Landmine Boys change name to Demine Robotics

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Man working with technology

From a student design project to solving global issues, the Landmine Boys are changing their name to Demine Robotics. As Richard Yim and co-founder Christian Lee expand their social venture, they continue to work to achieve their mission to create a future without landmines.


In August 2017, Demine Robotics was accepted into the Accelerator Centre’s JumpStart program where they will receive seed capital and expertise in business development.

<--break->Having been born and raised in Cambodia, the threat of landmines was ever-present in Richard’s daily life growing up. Stemming from a fourth-year design project during their studies at University of Waterloo, Christian Lee and Richard Yim sought to form a solution to this global problem. This summer, Richard visited Cambodia to create partnerships for testing with landmine clearing organizations. Richard and Christian have recognized the need for strong partnerships since the venture’s early formation and it is for this reason that they joined the Epp Peace Incubator program in May 2016. The Incubator program at the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement (CPA) provides a home-base for peace-related start-ups to put wheels to their ideas and tackle systemic solutions to complex social problems. The program provides members with mentorship opportunities, access to funding, and a working space to call their own.

With the change of name to Demine Robotics, the team is expanding and strengthening their business prospects. From Landmine Boys to Demine Robotics, this team has always shown the immense possibilities that can come from recognizing a problem and committing to the journey of developing a solution.