A Teaching Dossier (TD) is to teaching what a CV is to research. Through narrative, it documents and supports claims about teaching based on multiple forms of empirical evidence. It describes documents and materials, which collectively suggest the scope, quality, and impact of teaching.
Teaching dossier for annual/bi-annual performance review (APR/BPR)
- Normally between two and three pages. Not a complete teaching dossier, but really a “description of teaching for ABR/BPR.”
- Includes:
- List of details about teaching and supervision, teaching scholarship, curriculum work, course renewal and development, professional development.
- Narrative/reflection about Design, Implementation, Student Experience, Professional Development, connected to definition of teaching effectiveness via examples. Possible prompting question: “Consider what you have done with course design and implementation, comment on student experiences, how has PD affected your practice, what are next steps for you. Where possible, provide evidence from you and your students, and peers if available.”
- Space to comment on SCP resubts.
Teaching dossier for tenure and promotion (T&P)
- “Focussed” (roughly eight pages) at both points for T&P.
- Aligned with APR/BPR forms; should be able to feed over time into larger TD for T&P.
- Includes Teaching Philosophy with evidence to support.
Support materials to be developed
- Guidebooks, templates, samples, rubrics.
- Examples pertaining to each bullet in longer teaching effectiveness definition.
- Elaboration on prompts provided for documentation.