Milestones in master's and doctoral programs

The following list of milestones is designed as a tool to support the Guide for Graduate Research and Supervision.

Department and faculty dependent milestones

  • Academic Integrity Module
  • Obtain training necessary for research (e.g. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS))
  • Academic Integrity workshop/milestone  
  • Establish research question or define problem to be explored and methods to be used
  • Select Advisory Committee
  • Complete research proposal or research plan
  • Complete coursework
  • Data collection (can include field work) and research
  • Comprehensive exam(s) (PhD only, complete by term 7.0)
  • Reassess research plan and re-evaluate as necessary/required, discuss with supervisor and advisory committee
  • Progress with research and begin to write thesis (start early, if possible)
  • Write and defend thesis