Data Science Convocation Lunch

Monday, July 4, 2022 (all day)
Silvana Shamuon and Professor Mu Zhu posing beside each other next to balloons

Congratulations, to all of our Data Science students who have degree completed!

We invited our past and present Data Science graduate students to our Data Science Convocation Lunch! We came together on Thursday, June 16th, 2022 @ 12pm. Your Director, Professor Zhu and Program Coordinator, Silvana Shamuon, put together this exciting event prior to the University of Waterloo Convocation Cermony.

We had professional photography for you to memorialized this day with your loved ones.

Mu Zhu with two students taking their professional photo bags and lunch for you to enjoy!

Silvana standing in front of the MDSAI banner with the lunch boxes and gift bags

And we finished the event off with some custom Data Science cookies... yum!

Data science logo cookies