Kamil Ahmed
Kamil Ahmed, BA. With service in equity, diversity and inclusion work, and a BA in Global Studies with Community Engagement from Wilfrid Laurier University, work to compliment my lived experience. As the Coordinator to CJI’s Sulah Program, I have the pleasure of working with, and for the community to facilitate a restorative approach to hate crime and identity-based harm; an approach that offers opportunity to bridge divides, develop mutual understanding and enable capacity to build competent communities.
Susan Baker
Susan Baker, Manager, Conflict Management Certificate Program.
Jennifer Ball
Jennifer Ball, PhD, RPP, MCIP, holds a PhD in Rural Studies, with a focus on Sustainable Rural Communities, from the University of Guelph.
Cayla Charles
Cayla Charles is a Consultant with Credence and Company. Cayla brings over 13 years of experience implementing Change Management and Dispute Resolution strategies within public sector workplaces, private sector businesses, and not-for-profit organizations.
Barbara Landau
Dr. Barbara Landau, PhD, LLB., LLM., CMed, President of Cooperative Solutions, is a psychologist, lawyer, and an accredited family mediator - Family Mediation Canada (FMC), as well as a certified comprehensive family mediator from Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Institute, and trainer.
Jill Magazine
Jill Magazine, LLM, MSW, works at Community Justice Initiatives as a Service Coordinator in the Restorative Responses to Harm or Crime program and in the Facilitated Dialogue and Surrogacy program. She appreciates the opportunities she has had at CJI since 2019 to connect with those impacted by a variety of harms and to explore alongside them how restorative approaches could meet their needs. She supports community volunteers to play a critical role in addressing harm in our community.
Teresa Mayer
Teresa Mayer has a focus on building relationships as the cornerstone to restorative and transformational processes. She brings a trauma-informed lens to her work and is deeply committed to authenticity and dignity as guiding values.
Kevin McDonald
Kevin McDonald, has had a long and diverse career in operational environments. As an aviator in the Canadian Air Force, Kevin was the acting commanding officer of an operational flying squadron shortly after 9/11, when the world changed immeasurably for us all.
In the almost 2 decades since, Kevin has served as an internal ADR resource within the Canadian Armed Forces, Atomic Energy of Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He has been on the forefront of creating culture change, one conversation at a time in environments where interpersonal conflict can mean the difference between life and death.
Tahnahga Myers
Tahnahga Myers is a Taino, Mohawk woman who was adopted into the Anishinabe way by a medicine woman of the Midwest. For 23 years, Tahnahga was an apprentice with the teacher Grandmother Keewaydinoquay, an Anishinaabeg Elder of the Crane Clan and a scholar, ethno-botanist, herbalist, teacher, and author.
Kay Pranis
Kay Pranis is a leader and trainer in restorative justice, specializing in peacemaking circles. She served as the restorative justice planner for the Minnesota Department of Corrections from 1994 to 2003. Since 1998, Kay has developed and conducted circles training not only in the justice system, but also in education, faith communities, social services and neighbourhood settings.
Shadell Permanand
Shadell Permanand has been a trainer in culture, diversity and conflict resolution with the Certificate Program in Conflict Management at Conrad Grebel University College since 2005. Shadell currently resides in Chicago, Illinois, USA and works as a Diversity and Conflict Resolution Consultant for various clients in Canada.
Betty Pries
Richard A. Russell
Rick Russell BA, LLB, CMed, Fellow at IAM has been working full time in the dispute resolution field for over 22 years, first as the ombudsman to McMaster University in Hamilton, then as a commercial mediator. In 1993, he co-founded Agree, a full service conflict management firm.
Marshall Schnapp
Marshall Schnapp BA, JD, LLM (ADR), is an Associate with Agree Incorporated. Marshall helps organizations, people and lawyers resolve disputes efficiently and successfully. His services include training, workplace and civil mediations, workplace assessments, ombuds services, conflict management system design, workplace investigations, facilitations, coaching and arbitration services.
Jason Spencer
Jason Spencer, (BA) is currently Mediation Program Coordinator at Community Justice Initiatives (CJI). Jason has completed the Certificate of Conflict Management and Mediation and has gone on to complete all the requirements for accreditation as a Family Mediator. Through living in community, Jason has discovered two common responses to conflict. Resilient people build consensus as they collaborate to solve the problem.
Jeremy Steffler
Jeremy Steffler, MASc, PEng, is a graduate of the Certificate in Conflict Management and Mediation offered at Conrad Grebel University College and a certified Personality Dimensions® trainer.
Shelley Stirling-Boyes
Shelley Stirling-Boyes BA, AccFM is a Senior Associate with Agree Incorporated and has been in the ADR field for 23 years. Her current services include workplace mediation, workplace assessments, conflict management coaching, partnering facilitation services and the development and delivery of customized conflict management and communication skills training. She is also an experienced comprehensive family mediator.
Rebecca Sutherns
Rebecca Sutherns PhD, CPF, is the founder and principal of Sage Solutions – a Guelph-based consulting firm that specializes in customized facilitation, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and coaching services.
Margaret Van Herk-Paradis
Mark Weber
Mark Weber, PhD, MBA, MA is the Eyton Director of the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship & Business at the University of Waterloo (UW), ranked Canada’s most innovative university for 26 consecutive years. Prior to his current role, Mark was the inaugural Director of the Graduate Diploma in Social Innovation at UW and served on the faculty of the Rotman School of Management and UTM at the University of Toronto.