Mennonite Central Committee taughtpeace as relational and responsive through an active bystander training.
Queen Street Yoga engaged peace as holistic for the mind, body, and soul through mindfulness yoga with proceeds from the class given to Healing of the Seven Generations.
Conrad Grebel’s Milton Good Library advanced peace through building understanding of shared connections and common histories in their Growing Family: Genealogy exhibit.
Collaborative peace efforts in gender equity were elevated through the HeForShe Get Free Tour at the University of Waterloo.
The Indigenous Speakers Series experienced peace as reflective through uplifting Indigenous voices with a talk from Jessie Thistle about his experience with intergenerational trauma as an Indigenous person in Canada.
Peace was informative at the Peace and Conflict Studies Career Paths discussion, featuring panelists from different streams of peacebuilding in Kitchener-Waterloo to encourage and inform students.
“Designing Humanitarian Goods” featured peace as rooted in systems, with a focus on how to make systemic change in aid delivery.
Peace was intercultural at the book launch for, “A Christian’s Perspective on the Islamic Notion of Service”, which opened intercultural dialogues to seek understanding and connection.
The “March of 1000 Umbrellas” mobilized community-led peace as United Way Waterloo Region raised awareness and money for addressing social issues in the community.
Peace was inclusive at Renison University College’s 25th Annual One Sky Festival, uplifting diverse cultures and nationalities present in Renison’s community through food, friendship, and music.
Through “10,000 Steps for Shalom”, community members were active for peace as they advocatedfor those struggling with mental illness.
Peace was inviting with Doors Open at 50 Kent, home to Kindred Credit Union, Thrift on Kent, and Mennonite Central Committee.
“An Evening of Peace” was connective as community partners were brought together by food, music, and conversation to celebrate International Peace Day.
Lastly, peace was celebrated at the 5th anniversary of the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement, housing the region of Waterloo’s first and only peace incubator.
At our Centre, we know that peacebuilding does not exist in a vacuum, and we are continually inspired by our community partners who work year-round to advance peace in innovative ways.
Interested in being a part of Peace Week 2020? Contact Michelle Jackett, Coordinator of the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement, to get involved.