Brandon Sweet
University Communications
Presidential Nominating Committee elections coming up
Elections will be held for the faculty and staff positions on the Presidential Nominating Committee.
The seats that are up for election include two regular faculty members, elected from and by the faculty-at-large at the University, and one staff member elected from and by the regular ongoing staff of the University.
Several other committee seats were filled by acclamation.
Candidate statements can be found on the Secretariat's website:
- Candidate statements: regular faculty members to the Presidential Nominating Committee
- Candidate statements: regular staff members to the Presidential Nominating Committee
Regular University of Waterloo faculty and staff will vote by electronic ballot, which will open on Monday, 28 October at 8:30 a.m. and close on Monday, 4 November at 8:30 a.m. Regular CUPE staff will vote by paper ballot, which must be received by 1:00 p.m. on Friday 8 November. A direct link to the electronic ballot will be emailed to all University of Waterloo regular faculty and staff when the election opens, and paper ballots will be sent by direct mail to all CUPE staff with return envelopes.
For more information on the election, contact Emily Schroeder at extension 32749.
Can you tell me how to get to Senate Street?
A message from the University of Waterloo United Way campaign.
At yesterday’s Senate meeting, the University’s six deans marched into senate in Sesame Street costumes. Dancing to the tune of Sunny Days, the Deans encouraged full Executive Council participation in the United Way campaign.
This is the fourth year the deans have dressed up in support of the campaign – the characters joining their repertoire from Sesame Street are:
- Lili Liu, Dean of Applied Health Sciences as Cookie Monster
- Sheila Ager, Dean of Arts as Ernestina, an adaptation of the original Ernie
- Pearl Sullivan, Dean of Engineering as Oscar the Grouch
- Jean Andrey, Dean of Environment as Bertha, an adaptation of the original Bert
- Stephen Watt, Dean of Math, who was in his element as Count von Count
- Bob Lemieux, Dean of Science, as Elmo
The deans were dressed this way in support of the United Way campaign and paraded around campus to show their support and encourage campus-wide participation in the campaign. The 2019 campus campaign’s goal is $250,000, and the campaign volunteers need help from the campus community to reach that goal! Donations can be made via epledge.
Watch out for photos of the parade on the Campaign’s Facebook album.
Leave a message: Voicemail migrates to new system on Saturday
Bon voyage, CallPilot: the University's telephone voicemail service is going to be migrated to a new service on Saturday, October 26.
The new system is called OfficeLynx and the migration is set to take place on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., according to an announcement by Information Systems and Technology (IST).
The University of Waterloo adopted its first voicemail system, Meridian Mail, way back in 1993. CallPilot replaced Meridian Mail in December 2003.
According to IST, all existing voicemails, greetings and menus will be migrated, exceptfor the individual’s voicemail inbox PIN. Steps for signing in to the new system will be slightly different than the current system, but once signed in, all existing function keys are the same as they currently are in CallPilot.
Dial-in phone numbers (on campus, 70000 and off campus, 519-888-4966) will remain the same.
In addition, there will be a new web interface for OfficeLinx (used to manage mailbox and optional features, such as email forwarding).
So what user actions are required? Following the migration, individuals will be required to:
- Sign in to their voicemail inbox using their temporary PIN, and set a new personal PIN.
- If using, sign in to the web interface using their temporary application password (different from PIN), and set a new application password.
Voicemail users will receive an email with their temporary PIN and application passwords. Some area telephone administrators may receive the temporary PIN and application passwords for mailboxes not owned by a specific individual. If you don't receive an email with temporary sign-in details, please submit a Request Tracker (RT) ticket to rt-ist-csteladmin@rt.uwaterloo.ca.
IST has several knowledge base articles for further information on logging in to the voicemail service and for steps on resetting your password.
Anyone with questions or concerts is invited to contact the IST Service Desk at helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca or by calling extension 44357.
Registration open for Stratford StoryCamp
The Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business has opened registration for StoryCamp, a one-day skills camp for designers, marketers, and aspiring entrepreneurs. StoryCamp is a new version of the Stratford School’s annual UX Design Camp, and is a high-intensity day that provides an immersive hands-on design experience for post-secondary students.
Attendees will have the opportunity to:
- Work with print, digital and oral media to enhance user experience
- Energize your practice and expand your network
- Receive mentorship from industry experts
- Level-up your portfolio with new focus and meaning
StoryCamp will bring together students from different programs and disciplines for a day of exploration, collaboration, and creation.
Register for the event on Ticketfi. Food and transportation between the main campus and the Stratford School will be provided.
Link of the day
International Stuttering Awareness Day
When and Where
Canada’s Indochinese Refugee Program: Policy Innovation and Societal Change, “Public talk with speaker Michael Molloy”, Tuesday, October 22, 1:00 p.m. Conrad Grebel University College, rm. 2202.
Coping Skills Seminar – Cultivating Resiliency, Tuesday, October 22, 4:00 p.m., HS 2302 – Register on LEADS.
Concept by Velocity - Turn Your Research Into a Startup, “Calling all graduate students, attend a panel discussion with local founders and University of Waterloo professors”, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 22, Davis Centre, Room 1301, (the ”Fishbowl”)
Legal & Immigration Services United Way Trivia competition, Wednesday, October 23. Takes place every Wednesday in October. All proceeds to the United Way.
Summit for Responsible Innovation and Technology, Wednesday, October 23, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Federation Hall. Please register as seating is limited.
Portfolio & Project Management Community of Practice (PPM CoP) session, "Implementing Change: Managing Resistance," Wednesday, October 23, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., East Campus 5 (EC5), 1111.
Master Your Job Search, Tuesday, October 22, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., TC 1208.
Research Ethics drop-in session for faculty and students, Wednesday, October 23, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Dana Porter Library (study booth on the main floor).
Research Statements for Academic Job Application – graduate students and post-docs, Tuesday, October 22, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., TC 1208.
Further Education Fair, Wednesday, October 23, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., SLC Great Hall.
Discover your Career Values (for employees only), Wednesday, October 23, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., TC2218.
Lunch & Learn: Leaves for Faculty Members, Wednesday, October 23, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., EIT 3142. Registration required.
Gairdner award lecture, “Inheritance of your DNA: Passing on Genes and Other Information,”, Wednesday, October 23, 12:30 p.m., AL 116.
Noon Hour Concert: Indulgences, Wednesday, October 23, 12:30 p.m., Conrad Grebel University College Chapel. Free admission.
Exploring Career Pathways, Wednesday, October 23, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., TC 1112.
Academic Interviews – graduate students and post-docs, Wednesday, October 23, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., TC 2218.
Mindfulness Meditation: A Stress Reduction Program, Wednesday, October 23, 2:00 p.m., NH 2447 – Register on LEADS.
WaterTalk: Water’s big infrastructure: From debt-led development to financialization, presented by Dr. Kathryn Furlong, Thursday, October 24, 2:30 p.m., DC 1302.
Coping Skills Seminar - Challenging Thinking, Wednesday, October 23, 6:00 p.m., HS 2302 – Register on LEADS.
Concept by Velocity - Intro Session: Pitch to Win!, “Perfect your 3-minute business pitch at this interactive workshop”, 7:30pm, Wednesday, October 23, South Campus Hall 2nd Floor.
QPR Mental Health Training for Faculty and Staff, Thursday, October 24, 9:30 a.m., NH 2447 – Register on Workday.
CrySP Speaker Series on Privacy featuring Stefan Saroiu, Microsoft Research, “Are We Susceptible to Rowhammer? An End-to-End Methodology for Cloud Providers,” Thursday, October 24, 11:00 a.m., DC 1302.
Successfully Negotiating Job Offers, Thursday, October 24, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., TC 1208.
Grad Student Community and Conversation Circle, Thursday, October 24, 3:30 p.m., HS 1106 – Register is on LEADS.
Alleviating Anxiety Seminar, Thursday, October 24, 5:00 p.m., HS 2302 – Register on LEADS.
2019 Rudrick Visiting Scholar Public Lecture featuring Professor Kyle Whyte, “Not Done Critiquing Wilderness Areas, National Parks & Public Lands," Thursday, October 24, 7:00 p.m., HH 1102.
Fall 2019 Convocation ceremonies, Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26, Physical Activities Complex.
Resume and Cover Letter Writing – graduate students and post-docs, Friday, October 25, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., TC 2218.
FAUW Indigenization Reading Circle, Friday, October 25, 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., EV1-221. Everyone welcome.
NEW - Brown Bag Lunch: Let's Chat About Consent, “Informal discussion for all Faculty, Staff and Students,” Friday, October 25, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Needles Hall. 3308.
NEW - Café-rencontre with Professor Jean-François Richer, Friday October 25, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., HH 373.
Fall Convocation Lunch, Friday, October 25 to Saturday, October 26, 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., University Club.
Knowledge Integration seminar: “Why the World Needs the Sustainable Development Goals”, featuring Jon Beale, Manager of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) of Canada, Friday, October 25, 1;00 p.m., EV2-2002.
UW Gem and Mineral Show, Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26, Earth Sciences Museum, CEIT.
Science Open House 2019, Saturday October 26, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Science Teaching Complex (STC) and Earth Sciences Museum (EIT).
NEW - Official Unveiling of the Timeline of the Elements, Saturday October 26, 1:30 p.m. in