Amelia Mawdsley
Education: BSc candidate (Waterloo)
Program: Honours Thesis - Cognitive Neuroscience
Interests: How does cardiovascular health impact cognitive test performance? The role of aging
Education: BSc candidate (Waterloo)
Program: Honours Thesis - Cognitive Neuroscience
Interests: How does cardiovascular health impact cognitive test performance? The role of aging
Recent Directed Study and Co-op Students:
Barbara: Using memory to cue autobiographical memories in dementia
Saranka: Boosting memory for words in children
Phil: Enhancing spatial navigation memory: designing virtual reality environments in Unity
Saad: Benefit of drawing versus writing on memory for scenes
Lauren and Sara: Are emojis processed Visuo-spatially or Verbally? Evidence for dual codes
Recent Research Assistants:
Evan - Memory for routes: Driving in virtual reality
Jahnvi - Comparing navigation techniques in virtual reality: Role of aging
Adissa - Learning online versus in-person
Alina - Encoding techniques to aid comprehension
Eric - Using music to cue memories
Kristen - Music cueing enhances autobiographical memory