specifically, the marine copepod Acartia tonsa); pigmentation may vary from pink to tan; sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress. Additional note: as a professional courtesy to the CCMP/NCMA, US customers are asked to obtain this strain directly from them.

Romeria leopoliensis (Raciborski) Koczwara

  • 102      Collected from Waller Creek, Austin, TX, USA by W.A. Kratz. Isolated by M.B. Allen as axenic M2.1.1, 1952. Identified as Anacystis nidulans by F. Drouet. Re-identified as Synechococcus leopoliensis by Komíçrek, 1970, and supported molecularly by A. Kwok (University of Waterloo), 2018 (99% similarity to "R42DM" Synechococcus sp.). Deposited as UTEX 625 Synechococcus leopoliensis by J.R. Coleman (University of Toronto), Apr-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Romeria leopoliensis, the name Synechococcus leopoliensis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = ATCC 27144 Synechococcus sp.; CCALA 188 Synechococcus nidulans; CCAP 1405/1 Synechococcus leopoliensis; CCMEE 334; IAM M-6; NIES 3277 Synechococcus leopoliensis; PCC 6301 Synechococcus sp.; SAG 1402-1 Synechococcus leopoliensis; UTEX 625 Synechococcus leopoliensis; "DCC D0033"; "NIBB 1018"; "PPMSU 64". Rem: LA; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; presumedly non-toxic: tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012). References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 708      Collected from California, USA, 1973. Deposited as UTEX 2434 Synechococcus leopoliensis by UTEX, 24-Nov-2010. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Romeria leopoliensis, the name Synechococcus leopoliensis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CPCC 709 Romeria leopoliensis; UTCC 100 Synechococcus leopoliensis; CALU 895; IAM M-201; PCC 7942 Synechococcus sp.; UTEX 2434 Synechococcus leopoliensis; “NIBB 1113”. Rem: LA?; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 709      Collected from California, USA, 1973. Formerly UTCC 100 Synechococcus leopoliensis, whichwas originally deposited as Anacystis nidulans by J.R. Coleman, Apr-1987. Retrieved from D. Nobles (UTEX), 24-Nov-2010, who received it as UTCC 100 in 1999. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Romeria leopoliensis, the name Synechococcus leopoliensis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CPCC 708 Romeria leopoliensis; UTCC 100 Synechococcus leopoliensis; IAM M-201; PCC 7942 Synechococcus sp.; UTEX 2434 Synechococcus leopoliensis; “NIBB 1113”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Scenedesmus acutus Meyen

  • 282      See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 285      See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 353      See Tetradesmus obliquus

Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans Hortobagyi

  • 8         See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 10        See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 282      See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 285      See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 353      See Tetradesmus obliquus

Scenedesmus denticulatus Lagerheim

  • 153      See Desmodesmus denticulatus

Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kutz.

  • 5         See Tetradesmus obliquus
  • 157      See Tetradesmus obliquus

Scenedesmus quadricauda(Turpin) Brébisson

  • 158      See Desmodesmus communis
  • 666      See Desmodesmus communis

Scenedesmus sp.

  • 20        Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by M’ O’Mahoney and B. Paul, 1984. Deposited as “FW-10 Scenedesmus sp. A” Scenedesmus sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Relatives = “FW-10 Scenedesmus sp. A”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 286      Collected from Boucher Lake, Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Scenedesmussp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1992. Rem: SLB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 297      Collected from high salt seep, Toronto, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1992. Rem: LBF?; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile.
  • 316      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1993. Deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman, Sep-1993. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile.
  • 317      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1993. Deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman, Sep-1993. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 318      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1993. Deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman, Sep-1993. Rem: SBF?: maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 319      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1993. Deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman, Sep-1993. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 423      Collected as under-ice sample from Arrowwood Lake, ND, USA by M. Fawley, 21-Jan-1995. Deposited as “AN1-10” Scenedesmus sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Relatives = “AN1-10”. Rem: SB; maintained in BBM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 531      Collected from West Lake (an embayment of Lake Ontario), Great Lakes, near Belleville, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. Khayatian, Feb-2001. Identified and deposited as Scenedesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Feb-2001. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Schizothrix calcicola Gomont

  • 472      Collected from nearshore of Meretta Lake, Resolute, Arctic, NT (now NU), Canada (74° N, 94° W). Isolated by E.P.Y. Tang, Aug-1995. Identified by R.G. Sheath, 13-May-1998. Deposited as “E-18” as Schizothrix calcicole by E.P.Y. Tang and W.F. Vincent (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Relatives = “E-18”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C; may also be maintained in WC or CHU-10 medium AT pH 8.5. References available upon request.

Selenastrum capricornutum Printz

  • 37        See Raphidocelis subcapitata (aka Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata)
  • 667      See Monoraphidium capricornutum

Selenastrum sp.

  • 15        Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by M. O’Mahoney and B. Paul, 1984. Deposited as “FW-1” Selenastrum sp. by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), 18-Feb-1987. Relatives = “FW-1”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 248      Collected from artificial pond near Dorset, ON, Canada by Annetts Tavaves. Isolated, identified and deposited as Selenastrum sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1990. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Sphaerozosma sp.

  • 284      Collected from Baby Lake, Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1992. Deposited as Sphaerozosma sp. by J.C. Acreman, Aug-1992. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Spirogyra sp.

  • 169      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Spirogyra sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Aug-1988. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Spirulina sp.

  • 695      Collected from dried-up pothole, Cumberland River, Nashville, TN, USA by R.B Channell, 1972. Originally identified as Arthrospira jenneri by F. Drouet. Re-identified as Spirulina sp. by R.C. Starr. Deposited as CCCM/FWAC 7045 Spirulina sp. by CCCM, Aug-2003, who obtained it from UTEX, Nov-1983. Originally accessioned as UTCC 614. Since this strain contained an amoeba, it was re-isolated and accessioned as CPCC 695. Relatives = CCCM/FWAC 7045 Spirulina sp.; CCMEE 337; UTEX 2179 Spirulina sp. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; freshwater species; slow-growing strain; not for human consumption. References available upon request.

Staurastrum arachne Ralfs ex Ralfs

  • 347      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Staurastrum arachne by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1993. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; previously maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile.

Staurastrum  cf. manfeldtii Delponte

  • 447      Collected from a pond on University of Calgary campus, Calgary, AB, Canada. Isolated by S.B. Watson, summer 1996. Deposited as Staurastrum cf. sebaldi var. ornatumby S.B. Watson (University of Calgary), Feb-1997. Identification uncertain: tentatively identified as Staurastrum cf. sebaldi var.ornatumby S.B. Watson. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Staurastrum manfeldtii, the name Staurastrum sebaldi var. ornatum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Staurastrum cf. sebaldi var. ornatum Nordstedt

  • 447      See Staurastrum cf. manfeldtii

Staurastrum furcigerum (Brébisson) W.Archer

  • 358      Collected from a creek in Algonquin Provincial Park, Opeongo Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 26-Jul-1994. Deposited as “#2” Staurastrum J. Pawlikowski. Re-identified as Staurastrum furcigerum prior to Sep-1998. Relatives = “#2”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Staurastrum johnsoniiWest and G.S. West

  • 128      Collected from Bent Shoe Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Staurastrum johnsonii by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Sep-1987. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM or CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.

Staurastrum orbiculare var. ralfsii  W. and G.S. West

  • 40        See Staurastrum ralfsii

Staurastrum ralfsii (West & G.S.West) Coesel & Meesters

  • 40        Collected in Czechoslovakia. Isolated as “Cosmarium 4” by K. Ondracek. Identified by Cedercreutz. Deposited as UTEX 430 Staurastrum orbiculare var. ralfsii by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Staurastrum ralfsii, the name Staurastrum orbiculare var. ralfsii is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CCAP679/2 Staurastrum orbiculare var. ralfsii; UTEX 430 Staurastrum orbiculare var. ralfsii; "Cosmarium 4"; "Prague 230". Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Staurastrum subpygmaeum West

  • 386      Collected from Kakakise Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Staurastrum sp. by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), Oct-1994. Later identified to species as Staurastrum subpygmaeum. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.

Staurastrum sp.

  • 358      See Staurastrum furcigerum
  • 386      See Staurastrum subpygmaeum
  • 682      Collected from Lake 303 in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario, Canada by F. P. Healey, Apr-1977. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, Apr-1977. Deposited as “FWI #102” Staurastrum sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Relatives = “FWI #102”. Rem: LF; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Staurodesmus sp.

  • 348      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Arthodesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1993. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Staurodesmus sp., the name Arthrodesmus sp. is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 349      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Arthodesmus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1993. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Staurodesmus sp., the name Arthrodesmus sp. is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym.  Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C.

Stenomitos tremulus (J.R. Johansen & Casamatta) Miscoe & J.R. Johansen

  • 471      Collected from benthic substrate of pond at Bylot Island, Arctic, NT (now NU), Canada (73° N, 78° W). Isolated by S. Vezina, Aug-1993. Originally identified by P. Broady as Phormidium autumnale, 1993. Deposited as “O-152” Phormidium autumnale by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Pseudanabaena tremula by Casamatta et al. (2005). Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Stenomitos tremulus, the name Pseudanabaena tremula is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “O-152”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Stephanocyclus meneghinianus (Kützing) Kulikovskiy, Genkal & Kociolek

  • 710      Collected from a surface shoreline accumulation of cyanobacteria, Lakeland Estates (Southern Ottawa area), Greely, ON, Canada by A. Zastepa, 25-Aug-2010. Isolated, identified to genus, and deposited as Cyclotella sp. by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), Nov-2010. Identified to species as Cyclotella meneghiniana by A. St. Amand, Jul-2013. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Stephanocyclus meneghinianus, the name Cyclotella meneghiniana is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in WC medium; non-motile; large cell size. References available upon request.

Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow

  • 267      Collected from Esthwaite Water, Cumbria, England. Isolated by Jaworski, 1983. Deposited as CCAP 1079/4 Stephanodiscus hantzschii by CCAP, 24-Apr-1991. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = CCAP 1079/4 Stephanodiscus hantzschii; SAG 49.91 Stephanodiscus minutulus. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C but seems to prefer lower temperatures (e.g., less than 20°C) as per customer correspondence, Apr-2017; non-motile; food source for other organisms. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Stichococcus bacillaris Nägeli

  • 177      Collected from melt water samples in Purdhoe Bay, Arctic Ocean. Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0680 Stichococcus bacillaris by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Relatives = Ward's 86W 0680 Stichococcus bacillaris. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; adheres to the flask (biofilm) in liquid medium. References available upon request.
  • 563      Collected from Site 3313-05, France by P.J. Say, 9-Jun-1978. Deposited as “D0542” Stichococcus bacillaris by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0542”. Rem: LB; clonal culture; maintained in CHU-10 + Zn (5 mg/L) medium AT pH 5 by the depositor; can be maintained in CHU-10, BBM and MAM media at 10-14°C; non-motile; reported by B.A. Whitton as viable in liquid nitrogen without cryopreservative but low survival rate.

Stichococcus sp.

  • 419      Collected as under-ice sample from North Lake, Resolute, NWT, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1995. Deposited as Anabaena by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Later designated as Stichococcus sp. in CPCC, 2004. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C.
  • 556      Collected from Site 0127-50, England, UK by B. A. Whitton. Isolated by C. Rajendran. Deposited as “D0460” Stichococcus sp. by B. A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0460”. Rem: LA; clonal culture; maintained in CHU-10 with NH4-N(7mg/L) + Al (5 mg/L) medium AT pH 3 by the depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 558      Collected from Site 9011-01, USA by B.A. Whitton, 15-Jun-1980. Isolated by C. Rajendran. Deposited as “D0478” Stichococcus sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0478”. Rem: LA; maintained in CHU-10 with NH4-N(7 mg/L) + Al (5 mg/L) medium AT pH 3 by the depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 559      Collected from Site 0216-15 England, UK by B.A. Whitton, 15-Mar-1980. Isolated by C. Rajendran. Deposited as “D0479” Stichococcus sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0479”. Rem: LF; clonal culture; maintained in CHU-10 with NH4-N(7 mg/L) + Al (5 m/L) medium AT pH 3 by the depositor; currently being maintained in MAM medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 574      Collected from Site 0097-1, England by B.A. Whitton, 7-Jun-1988. Isolated by M.J. Hutchinson. Deposited as “D0831” Stichococcus sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0831”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Cd (0.25) AT pH 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 616      Collected from Site 4027-1, Germany. Deposited as “D0555” Stichococcus sp. by B.A. Whitton (University of Durham), 6-Sep-2001. Relatives = “D0555”. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium with Zn(5) AT pH 5 by the depositor; currently being maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.

Synechococcus cedrorum Sauvg.

  • 79        See Cyanobacterium cedrorum

Synechococcus elongatus (Nägeli) Nägeli

  • 97        Collected from garden pond in Cambridge, UK, 1940. Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim. Deposited as UTEX 563 Synechococcus elongatus by K. Smith (University of Toronto Scarborough), 6-Apr-1987. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = ATCC 27148 Synechococcus sp.; CCAP 1479/1A Synechococcus elongatus; CCMEE 335; PCC 6907 Cyanobium sp.; UTEX 563 Synechococcus elongatus. Rem: SBF; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motileReferences available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Synechococcus leopoliensis (Racib.) Komarek

  • 102      See Romeria leopoliensis
  • 708      See Romeria leopoliensis
  • 709      See Romeria leopoliensis

Synechococcus linearis (Schmidle & Lauterborn) Komárek

  • 673      See Rhabdoderma lineare

Synechococcus sp.

  • 434      Collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Isolated and deposited as Synechococcus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1996. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 477      Collected from pond on Bylot Island, NU, Canada (73° N, 78° W). Isolated as “P1” by S. Vezina, Aug-1993. Identified by P. Broady, 1993. Deposited as “P-211” Synechococcus sp. by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Relatives = “P-211”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 478      Collected from pond on Bylot Island, NU, Canada (73° N, 78° W). Isolated as “P2” by S. Vezina, Aug-1993. Identified by S. Vezina, 1993. Deposited as “P-212” Synechococcus sp. by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Relatives = “P-212”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 479      Collected from pond on Bylot Island, NU, Canada (73° N, 78° W). Isolated as “P3” by S. Vezina, Aug-1993. Identified by S. Vezina, 1993. Deposited as “P-213” Synechococcus sp. by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Relatives = “P-213”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 480      Collected from pond on Bylot Island, NU, Canada (73° N, 78° W). Isolated as “P4” by S. Vezina, Aug-1993. Identified by S. Vezina, 1993. Deposited as “P-214” Synechococcus sp. by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Relatives = “P-214”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C; non-motile.
  • 620      Collected from Craigleith Park, Lake Huron, Great Lakes, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Synechococcus sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-2003. Rem: LBF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 660Collected from freshwater site in California, USA by K. Floyd, 1973. Deposited as “GSL” Synechococcus sp. by G.S. Bullerjahn (Bowling Green State University), 25-May-2006. Derived from PCC 7942 Synechococcus elongatus. Bioreporter strain constructed by O. Gillor. Relatives = PCC 7942 Synechococcus elongatus; “GSL”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium with addition of 20 μg/mL of spectinomycin at 18-24°C; non-motile. This strain is a derivative of PCC 7942 in which a promoter fusion to the Vibrio fischeri luciferase genes has been engineered into the chromosome. Specifically, the nitrogen-responsive glnA promoter has been fused to V. fischeri luxAB. This construct allows strain KAS101 to be a luminescent biosensor (bioreporter) for bioavailable combined nitrogen in fresh water. Thus, the strain is an analytical tool for scientists to measure nitrate and ammonium availability to phytoplankton. The strain contained heterotrophic bacteria on deposition. References available upon request.
  • 661 Collected from freshwater site in California, USA by K. Floyd, 1973. Deposited as “KAS101” Synechococcus sp. by G.S. Bullerjahn (Bowling Green State University), 25-May-2006. Derived from PCC 7942 Synechococcus elongatus. Bioreporter strain constructed by K.A. Durham. Relatives = PCC 7942 Synechococcus elongatus; “KAS101”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium with addition of 20 μg/mLeach of spectinomycin and kanamycin at 18-24°C; non-motile. This strain is a derivative of PCC 7942 in which a promoter fusion to the Vibrio fischeri luciferase genes has been engineered into the chromosome. Specifically, the iron-responsive isiA promoter has been fused to V. fischeri luxAB. This construct allows strain KAS101 to be a luminescent biosensor (bioreporter) for bioavailable iron in fresh water. Thus, the strain is an analytical tool for scientists to measure iron availability to phytoplankton. The strain contained heterotrophic bacteria on deposition.References available upon request.
  • 663      Collected from Environment Canada Station 84, Lake Erie (depth 16m), Great Lakes, ON, Canada (41° 56’ 46” N, 81° 38’ 46” W) by S.W. Wilhelm, 25-Aug-2004. Isolated by A. Cupp, 1-Apr-2005 and cloned by A. Cupp, 2005. Identified by A. Cupp and G.S. Bullerjahn, 15-Apr-2005. Deposited as “ARC-11” Synechococcus sp. by G.S. Bullerjahn (Bowling Green State University), 29-Sep-2005. Relatives = “ARC-11”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 672      Collected from the Delta Marsh in the south end of Lake Manitoba, MB, Canada by F.P. Healey, 4-Oct-1970. Isolated and identified by F.P. Healey, 4-Oct-1970. Deposited as “FWI #23” Synechococcus sp. by L.L. Hendzel, 29-Sep-2006. Realtives = “FWI #23”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Synechocystis sp.

  • 352      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Synechocystis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1993. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 516      See Microcystis sp.
  • 534      Collected from Burlington Bay, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada by S.B. Watson. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Synechocystis sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Apr-2001. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; possible toxin producer: tested positive for mcyE gene according to A. Kwok & E. Batista (University of Waterloo), 2018. References available upon request.

Synura petersenii Korshikov

  • 495      Collected and isolated from a shallow freshwater pond at junction of TransCanada Hwy #1 and Newfoundland Hwy 410, NL, Canada by R.A. Andersen (CCMP), 15-Aug-1982. Deposited as CCMP 866 Synura petersenii by R.A. Andersen, 16-Feb-1999. Relatives = CCMP 866 Synura petersenii; “A-2079”; “A-7375”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 10-14°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Synura uvella Ehrenberg

  • 422      Collected as under-ice sample from Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, Arrowwood Lake, ND, USA by M. Fawley. Isolated 21-Jan-1995. Deposited as “AN1-1” Synura uvella by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Nov-1995. Relatives = “AN1-1”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 18-24°C and in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; motile. References available upon request.

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Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngbye) Kützing

  • 619      Collected from Big Pond, Bay Bulls, NL, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Tabellaria fenestrata by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-2003. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; very pale pigmentation. References available upon request.

Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutzing

  • 65        Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Tabellaria flocculosa (integrated sample 0-12m) by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Feb-1987. Identified by J.C. Acreman and D. Andersdon (U. Maine), Apr-1987. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 372      Collected from Kakakise Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by J. Pawlikowski (University of Toronto Scarborough), 13-Oct-1994. Deposited as “#13” Tabellaria flocculosa, Nov-1994. Relatives = “#13”. Rem: LBF; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Tetradesmus dissociatus (P.A. Verses & F.R. Trainor) M.J. Wynne

  • 47        Isolated by R. Hilton, pre-1966. Deposited as UTEX 1537 Dactylococcus dissociatus by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus dissociatus, the name Dactylococcus dissociatus is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = UTEX 1537 Dactylococcus dissociatus. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

Tetradesmus obliquus (Turpin) M.J.Wynne

  • 5          Origin unknown but may have originated from UTEX. Deposited as Scenedesmus obliquus by P. M. Stokes (University of Toronto), 18-Dec-1986. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the name Scenedesmus obliquus is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; also grows well in COMBO medium as per customer correspondence; non-motile; food source for other organisms. References available upon request.
  • 8         Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim. Deposited as UTEX 72 Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans by P.M. Stokes (University of Toronto), 18-Dec-1986. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the name Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CPCC 353 Tetradesmus obliquus; ATCC 11457 Scenedesmus obliquus; ATCC 30580 Scenedesmus obliquus; CCAP 276/3a Tetradesmus obliquus; SAG 276-3a Acutodesmus obliquus; UTEX 72 Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 10        Collectedfrom Boucher Lake, Falconbridge, ON, Canada. Isolated by P.M. Stokes, Jun-1970. Identified by Munawar 1973. Deposited as “B4” Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans by P.M. Stokes (University of Toronto), 18-Dec-1986. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the name Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = CPCC 285 Tetradesmus obliquus; “B4”. Rem: SA; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; Cu and Ni tolerant; food source for other organisms. References available upon request.
  • 157      Collected from Thames River, London, ON, Canada. Deposited as “UWO #201” Scenedesmus obliquusby C.G. Trick (University of Western Ontario (UWO)), Mar-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the name Scenedesmus obliquus is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “UWO #201”. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 282      Collected from Alice Lake (near “Nickle mine smelter”), Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified, and deposited as Scenedesmus acutus by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1992. Designated as Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans in the CPCC. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the names Scenedesmus acutusand Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans are still regarded as valid taxonomic synonyms. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 medium; non-motile. References available upon request.
  • 285      Collected from Boucher Lake, Sudbury, ON, Canada. Isolated, identified and deposited as Scenedesmus acutus by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Jul-1992. Designated as Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans in the CPCC. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the names Scenedesmus acutusand Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans are still regarded as valid taxonomic synonyms. Relatives = CPCC 10 Tetradesmus obliquus; “B4”. Rem: SBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 353      Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim. Derived from UTCC 8 by D. Jin for resistance to 5µM Ni. Deposited as Scenedesmus acutus by D. Jin, Nov-1994. Designated as Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans in the CPCC. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetradesmus obliquus, the names Scenedesmus acutusand Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans are still regarded as valid taxonomic synonyms. Relatives = CPCC 8 Tetradesmus obliquus; UTEX 72 Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans. Rem: LA?; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile; resistant to 5 micromole Ni. References available upon request.

Tetraselmis sp.

  • 196      Collected from Shields Pond, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Deposited as Ward’s 86W 0480 Platymonassp. by T. Sawa (University of Toronto), Nov-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Tetraselmis sp., the name Platymonas sp. is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = Ward’s 86W 0480 Platymonas sp. Rem: LBF; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C.

Tolypothrix sp.

  • 545      See Lyngbya sp.

Trichormus variabilis (Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault) Komárek & Anagnostidis

  • 64        Collected from Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, ON, Canada. Isolated and identified by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), Sep-1984. Deposited as Anabaena flos-aquae by C. Ewing (University of Toronto Scarborough), 23-Feb-1987. Identification uncertain: possibly Trichormus variabilis (aka Anabaena variabilis) according to morphological analysis by H.J. Kling (Algal Taxonomy and Ecology Inc) and S.B. Watson (National Water Research Institute (NWRI)); molecular identification by Fiore et al. (2005) indicated that CPCC 64 shares 98% identity with PCC 7120 Nostoc sp.; O. Beltrami (2009) proposed a name change to Anabaena cf. flos-aquae after morphological and molecular analyses. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; can grow in BG-11 w/o NO3 for several months (perhaps longer); non-motile; sometimes adheres slightly to glass (biofilm); O. Kutovaya confirmed the presence of geosmin synthase gene although geosmin production not detected; toxin producer: produces microcystins according to D.F. Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)) and S. Danielsen (New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)); tested positive for microcystin production but negative for mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012); mcyE gene also not detected by L. Watson, Apr-2018; presence of mcyB (not mcyA) gene confirmed by S.B. Watson; may produce low levels of anatoxin-a (intracellular 0.1 μg/L; extracellular 0.5 μg/L) according to C. Rajendran, 1996. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 67        Collected from Mississippi, USA. Isolated by T. Tischer, 1964. Deposited as UTEX 1444 Anabaena flos-aquae by B. Colman (York University), 12-Mar-1987. Formerly known as Anabaena flos-aquae. Following molecular sequencing, the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Trichormus variabilis; however, the name Anabaena variabilis is regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections.  Relatives = CPCC 105 Trichormus variabilis (aka Anabaena variabilis); ATCC 29413 Trichormus variabilis; CALU 787; CCALA 007 Anabaena sp.; CCAP 1403/13a Anabaena sp.; CCMEE 380 Anabaena variabilis; IAM M-204 Anabaena variabilis; NIES-2095 Anabaena variabilis; PCC 7937 Nostoc sp.; UTEX 1444 Anabaena flos-aquae; "ACMM 485"; "DCC D0669"; "IRRI Ab 51 XX"; "MSU A-37; "PPMSU 62". Rem: LA; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; can only grow with NO3 as sole nitrogen source (unable to grow with either NH4 or N2 as sole nitrogen source) and citrate required for good long-term growth according to F. Liu, 2015; can grow in BG-11 w/o NO3 for several months (perhaps longer); non-motile; possible toxin producer: may produce low levels of anatoxin-a (intracellular 0.1 μg/L; extracellular 0.5 μg/L) according to C. Rajendran, 1996; tested negative for microcystin production and mcyA, mcyE, and mcyG genes according to F. Ngwa (2012); used as ecotoxicity test strain under the former name of Anabaena flos-aquaeReferences available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 105      Collected from Mississippi, USA. Isolated by T. Tischer, 1964. Deposited as ATCC 29413 Anabaena variabilis by J.R. Coleman (University of Toronto), Apr-1987. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Trichormus variabilis, the name Anabaena variabilis is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Identification uncertain: name disputed among culture collections. Relatives = CPCC 67 Trichormus variabilis (formerly Anabaena flos-aquae); ATCC 29413 Trichormus variabilis; CALU 787; CCALA 007 Anabaena sp.; CCAP 1403/13a Anabaena sp.; CCMEE 380 Anabaena variabilis; IAM M-204 Anabaena variabilis; NIES-2095 Anabaena variabilis; PCC 7937 Nostoc sp.; UTEX 1444 Anabaena flos-aquae; "ACMM 485"; "DCC D0669"; "IRRI Ab 51 XX"; "MSU A-37"; "PPMSU 62". Rem: SA?; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Tychonema bourrellyi(J.W.G. Lund) Anagnostidis & Komárek

  • 594      Collected from pulp and paper aerated stabilization basin in Rotorua, New Zealand by A.E. Kirkwood, April-1999. Isolated and identified by A.E. Kirkwood, Apr-1999. Deposited as “PP17” Tychonema bourrellyi by A.E. Kirkwood (University of Toronto Scarborough), 2003. Relatives = “PP17”. Rem: LF; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C; non-motile; exudates, mixotrophic. References available upon request.

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Ulothrix sp.

  • 509      See Klebsormidium sp.
  • 546      See Uronema acuminatum
  • 568      See Klebsormidium sp.

Uroglena sp.

  • 276      Collected from Dickie Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-1991 . Identified by K. Nicholls and J.C. Acreman, Dec-1991. Deposited as “DL-1” Uroglena sp. by J.C. Acreman, Dec-1991. Relatives = “DL-1”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 10-14°C; motile; ability to form colonies has mostly been lost; possible toxin producer: produces blooms and possibly toxins in saltwater lakes; sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress (full replacement warranty void). References available upon request.
  • 278      Collected from Dickie Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1991. Identified by K. Nicholls and J.C. Acreman, Dec-1991. Deposited as “DL-3” Uroglena sp. by J.C. Acreman, Dec-1991. Relatives = “DL-3”. Rem: LB; maintained in WC medium at 10-14°C; may also be maintained in DYIV; mostly non-motile; forms colonies (mostly asymmetrical); sensitive to environmental changes and shipping stress.

Uronema acuminatum G.M.Lokhorst

  • 546      Isolated from tank of Salvinia plants in BIO 150 lab at University of Toronto, ON, Canada by M. Khayatian (UTCC), Dec-2001. Identified and deposited as Ulothrix sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Dec-2001. Re-identified molecularly as Uronema acuminatum by P. Škaloud, 2017 (99% similarity to SAG 33.86 Uronema acuminatum). Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10. References available upon request.

Urosolenia sp.

  • 388      Collected from Alice Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Rhizosolenia sp. by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Mar-1995. Later renamed as Urosolenia sp. Rem: LB; maintained in CHU-10 medium at 10-14°C; may also be maintained in M169 + SiO2. References available upon request.

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Watanabea reniformis N. Hanagata, I. Karube, M. Chihara & P.C. Silva  

  • 272      Collected from garden soil, W. Humble, Dorking, England. Isolated by E.G. Pringsheim, 1939. Deposited as IAM C-211 Chlorella saccharophila by IAM, Oct-1991. Re-identified molecularly as Watanabea reniformis. Relatives = CAUP H 1932 Watanabea reniformis; CCAP 211/9b; IAM C-211 Watanabea reniformis; NIES-2189 Watanabea reniformis; SAG 211-9b Watanabea reniformis; UTEX 2912 Watanabea reniformis; “Cambridge Univ. 211-9b”. Rem: SF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Wilmottia murrayi (West & G.S. West) Strunecký, Elster & Komárek

  • 475      Collected from benthic substrate of a pond on McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica (78°S, 166° E). Isolated by W.F. Vincent, Dec-1990. Originally identified as Phormidium murrayi by P. Broady, 1991. Deposited as “O-099” Phormidium murrayi by W.F. Vincent and E.P.Y. Tang (Université Laval), 19-Aug-1998. Re-identified morphologically and molecularly as Microcoleus glaciei by Casamatta et al. (2005). Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Wilmottia murrayi, the name Microcoleus glaciei is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Relatives = “O-099”. Rem: SB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 10-14°C. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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Zygnema tunetanum (Gauthier-Lièvre) Stancheva, J.D.Hall, McCourt & Sheath

  • 136      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON, Canada. Isolated and deposited as Zygogonium tunetanum by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Oct-1987. Identified by X.S. Wei, Jun-1988. Although the currently accepted taxonomic name is now Zygnema tunetanum, the name Zygogonium tunetanum is still regarded as a valid taxonomic synonym. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10 or M169 medium; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

Zygogonium tunetanum Gauthier-Lievre

  • 136      See Zygnema tunetanum

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Uncertain Identity

filamentous cyanobacterium”

  • 74        Collected in Scotland. Isolated as “4” by T. Gibson. Deposited as UTEX 584 Nostoc commune by B. Colman (York University), Mar-1987. Identification uncertain: molecular sequencing indicates it is not Nostoc commune according to Wright et al. (2001). Relatives = SAG 1453-5 Nostoc commune; UTEX 584 Nostoc commune; "M-12.1.1". Rem: SA; maintained in BG-11 agar medium at 18-24°C; non-motile. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

“unicellular chlorophyte”

  • 28        Collected from Chub Lake, ON Canada. Isolated by M. O’Mahoney and B. Paul, 1984. Deposited as “FW-22 Microalga sp. B” by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough), Feb-1987. Identification uncertain. Relatives = “FW-22 Microalga sp. B”. Rem: LBF; maintained in BBM liquid medium at 18-24°C; contains zooflagellates.
  • 51        Collected from Mason Bay, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Deposited as “M-23A Prasinophyte?”by C. Nalewajko, Identification uncertain. Feb-1987. Relatives = “M-23A Prasinophyte?”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; motile; marine.
  • 56        Collected from Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean, North America. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Deposited as “M-32B Prasinophyte?” by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Identification uncertain. Relatives = “M-32B Prasinophyte?”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; motile; marine.
  • 450      Collected from pulp and paper mill effluent lagoon, Windsor, QC, Canada. Isolated by A.E. Kirkwood, Jul-1997. Deposited as “Green #1” by A.E. Kirkwood (Scarborough College), 14-Sep-1997. Identification uncertain. Relatives = “Green #1”. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C.
  • 514      Collected from salt collected at a salt graduation tower in Poland. Isolated by B. Kluczyk, 21-Dec-1999. Deposited as “514 Microflagellate” by B. Kluczyk, Sept-1999.Identification uncertain. Relatives = “514 Microflagellate”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 18-24°C.
  • 610      Collected from Station 2195, Lake Ontario, Great Lakes, Canada, by T. Howell. Isolated and deposited as “Coccoid green alga” by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Nov-2002. Identification uncertain. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; may also be maintained in CHU-10; non-motile.
  • 627      Collected from a pond in a waterfowl sanctuary in a park in Regina, SK, Canada by C. Gress, Jun-2003. Isolated and originally identified as Microcystis aeruginosa by H.G. Weger (University of Regina), Nov-2003. Deposited as “GP1” Microcystis aeruginosa by H.G. Weger, Aug-2004. Later designated as “unicellular cyanobacterium” in the CPCC. Identification uncertain: subsequently designated as a “unicellular chlorophyte” based on microscopy and pigmentation analysis (contains chlorophyll a and b along with xanthophylls). Relatives = “GP1”. Rem: LB; maintained in BG-11 medium at 18-24°C.

“unicellular cryptomonad”

  • 699      Collected from Lake Superior, Great Lakes. Deposited as Cryptomonas sp. by S.J. Guildford, Jul-2010. Purified by J.C. Acreman (CPCC), but may still have a picocyanobacteria contaminant. Identification uncertain: possibly Cryptomonas sp. Rem: LB: maintained in WC medium at 10-14°C; very poor motility. 

“unicellular cyanobacterium”

  • 52        Collected from Mason Bay, NWT, Canada. Isolated by C. Nalewajko (University of Toronto Scarborough). Deposited as “M-25A Blue-green?” by C. Nalewajko, Feb-1987. Identification uncertain. Relatives = “M-25A Blue-green?”. Rem: LB; maintained in f/2 medium using artificial saltwater base at 10-14°C; marine.
  • 332      Collected from Plastic Lake, ON Canada. Isolated by J.C. Acreman (UTCC), Aug-1993. Deposited as “Cyanobacterium – unicellular” by J.C. Acreman, Sep-1993. Identification uncertain. Rem: LB; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.
  • 641      Collected from Station CD1, Lake Superior, Great Lakes, USA (47 03.900 N, 91 25.900 W) by G.S. Bullerjahn, 18-May-2004. Isolated by G.S. Bullerjahn, 1-Sep-2004. Deposited as “CD1-Red” by G.S. Bullerjahn (Bowling Green State University), 13-Apr-2005. Identification uncertain. Relatives = “CD1-Red”. Rem: LF; maintained in BBM medium at 18-24°C; non-motile.

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Aquatic Macrophytes

Lemna gibba L.

  • 310      Collected in the Botanical Garden of Catania, Sicily, Italy by Appel, circa 1970. Deposited as “G3” Lemna gibba by R.D. Roshon (University of Guelph), 19-May-1993. R.D. Roshon obtained the strain from B.M. Greenburg (University of Waterloo). B.M. Greenburg obtained the strain from the Weizman Institute, Rehovot, Israel where it had been cultured since ~1980. The Weizman Institute may have obtained it from E. Tobin (UCLA). Identity re-examined and certified by E. Landolt (the world's leading authority on the taxonomy of the Lemnaceae) of the Geobotanisches Instititut ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Relatives = RDSC 114 Lemna gibba; RDSC 378 Lemna gibba; “G3”; “Landolt 7741”; “Waksman Collection DWC129”. Rem: LA; maintained in both CPCC Hoagland’s E+ and EC Hoagland’s E+ at 18-24°C; also grows well in Schenk & Hildebrandt medium as per customer correspondence Mar-2021; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.

Lemna minor L.  

  • 490      Collected from Wainfleet, Stinking Barn, Niagara peninsula, ON, Canada by B.E. Giles, 1977. Isolated and identified by E. Landolt, 1977. Deposited as “#8434” Lemna minor by A. Stomp, 5-Jan-1999. A. Stomp obtained the strain from E. Landolt. Relatives = RDSC 487 Lemna minor; RDSC 669 Lemna minor; “Landolt 8434”; “Waksman Collection DWC124”; “#8434”. Rem: LA; maintained in both CPCC Hoagland’s E+ and EC Hoagland’s E+ at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain. References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.
  • 492      Collected from Elk Lake, Saanich Municipality (48° 31.5' N, 123° 23.3' W), BC, Canada by B.R. Baillie, 1973. Isolated and identified by E. Landolt, 1973. Deposited as “#7730” Lemna minor by A. Stomp, 5-Jan-1999. A. Stomp obtained the strain from E. Landolt. Relatives = RDSC 423 Lemna minor; “Landolt 7730”; “Waksman Collection DWC126”; “#7730”. Rem: LA; maintained in both CPCC Hoagland’s E+ and EC Hoagland’s E+ at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain; may grow a little better and acclimate more quickly to high growth conditions than CPCC 490. References available upon requestMolecular sequences available upon request.

Lemna trisulca L.

  • 399      Collected from stormwater retention pond in Lakeview SWRP, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Isolated by M.J. Moody (Saskatchewan Research Council), Jul-1991. Identified by S. Bell, Jul-1994. Deposited as Lemna trisulca by M.J. Moody, Apr-1996. Relatives = RDSC 483 Lemna sp.; “Waksman Collection DWC134”. Rem: SA; maintained in both CPCC Hoagland’s E+ and EC Hoagland’s E+ at 18-24°C; non-motile; ecotoxicity test strain.References available upon request. Molecular sequences available upon request.

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