Altawy, R. ., Gong, G. ., Mandal, K. ., & Rohit, R. . (2020). WAGE: An Authenticated Encryption with a Twist. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology - Special Issue on Designs for the NIST Lightweight Standardisation Process, 2020, 132\textendash159. (Original work published 2020)
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AlTawy, R. ., & Gong, G. . (2019). Mesh: A Supply Chain Solution with Locally Private Blockchain Transactions.
Mandal, K. ., Yang, B. ., & Gong, G. . (2019). Analysis and Efficient Implementation of a Class of Composited de Bruijn Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Gong, G. . (2019). Securing Internet-of-Things. Montreal, Nov., 2018: Springer.
Fan, X. ., Gong, G. ., Schoenmakers, B. ., & Sica, F. . (2019). Secure Simultaneous Bit Extraction from Koblitz Curves. Journal Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87, 1-13. (Original work published 2018)
Zidaric, N. ., Aagaard, M. ., & Gong, G. . (2019). Hardware optimizations and analysis for the WG-16 cipher with tower field arithmetic. (Original work published 2019)
Altawy, R. ., Rohit, R. ., He, M. ., Mandal, K. ., Yang, G. ., & Gong, G. . (2018). sLiSCP-light: Towards Lighter Sponge-specific Cryptographic Permutations. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 17, 1-26. (Original work published 2018)
Mandal, K. ., & Gong, G. . (2018). On Ideal t-Tuple Distribution of Orthogonal Functions in Filtering De Bruijn Generators. Journal of Advances in Mathematics of Communications. Retrieved from (Original work published 2018)
Altawy, R. ., Rohit, R. ., He, M. ., Mandal, K. ., Yang, G. ., & Gong, G. . (2018). Towards a Cryptographic Minimal Design: The sLiSCP Family of Permutations. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 67, 1341-1358. (Original work published 2018)
Yang, M. ., & Gong, G. . (2018). Lempel-Ziv Compression with Randomized Input-Output for Anti-Compression Side-Channel Attacks under HTTPS/TLS. In Submission Communication Network Security (CNS). (Original work published)