Gong, G. . (2017). Strong Cryptographic Properties of WG Transformation Filtering on de Bruijn Sequences. (Original work published 2017)
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Liu, Q. ., Gong, G. ., Wang, Y. ., & Li, H. . (2017). A Novel Secure Transmission Scheme in MIMO Two-Way Relay Channels with Physical Layer Approach. Mobile Information Systems, 2017, 12. (Original work published 2017)
Wang, Z. ., & Gong, G. . (2017). Discrete Fourier Transform of Boolean Functions over the Complex Field and Its Applications. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Special Issue on Shift-Register Sequences, Codes and Cryptography in Memory of Solomon W. Golomb. (Original work published 2018)
Altawy, R. ., ElSheikh, M. ., Youssef, A. ., & Gong, G. . (2017). Lelantos: A Blockchain-based Anonymous Physical Delivery System. Calgary, Canada. (Original work published 2017)
Mandal, K. ., Yang, B. ., Guang, G. ., & Aagaard, M. . (2016). On ideal t-tuple distribution of filtering de. Bruijn sequence generators. Chengdu, China. (Original work published 2016)
Qu, L. ., Tan, Y. ., Li, C. ., & Gong, G. . (2016). More results on differentially 4-uniform permutations on $F_2^2k$. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 78, 391-408. (Original work published 2016)
Chen, Y. ., Tan, Y. ., & Gong, G. . (2016). New Bounds and Constructions of Weak Systematic Algebraic Modification Detection Codes. Chengdu, China. (Original work published 2016)
Mandal, K. ., Fan, X. ., & Gong, G. . (2016). Design and Implementation of Warbler Family of Lightweight Pseudorandom Number Generators for Smart Devices. (Original work published 2016)
Carlet, C. ., Gong, G. ., & Tan, Y. . (2016). Quadratic zero-difference balanced functions, APN functions and strongly regular graphs. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 78, 629-654. (Original work published 2016)
Huo, F. ., Mitran, P. ., & Gong, G. . (2016). Analysis and validation of active eavesdropping attacks in passive FHSS RFID systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11, 1528-1541. (Original work published 2016)