Bryan Tripp

Associate Professor

Contact information

Bryan Tripp.
Office: Douglas Wright Engineering Building (DWE) 2513D
Phone: 519-888-4567 x31382
Webpage: BRAIN Lab


Post-doc, McGill University (2009-2011)
PhD, University of Waterloo (2009)
MSc, University of Toronto (2002)
BSc, University of Waterloo (1997)


Dr. Tripp is interested in visual and motor systems. These are immensely complex systems that take up about half the cortex. However, compared to more abstract cognitive functions, vision and motor control are highly accessible to both detailed experimentation and detailed modelling. Experimenters can exert fine control over the activity of visual neurons, and can record the results of motor computations (e.g. muscle activation) in fine detail. From a practical perspective, biological vision and motor systems vastly outperform artificial systems in many tasks, so that an improved understanding of these systems should lead to substantial technological advances. The central goal of the lab is to develop increasingly realistic computer/robotic models of the dorsal visual pathways and the networks that control eye and limb motion.