In Phase One of the project, CTAPT:
(1) Conducted a literature review of definitions of effective teaching in Higher Education (see Backgrounder: Defining Teaching Effectiveness and Dimensions of Teaching Effectiveness: Links to the Literature);
(2) Proposed an evidence-based definition (see Backgrounder: Defining Teaching Effectiveness);
(3) Conducted campus consultations to obtain feedback on this definition (see CTAPT Teaching Effectiveness Survey Results);
(4) Produced a refined definition based on campus feedback, and shared a report with campus (see CTAPT Teaching Effectiveness Survey Results).
Following this work, CTAPT developed a definition of teaching effectiveness framed by four central dimensions: Design, Execution, Student Experience, and Development. Each dimension includes sub-dimensions describing evidence-based principles of effective teaching adapted from the University of Waterloo's Undergraduate Learning Issue Paper (May 2018), Allen et al. (2009), Bain (2004), Chickering and Gamson (1987), Hativa et al. 2001, and Ramsden (2000, 2003). Note that context (such as course size or level, mode of teaching, and signature disciplinary approaches) is still an important factor for consideration, as some sub-dimension items may be more or less relevant depending on context (see Allen 2009; Devlin and Samaracwickrema 2010).