Frequently asked questions

Our Certificate Program in Conflict Management is not static; it continues to evolve in response to the changing nature of conflict management and participant requests. Workshops are modified as needed to ensure they are current and relevant.  

1. Do I become certified if I take this program?

This program provides a Certificate of Participation and is not a certification. The field of mediation is not government regulated, however the ADR Institute of Canada and their provincial offices, does offer Mediator Designations, and this program can provide some of the education components currently required in the application process.

If you wish to become a Mediator or Chartered Mediator with ADRIO, please see 3. How do I become a mediator? below. 

2. Do you offer the program through distance education or electronic technology?

Most of our workshops are available through synchronous, online delivery using Zoom. There are a few electives only available in person, notably Peacemaking Circles Introduction and Advanced and Peace from the Inside Out.  
Some topics are offered in person, typically during the summer months.  Please check our table of workshops for an overview. 

3. How do I become a mediator?

Currently there is no government regulatory body for mediators/mediation or required certification process for mediators in Ontario. However there are several associations which provide credentials recognized by the Ontario Court of Justice.  Those interested in Family Mediation should review requirements with either the Ontario Association for Family MediatorsFamily Mediation Canada, or Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario .

If you wish to work in mediation outside the Family(divorce) field, we recommend working towards a recognized designation with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario /Canada.(ADRIO/ADRIC). The Grebel program offers Dispute Resolution Level 1-Fundamentals and Dispute Resolution Level 2 - Mediation workshops which together are approved by the ADR Institute of Ontario, for providing 40 hours of  educational content. The following workshops may meet the training required for membership of ADRIO Transformative Mediation and Peacemaking Circles Training  and also offer alternative methods of conflict resolution. Historically many other workshops meet the requirements, but a re not pre-approved. 

For more information on becoming a mediator, please visit ADR Institute of Ontario or ADR Institute of Canada.

To become a Roster Mediator, please see the Attorney General's website.

4. How do I choose from all of the programs that are available?

There are many very good similar programs at other educational institutions in Ontario. Each program has its own set of requirements and costs to meet their mission and vision. Looking at the choices available is the best way to know which one suits your needs. See 5. How is your program different from others? 

We would encourage you to read the following article by Tammy Lenski, a well established U.S. mediator, author and trainer, who wrote this piece " The Candid Guide to Mediation Training".   While it was written prior to the advances in online training that have developed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and primarily from the U.S. experience,  Tammy highlights important questions you should consider as you review training options.

5. How is your program different from others?

The Certificate Program in Conflict Management is offered at Conrad Grebel University College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo.

There are many places to receive an excellent grounding in managing conflict and developing mediation skills however this program offers the following:

  • An established history, offering workshops since 1998 and hosted by the longest standing Peace and Conflict Studies academic program in Canada.
  • flexibility to design a program to meet your needs and interests and attend at your own pace.
  • instructors who are experienced dispute resolution professionals and very competent with adult-learning concepts and practices.
  • participants are from a broad field of experience, which brings depth to the learning.
  • a combination of theory and immediately applicable skills in each workshop.
  • no program start or stop time; take workshops at your own pace.
  • workshops that are open to anyone.
  • no undergraduate degree requirement.
  • no previous experience in conflict resolution requirement.
  • the opportunity to take one or more workshops for interest only.
  • interactive style learning; no lectures or exams.
  • online option available.

6. What are the values and interests of the program?

The Certificate Program reflects the following:

  • the importance, in conflict, of presence and being, rather than just skill and doing,
  • the transforming and renewing of relationships, rather than just settling disputes,
  • understanding approaches to conflict that recognize and address the need for social change as compared to individualistic "band-aid" solutions to conflict,
  • conflict as both an internal and external phenomenon, and
  • highlighting the need for individual transformation.

The goal of the program is to encourage participants to more effectively influence and guide a respectful process that will allow disputants to non-violently change current and future relationships between themselves and others, rather than provide techniques that will 'fix' or 'resolve' all conflicts. Our goal is to create a better society, not just solve a particular problem between two people. Practice is emphasized; participants are given the opportunity to practice the skills being taught and leave the program confident in their own ability to be active peacemakers. Participants are given honest and helpful feedback concerning their understanding of the skills provided.

7. What is the occupational background of participants?

Participants come from a variety of occupations, some examples include human resource practitioners, social workers, lawyers, health care professionals, education providers and many more.  The diversity of backgrounds in the training enhances the discussions and learning.

8. Do I receive university credit for a workshop completed?

The workshops in the Certificate Program are non-degree. You do not receive university credit. You do receive credit towards obtaining a Certificate in Conflict Management for workshops completed. 

9. Do I receive a certificate from the University of Waterloo?

The Certificate Program is offered by and administered through the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo. The University of Waterloo's logo and name appears on the certificates of participation and the final Certificate in Conflict Management, in addition to the college's logo and name.  A PDF copy of individual workshop completion is provided on request. A physical copy of the final certificate is couriered following completion of all the requirements.

10. When do I receive a receipt?

Upon registration and payment, your email confirmation, which includes a business number, is your receipt. This is the only receipt we provide. This is the only receipt we provide.