
Please see the following for available stock:

Prices are not listed, as they are subject to change and dependant on suppliers. For current product quotes, please contact us at

If you are looking to purchase an item we do not carry, we may be able to help but cannot guarantee obtaining your item of interest. Please contact us with specific details (name, quantity needed, etc.,) for the item you are interested in, and we will get back to you. In the event we are unable to get your item or the item is outside the scope of Chemistry, please contact University of Waterloo Procurement & Contract Services.

Transporting chemicals in personal vehicles

Effective immediately Chem Stores will no longer be selling chemicals to individuals who wish to transport hazardous materials in their personal vehicles. This is because:

  • The Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) legislation does not permit it.
  • Personal vehicle insurance will not cover an individual who transports TDG regulated materials in their vehicle.
  • Individuals are not equipped or trained to transport chemicals or handle a hazardous materials spill.

Individuals wishing to order chemicals can use the following options:

  • Order directly from the manufacturer.
  • Order from Chem Stores.

In both of these cases Central Stores will ensure the safe movement of the chemicals on campus.

If the lab is regularly ordering flammable solvents from Chem Stores, then they will need to acquire and clearly label proper solvent bottles that will be used solely by and for the lab. The following information will be required to be printed on the bottle:

  1. Name of researcher (i.e., Dr. John Smith) and location of lab (i.e., E6-5193).
  2. WHMIS/GHS Workplace label indicating:
    • Product name.
    • Safe handling precautions (should include pictograms or other supplier label information).
    • A reference to the current SDS.

Safety Office
March 29, 2016