Temper your Temperament: Understanding and Managing Interpersonal Conflict

Offered online in partnership with Ment|edge Consulting

Jeremy Steffler

August 12 - 15, 2025 - to be confirmed

$695+ HST (Early Bird and discounts available)


Registration - will open once date is confirmed.

NOTE: A minimum group of 12 participants is required for this workshop to run and be be successful.  Please register early to avoid a workshop cancellation due to low subscription numbers.  

Day 1

The workshop provides tools to determine your own temperament, explore the core needs and values associated with your temperament, and an opportunity to engage with others to explore how different temperaments can contribute to interpersonal conflict. After Day One, individuals will be able to:

  • Identify their personal styles and how they (and others) respond to conflict
  • Appreciate the diverse ways individuals can experience and manage conflict
  • Examine barriers to conflict resolution
  • Learn to adapt to manage conflict in less than ideal situations
  • Recognize the different ways people act and react when experiencing conflict.

Day 2

The workshop will focus on the application of the concepts learned during the first half of the workshop to practical conflict management work. After participants engage in an activity designed to review the concepts from Day One, they will be led through a series of facilitated discussions to identify how an exploration of Personality Dimensions® may add additional insight into:

  • Participants’ understanding of basic conflict management principles
  • How meetings, conflict coaching, and mediation sessions could be designed to better accommodate a diverse range of temperaments.

*Personality Dimensions® is based on leading-edge research into human motivation and behaviour and helps to explain what motivates behaviour in people with different personalities or temperaments. It is a Canadian program that provides an easily understood methodology for building self-awareness, self-esteem and effective communication strategies. Personality Dimensions® emphasizes the self-discovery process, and uses cards and group activities to engage the participant and reinforce learning. Visit the Personality Dimensions® website for more information.