
How do we prevent nuclear war? Ban autonomous weapons? Champion climate action, or effectively regulate the effects of technology and warfare? Sometimes hard questions are best left alone, and sometimes we need to dig in.

Project Ploughshares is addressing these concerns by choosing dialogue as a method for understanding through cross-country policy labs. To conduct these conversations, Ploughshares is leveraging its passion, perspective and position to create space for Canadians to voice their concerns.

Friday, December 13, 2019


On Monday, December 9, the Centre for Peace Advancement helped kick off Kindred Credit Union’s 12 Days 4 Good social media campaign for 2019. 12 Days 4 Good is engaging partners across Waterloo Region by having each of them to designate a day for an act of good that aligns with one of the central themes of this year’s campaign: affordable housing, climate action, or food security.

Earlier this month, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) hosted supporters from all across North America in Tucson, Arizona for their annual convention. MEDA’s work across the globe in sustainable development and international investment attracts a wide range of stakeholders interested in business solutions to poverty.

Katie Gingerich HeadshotKatie Gingerich, Founder and Executive Director of The Ripple Effect Education (TREE), shared a heartfelt reflection describing the key moments in her life where she stopped asking, “Who, me?” and began asking “Why not me?” Katie’s reflection was included as part of a month-long fe

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Space Security: The Final Frontier

What is space security? To most of us, the concept of space itself is foreign, not to mention broader discussions of the security or governance of space. For Jessica West of Project Ploughshares, space security is anything but abstract. In fact, it is a crucial and urgent conversation for the fields of peacebuilding and international policy.

Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

The X-Page Presents: “Quilt of Stories”

X pages

During a 12-week writing and performance workshop facilitated by local professional artists and hosted at the Centre for Peace Advancement, 19 refugee and immigrant women from Waterloo Region each developed a personal narrative. They then worked collaboratively to bring their individual stories together into a cohesive presentation to be shared publicly.